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Hello El Loro

thanks for your answer ,Its come up before though on DS you have to log in to read or when we are busy etc , I read around to get different view points ,not to post .


Hello all you on Ben's Buddies I lurk on here a lot a good laugh .


My laptop Is upstairs just heard the window cleaner to-day , so closed the blinds ,chucking It down here and I felt really sorry for him only young bless.


We all have our favourites on the show I am liking Courtney , Lauren and Vicky ...the latter has been a grump at times but I'm sure she has had some fun ...Abz I like but to me he has been invisible ,lovely person but not my winner.


Feeling chilly here the Autumn smell Is in the air ,dogs needing their comfort blankets (sheesh AM I for real)






Take care all xx 


Frodo, that's a great picture


It's not warm in my area either. It's pullover time and the central heating comes on automatically first thing in the morning (but off most of the day once the rooms have warmed up). It hasn't rained here yet but rain is forecast later. My window cleaner doesn't clean windows when it's pouring.


El Loro

Agree with both 

the window cleaner waited LOL until the rain eased bless 


Am  I the only one that feels Emma has favourites and should keep It too herself .


Looks ,dress sense I cannot fault her .as a presenter I do think she can be biased  



feel free to disagree would make me feel part ot the forum ..nothing offends me x


I've never known window cleaners clean in the pouring rain either but your window cleaner sounds awfully young frodo and perhaps he's extra keen.


I think most presenters have a bias.  Davina used to drive me mad.  I haven't spotted one with Emma yet but then I mostly watch the next day and I am prone to fast forwarding so I could have missed it.  I am sure that other Buddies will have their own opinions, so stand by


Without making a fuss It was fine this morning changed the bed the cushion covers etc .the clatter of the window cleaner and the heavens opened


I really was the one making the fuss not him ...he said 'if It does not die down I'll leave It'


Should really make myself sound clearer but sometimes a bit of banter Is good to me anyhows 


I am really trying to take to Emma byee for now 


I don't have a window cleaner. The last one was always drunk (he once fell off his ladder and broke his leg because he was drunkety) and he used to wash half the windows of the village, using the same bucket of water. I cancelled him after one week.


Frodo, I think Emma does show bias towards some HMs - the twins, for example.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I don't have a window cleaner. The last one was always drunk (he once fell off his ladder and broke his leg because he was drunkety) and he used to wash half the windows of the village, using the same bucket of water. I cancelled him after one week.


Frodo, I think Emma does show bias towards some HMs - the twins, for example.

OH Yogi 

you have made my night LOL 




Can't stop laughing you have tickled me and made my night   hahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxx






Originally Posted by frodo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I don't have a window cleaner. The last one was always drunk (he once fell off his ladder and broke his leg because he was drunkety) and he used to wash half the windows of the village, using the same bucket of water. I cancelled him after one week.


Frodo, I think Emma does show bias towards some HMs - the twins, for example.

OH Yogi 

you have made my night LOL 




Can't stop laughing you have tickled me and made my night   hahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxx






 I promise you it's true.

*night owls*

Thanks yogi it was a delicious lunch, we both enjoyed going out, the change of scenery (although we got rained on) was exactly what we needed!
I'm shocked at your former window cleaner lol I don't blame you for cancelling him!

I like Emma presenting BB, but I must confess that I usually head up to bed during the ads before the interview starts so I can't say whether I think she's biased or not. If it's a housemate I really like, then I will stay up for the interview but they have to have been brilliant because I love my bed!

I've had a lovely day, but busy/very productive; (laugh at my non stop antics if you will)
Walked Bramble whilst chatting to my mum on the phone
Got ready & went out for lunch with SIL
Did the banking, returned a pair of trousers for my friend, bought craft supplies, bought a new pair of shoes for work then went to boots to buy comfy insoles to put in the new boots, then went to b&q to buy paint and came out with some wellies as well, then went to an appointment.
Went to buy a few groceries.
Walked Bramble again, whilst talking to a friend on the phone.
Then skyped my mum, whilst unpacking groceries, doing housework, trying to get my new insoles to fit in to my boots and eating my tea!
Then I unscrewed the bathroom fittings to prep them for pollyfilling

Am I crazy?! I did enjoy myself though and caught up on lots of things I've been wanting/needing to do for weeks.

Squiggle, I had to giggle at El's comment about wishing your dentist a merry christmas

Wishing you all a good nights sleep and leaving :hugs: for our absent friends.
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Cloudy start to the day.

Summer, I don't know about crazy but you sure were a busy bee!

Are you about to start decorating the bathroom, which colour scheme have you decided on?

I have to go to the bank, the recycling centre, grocery shopping and get my hair cut today, so I may not be around until later.

Have a good day everyone.




This dramatic picture was taken during a storm we had last Friday.  This is Ilfracombe, which is about a couple of miles away from me




This is the building which was hit, St. Nicholas Chapel, last used for worship in the 14th century, it smashed several windows and burned out the fuse box.


The statue which you might just be able to make out in the first picture is Damien Hirst's Verity, which is pretty much universally loathed down here but has brought in visitors so they say


Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good morning

Wow squiggle, what a huge bolt of lightening! the photographer must have been so excited to have captured that shot!
Is the building alright now?

Yogi, it sounds like it's your turn for a busy day, I hope you enjoy getting your hair done. Don't forget to twirl when you get back

Yes the building is fine, apart from some smashed windows and a damaged fuse box, pictures below.  Don't forget to clink on that link, I think you will like it




Squiggle, do you know what is shown on the fish sign at the top of the tower? I know that the fish sign is an early Christian symbol and is still used. The wording would normally have been the Greek for fish - Ichthys but it doesn't seem to be like:

It looks as if it ends in 1819 but the chapel is far older than that.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, do you know what is shown on the fish sign at the top of the tower? I know that the fish sign is an early Christian symbol and is still used. The wording would normally have been the Greek for fish - Ichthys but it doesn't seem to be like:

It looks as if it ends in 1819 but the chapel is far older than that.


An interesting question EL, I think this bit of info about it may give a clue.  So I would think that the lettering originally was 1321-1819, perhaps it was in 1819 that the fish sign was erected?


The tiny Chapel dates back to 1321 built as a place of worship for the people of Ilfracombe living and working around the harbour. From the Middle Ages it maintained a light to guide shipping into the harbour. It’s still a working lighthouse today and is said to be the oldest in the country. When Henry V111 dissolved the monasteries in 1540 St Nicholas ceased to be a chapel.

Between 1835 and 1871 John Davey lived in the chapel as lighthouse keeper raising a family of 14 children. It was later used as a reading room, a laundry and for band practice. Since then it remained much neglected until 1962 when it was restored by the Rotarians of the town.

Now the Chapel is regarded as a special place of interest. The old porch been transformed into a small chancel and occasional services are held there. The Chapel is free to look around but donations are welcomed. Postcards and souvenirs are on sale and all the money raised goes to local, countrywide and international charities.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Squiggle, the link takes me to the accessorize homepage instead of the items- is there a reference no. For the item I could look up?

Isn't that annoying when it does that?  It takes me to the handbag, they have lots of lovely owl ones.  Here is the name and reference number

Oscar The Embellished Owl Bag



I read today that there is a new headmaster at the school I used to go to.

  1. ​TOP OF THE CLASS: Matthew Morgan, the new headteacher at Sir Thomas Rich's School

    TOP OF THE CLASS: Matthew Morgan, the new headteacher at Sir Thomas Rich's School

He's 37 so quite a lot younger than the headmaster when I was at school.
The uniforms are still the same as when I was there. The pupils in the lighter blue jackets are below the 6th form (and are boys only as was the case when I was there). At the back are the sixth formers which is now girls and boys. They wear dark blue. I think that the two with yellow stripes would be prefects.
El Loro

I haven't been back to the school since I left. Elsewhere I see that it still has a couple of facilities which were there when I was there and are slightly different from what you would normally expect. It still has a small bowling green and two fives courts. Fives has similarities with squash but with hands rather then rackets. It used to be very much a public school sport but has become popular in state schools and my school must have been one of the first state schools in the country to have fives courts.


El Loro
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