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The painting is all finished and many things are back in, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to put up my new mirror & towel holder etc, because I don't want to get drill dust on the gloss before it's fully dried

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, I should be around more often now

Leaving hugs for yogi, and I hope you sleep well tonight

Good night all
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning
A bright, sunny but very cold autumnal morning here- there's leaves all over the ground! It has been a very windy weekend. 

Oh no yogi, does that mean you'll try to stay in today? That's perfect movie weather
Love the owl album! It's adorable
I painted the bathroom a very light pink, it's called "sweet sundae 6" by dulux. I had it mixed in a kitchen, Matt base. Mr summer us going to put up my mirror & towel holder etc later, I'll take some photos after to show you
How did you sleep?

El, good luck, I hope it's all good

Squiggle I hope you had a lovely weekend
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, really windy here and heavy downpours every now and then.


Lovely to see you moonie, as Summer says we are all willing you to get well


So glad you got the bathroom done Summer, mine is light pink too, looking forward to the pictures.


What a great photo album Yogi

Hope all goes well with the medical tests EL.


I'm back from the doctors. The blood pressure test was fine The doctor will ring me in a couple of weeks with the results of the blood tests but I expect they will be satisfactory.


Yogi, great album


Yogi and squiggle, I hope you don't have to go out in that rain. It's still sunny here though a bit more cloud now.


Summer, well done on your bathroom painting


El Loro

I'm glad your check seemed to go well, El.

I did have to go out to the bank and the shops but managed to go during a dry spell. Atm, the sun is shining but still very blustery. It looks like it will be heavy showers and blustery wind, with the odd dry spell thrown in.

Summer, I hope that weather prediction about snow in October proves to be incorrect!

Pale pink sounds nice for the bathroom - you and Squiggle have good taste.







There's been an 0800 number (0800 235 6323) which has been ringing me twice a day every day (apart from weekends) for the last week or so. It's a silent call which after a bit I hear a recorded "good bye" before the phone goes dead. Ringing the number back produces a steady tone at the end rather than a ringing tone.

Done a Google search on the number and that produces no results.

I've reported the number to OFCOM though they won't reply to me and would only investigate if others make complaints.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Oh my goodness-
I just found out that when they filmed Pride & Prejudice, Susannah Harker who played Jane, was pregnant! Her costumes hide her bump.
I've seen it probably a hundred times, I can't believe I didn't know

 Get thee to Specsavers!

In your defence, I'm sure the wardrobe people were very good at disguising it.


El, I checked out that number on Whocallsme but it doesn't seem to have been reported as a nuisance number (yet!). 

*night owls* goodness me!
I've had a friend over for tea, and she's not long left. She doesn't sleep much, and I don't think she realises we go to bed by 10pm. I couldn't be rude and shoo her out though!

Squiggle, yes the dresses were empire lines it must have made the costume dept's job of hiding her pregnancy much easier.
I love the dresses of that era

El, what a nuisance! I hope they stop calling very soon I myself have been ignoring a daily missed call from an 0845 number, they'll get the hint eventually

Yogi, I hope you sleep better tonight if I could loan you my gift of good sleeping, I would

Moonie lovely to see you back, if only briefly. I hope you are soon back with us again, we miss your cheery nature

Night night everyone
Leaving hugs for absent friends
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning
Cloudy and cool, and windy here today.

El, good luck on the course, I hope it's a good one

Here's a part of my bathroom...

I'm in love with the rustic little mirror lol

Of course it'll look even better once my bits & bobs are on it.
We couldn't put the towel ring & loo roll holder up because we don't have the right sized screws in the house. They're cream, and the towels are pink with white spots on. Hopefully I'll have that pic for you soon!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It's still raining and windy up here.

Good to see you here again, Moonie. Come back soon!

I'm pleased to say that I did manage to get some sleep last night, and feel better this morning. I hope everyone else slept well.

Summer, it can be difficult when you have guests who stay really late, not realising that you want to go to bed. You should have told Mr Summer to go put some PJs on, to pass the hint.

El, I hope your course is interesting and the time passes quickly.




Good morning everyone, I am so glad you managed to get some sleep last night Yogi


Summer that colour is so similar to mine, and you have the same taps as me.  Do you remember I just bought new taps?  Well I must have copied you.  I love the idea of pink towels with white spots on.  I love the idea of Mr Summer strolling in in his pyjamas as a gentle hint.


Good luck on your tax course EL, I hope you don't

Thank you all
I'm having a little chuckle to myself about our matching bathrooms & toothbrushes, we must all have good taste
There's an old set of 4 wicker drawers that I'm going to give a makeover too, I can get started on that tomorrow. I'm just in the mood to get my sewing machine out.

Yogi, the mirror is from a website called Dibor, they do all French/country style products. It's a top secret of my sister in law's (shes very much into shopping & interiors) and apparently I'm quite privelidged that she told me about it she knew that one good mirror would set the tone for the whole makeover though, so I treated myself.

Yogi, I'm glad you slept better last night doesn't it make a huge difference to how you feel the next day?
~Sparkling Summer~
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