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Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from that tax course. As usual with that sort of course, 80% are things I already know about, 18 % is irrelevant to me, and 2% is really important and things which I need to inform those clients who are affected. It's that 2% which is why I go to the courses.



 As long as you got something from it, El, it's not a wasted afternoon.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
That 2% is what makes you the kind of accountant that I would trust El your clients are fortunate to have you

Yogi, he's been out all day, and I'm just heading out but I'll find out later tonight lol I think he'll love the pics

I agree


I think, apart from the self-conscious teenage years, we love photos from our childhood.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
That 2% is what makes you the kind of accountant that I would trust El your clients are fortunate to have you

Yogi, he's been out all day, and I'm just heading out but I'll find out later tonight lol I think he'll love the pics

 I love looking at old photographs, even though I hate having my photograph taken.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
That 2% is what makes you the kind of accountant that I would trust El your clients are fortunate to have you

Yogi, he's been out all day, and I'm just heading out but I'll find out later tonight lol I think he'll love the pics

 I love looking at old photographs, even though I hate having my photograph taken.

It's really weird though, you have a photo taken, reluctantly, and you think 'that's awful' but if you look at it a few years later you think it's not too bad, weird

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
That 2% is what makes you the kind of accountant that I would trust El your clients are fortunate to have you

Yogi, he's been out all day, and I'm just heading out but I'll find out later tonight lol I think he'll love the pics

 I love looking at old photographs, even though I hate having my photograph taken.

It's really weird though, you have a photo taken, reluctantly, and you think 'that's awful' but if you look at it a few years later you think it's not too bad, weird

I know what you mean, Squiggle.


Off to bed now, goodnight all.

Hug for Summer and one for Moonie, in case he pops in.

Good morning

The sun is shining through the curtains, so it could be a lovely day out there
I'm laying in, and Bramble has come to join me
I can't walk her until a parcel for mr summer has arrived, but that's fine with me because I'm going to laze about for at least 80% of the morning

Here's a good breakfast to get us all going for the day;

I hope you all slept well
What are your plans today?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather was sunny when I got up but is now clouding over.

Summer, thank you for breakfast. It looks delicious and far more appetising than the slice of toast I am currently eating. Enjoy your lie in and I hope the postie doesn't arrive too early with the parcel.

I'm off to the hospital to see my consultant this morning and then I have a couple of errands to run.

Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone


Cloudy here but dry.


Summer, that's a good hearty breakfast, should keep me going until lunchtime


A gentle work day for me today. I'm still waiting for the bookkeeper at the large job to get back to me. I still have about a week's work left to finish that one but can't progress until I get the info. I have been in touch with her and I may get the info this week. I'm working on the accounts for other clients at present.


El Loro
Good luck yogi I hope all goes well at the hospital, and that you don't get rained on whilst getting there & back

El, a gentle walk sounds good to me I've been trying to figure out how I can forage blackberries, without the hygiene trouble of cleaning up after Bramble! She always goes before we reach the berries. I think a pair of disposable gloves and a small bottle of hand gel in my pocket could be the answer
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, wow that looks a harvest festival sort of breakfast Summer thank you.


Good luck with your consultant Yogi, how did you sleep?


Sounds like a plan with the hand gel and disposable gloves, they are so handy aren't they?  Enjoy your day Summer and EL (and you too of course Yogi when you've got the consultant out of the way).


I had a phone call this morning from someone needing their company accounts done by 9 October. I told him I would not be able to do them by then and that he would struggle to find someone who could.


Anyone who waits this long to get an accountant for company accounts is probably disorganised and sorting out the accounts would be a minefield.


El Loro

I'm back.

I want to go bramble (blackberry) picking now and make some delicious jam. I would need to pick quite a lot for a decent batch of jam, and I doubt that I'd get any volunteers to help me.

Summer, I'm sure the vet will be able to give you something to quickly soothe Bramble's conjunctivitis.

I slept reasonably well, thanks Squiggle, and I hope you did too.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I had a phone call this morning from someone needing their company accounts done by 9 October. I told him I would not be able to do them by then and that he would struggle to find someone who could.


Anyone who waits this long to get an accountant for company accounts is probably disorganised and sorting out the accounts would be a minefield.


He does seem to have left it until the last minute, El. Probably best to decline the work.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Poor Bramble, conjunctivitis is so uncomfortable, and as you say Summer she is very low to the ground.


Has it all gone well with your consultant Yogi?  I am glad you slept well, I did too.


Anyone interested in baking a special owl cake - this page might be worth a look

Squiggle, I have bookmarked that page, I think I could persuade Mr Yogi that those tins will come in handy.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well with a little one around they would be great for making some wonderful birthday cakes, and they weren't expensive were they?

The prices are good. Hubby is the cake baker in this house and made most of our sons' birthday cakes when they were young, so I will show the tins to him later.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Don't forget there's a ÂĢ2-99 delivery charge on top if the order is under ÂĢ30 (but free if over ÂĢ30).


Yes you have to take that into consideration too, but if you can make homemade cakes, and some of them look really fun to do, they are better, tastier, cheaper than buying of course and you get a wonderful sense of achievement.  If they had been around when my daughter was small I reckon I would have had a go at some novelty cakes.


Good morning everyone. It's raining up here. I hope it's better where you are.

So sorry I missed you last night, Moonie. I signed out as soon as I posted goodnight to Summer and didn't see your post. I hope you are feeling a bit better now.

Summer, I hope Bramble's eyes are better today. Did the vet give her something to help?

Have a good day everyone.





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