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Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Thank you everyone, the motor alone costs ÂĢ170, plus VAT, plus fitting, but I am so dizzy with the thought that they actually still have one for a 24 year old car that I am going to whack the cost on my credit card and pay it off in huge chunks as quickly as possible.  I prepared the car as usual for her visit to the garage by a hand wash and polish plus a high gloss top coat, she has to look her best before those mechanics get their hands on her


Thank you Summer my back is much better thank goodness, I am very careful around flexes now.

Ouch Squiggle, that's around ÂĢ200 for the part alone! Have they given you some idea of the labour costs?

They won't rip me off, in fact John said whilst running me home that he had tried to negotiate a discount for me but it's all 'the computer says no' nowadays.

It's good to have a garage/mechanic you can trust.


The weather's brightened up here, a mix of cloud and some blue sky so hopefully it won't be raining when my brother arrives later this afternoon. He generally walks from the railway station and because of major roadworks in the area it's unlikely that the bus, which he might have taken, goes anywhere near where I live.

El Loro
wow! Those cakes actually made my mouth water

I'm pleased your cakes, I mean.. Er.. Brother! Arrived safely El I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Squiggle, I too hope your car is fixed now

Yogi, I hope the server issues are resolved now how was your day?
I'm all ready for bed and having a lazy snuggle with Bramble the rain hasn't stopped all day, and is getting heavier! The river is already swollen too.
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. The rain has stopped for the moment but some big black clouds are heading my way.


I managed to get some sleep last night - seven hours.


The Thornton cakes sound delicious, El - were you very restrained or did you eat more than one?


Going to B&Q today and hope to persuade hubby that a little trip to the garden centre is a good idea.


Have a good day everyone.




Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, I hope you have your car back by now and the final bill wasn't too expensive.

Yes thank you, it was back shortly after lunch.  I won't get the bill for a few days or so.


I can't stand Carol either, I've never liked her but she is getting on my last nerve now.  I did like it when she was saying to Dustin a while ago 'no-one can be that nice' and he said to her 'I know what you're seeing it's a reflection of your horribleness' He said it so nicely too, no malice at all.


I hope you slept better Yogi.  Do they put a health warning on those cakes EL?


Have a good day everyone


I am so glad you slept well Yogi.


Summer the car seems fine.  I oiled and cleaned all the window tracks yesterday, with a car this old the dirt can stop the windows working well so I got this Ballistol oil and oil soaked cloths and ran the cloths round the tracks to get rid of the dirt and then sprayed the oil in, worked the windows several times and now they all seem to be running well.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Squiggle I really am impressed with your ability to do handy work on your own car! I'm useless, I can just about put air in my tyres & fill the water bottle

That's about the extent of my ability Summer, I can't even put air in my tyres - well not without sticking my bottom in the air at a petrol station - not my best look - so my darling grandsons do it for me.  I do fill the washer bottle on the car though, although having said that I once filled it up with what I thought was diluted but it must have been concentrate because it came out green for ages

Originally Posted by frodo:

hello all 

please forgive for butting In ..this Is for El Loro 


I use a valid e-mail address why can't I update at the end It says coupon number

what does this mean ,I have full permission using all the right codes ,where AM I going wrong thanks x


ps Halifax Visa ..does that work ? 

Frodo, I'm guessing that you are referring to wanting to become a VIP and pay for premium membership. I've passed your question on to Lori who may be able to help you. I've suggested that she sends you a PM/dialog so have a look out for one. It is the weekend so she mayn't reply until Monday evening.


El Loro
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