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Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
*night owls*

Oh moonie, I wish we could make you better, I don't suppose you feel like eating at times but yogi is right, some decent food will help you. I hope your nephew stocks up the cupboards when he's home, and that you can order food online too

You just caught me, Summer. Have you had a good day?

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Are you almost off yogi? How was your day?

Mine was good thank you, I've had a fun evening planning christmas events and making my prototype card

Apart from doing the weekly grocery shopping, my day was pretty quiet.

How is your mouth, after the two fillings? Were you able to eat something tonight or was your mouth still numb?

Are you happy with the prototypes for your cards?

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Sorry it's a bit dark...
The canes are made from fimo, so they can be kept as a decoration if anyone would like that

It's really lovely, Summer, and how great that the cane can be kept and used as a decoration for future Christmas times.

I wish I was artistic like you. My attempts at making Christmas cards would look like a 5 year old had gotten into the craft box.

I love the owl in the Santa hat.

Btw, when you asked if I had bought myself any treats, I thought you meant food related treats (as those are the only treats Mr Yogi is interested in) but I did buy myself a new mug. I didn't need another mug but the pattern was pretty and I couldn't resist.


Good morning everyone. Weather is dry atm, although it has rained overnight.






Good morning everyone, a special hug for moonie nice that you were able to pop in and have a lovely chat with Yogi.


I bet Bramble would love to do Yoga with you Summer   I think planning all those lovely things for Christmas is all part of making Christmas special, just like planning and looking forward to a holiday.  I've never heard of fimo, do you make a plain white cane and then wrap red around it?


At our meeting yesterday the lovely couple who host it were telling us about their first trip out in their new caravan.  Well our eyes were popping, these modern caravans have a remote and for parking up in the driveway and parking on site they drive themselves Isn't that amazing, they said when they got back they had a woman just sit in her car and watch in amazement as the caravan popped itself into their driveway.


I like pretty mugs too Yogi, although I am fussy and only like bone china ones, much nicer to drink out of.  If I didn't rein myself in the house would be heaving with mugs.


Hope it's a good day for everyone


Last edited by squiggle

Thank goodness my hubby doesn't read this thread, or he'd be off too find one of those caravans.  I bet they cost a pretty penny, Squiggle.

I'm pleased you understand my 'mug love'. I got a lovely owl one when I went to the bird of prey sanctuary. It is still in its box and I've put it somewhere for safe keeping, but right at this moment, I can't remember where!


These friends were renting cottages twice a year, they have 2 dogs and like to take them too.  They said the price of cottages was getting very steep and if the weather was bad they still had to go and just sit in the cottage for a week in the rain.  They said it made sense to buy the caravan, they can go off on a whim when the forecast is good.  The dogs were as good as gold, lots of lovely new walks for them.  They went to Lydford Gorge in Devon first as a trial and they are off again after church on Sunday for a few days to Bath.


I know just what you mean about putting things away in a safe place, I drive myself mad.


I can understand their logic, and it sounds like they get plenty of use out of it.


Have I ever mentioned that I can't bear to lose anything and will turn the house upside down until I find it? It matters not a jot whether I actually need the item in question, it is purely the fact that I don't know where it is that drives me nuts. I feel an owl mug hunt coming on.


The neighbours who live opposite me could do with a caravan which parks itself. They brought back their caravan a week or so ago and because a car was parked on the road just outside my house (there's a car showroom nearby which provides no parking for their employees who therefore park outside people's houses) they had considerable difficulty.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The neighbours who live opposite me could do with a caravan which parks itself. They brought back their caravan a week or so ago and because a car was parked on the road just outside my house (there's a car showroom nearby which provides no parking for their employees who therefore park outside people's houses) they had considerable difficulty.


That must be quite annoying, El. Some street are marked as resident only parking, is that something which could be done for your street? 


I'm the same Yogi, I went out to the car yesterday and discovered my car keys weren't in the side pocket of my handbag.  I used my spare set and went off for the meeting but it bothered me the whole time.  I forgot to post the cards I had with me, until later on, my mind was busy ticking over where my keys could be.  I searched everywhere when I got back and then when I was having my tea I used the 'little grey cells' and realised I was wearing my coat last time I went out to the car and they were in the pocket!


That must be very inconvenient for your neighbours EL.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm the same Yogi, I went out to the car yesterday and discovered my car keys weren't in the side pocket of my handbag.  I used my spare set and went off for the meeting but it bothered me the whole time.  I forgot to post the cards I had with me, until later on, my mind was busy ticking over where my keys could be.  I searched everywhere when I got back and then when I was having my tea I used the 'little grey cells' and realised I was wearing my coat last time I went out to the car and they were in the pocket!


That must be very inconvenient for your neighbours EL.

 I shall wake up my little grey cells and see if I can locate the mug. Will be back later.


I suspect it is near impossible to do anything about the parking by the car showroom employees. Where I live is just inside the city boundary (Gloucester City council) and the showroom is just outside (Tewkesbury Borough Council) so there are two councils involved. I did suggest to the neighbour that he could start a petition but I don't think he will.


Some of my clients put documents which I will eventually need to see in a safe place. You don't need me to say what happens



El Loro
Good morning at last! After several attempts!

Yogi good luck finding your mug, I hope you find it
I lost a pearl ring almost 2 years ago, I'm convinced it's still in the house in a "safe place" with a cheap costume ring, but can I find them..? No! I gave up searching and convinced myself that I'll just stumble upon them one day, but so far not.
Want to come to mine yogi?

I'm glad you all like my card this year
Squiggle, fimo is like plasticine and come in a huge range of colours. You mould it to anything you wish and then bake it for half an hour and it comes out solid. I tried making some canes using clay, but hated painting them, I couldn't get the edges of the striped perfect

That caravan sounds amazing! I'd love to see that
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Aw thank you moonie!

*shares very cute night owl with everyone* it's nice to say goodnight properly

How are you tonight moonie? Are the evenings any easier than the day for you?

You're welcome Sweet 

Still don't feel good Sweet but am living with it at the mo 

The nights seem better than the days 

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I did wonder, because you appear at night more than during the day sometimes. I'm glad you do pop in though, we do worry about you when you're not around.
You're very brave for soldiering on, is your doctor checking up on you at all?

Awww you are all so nice 

Yep, we keep in touch. I think he is more like a brother now I have seen him so many times over the last little while 

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Or a mouse shaped cake!

Oh brilliant, I'm pleased you are in regular contact with him, it certainly helps if you like your doctor doesn't it. I hope he can help ease your symptoms.
If I win the lottery tonight, I'll pay for your healthcare

Are you up to watching any movies?

Fanks Sweet. You are lovely 

At the moment I have a Hammer House of Horrors on 

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