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Yes Skylark, I am getting more and more excited. I've sorted through my stuff and know what needs packing next week. Just have to do the same thing with hubby sometime over this weekend. This time next week will be my last day on here for just over two weeks!! I'm going to miss you all a great deal, although you will all be with me in spirit.
Good morning everyone

Glad you liked Imitation of Life. Not surprisingly considering I'm male, weepies like that don't particularly appeal to me, but I know that many women love them.

I hope that everyone is well today .

At least today, locally at least, is a considerable improvment over yesterday. There is a slight fog, but it won't last long and it seems to be quite sunny.
El Loro
Afternoon El Loro and Yogi.  I'm glad we will be out of this country for most of October.  I hope the rain doesn't follow us!!

Yogi, yes No.2 son did enjoy Tunisia but he said the hotel they stayed in was not that good.  As it was a last minute break you don't always know what you are going to get but at least he had a break away from work in a nice place, with some lovely weather. 
Hi Skylark and everyone. and for you all and especially for squiggle.

Just to let you know that on October 3 and 4 Seattle will be doing maintenance work on each day. They have warned us that there may well be times where access is not possible, but should not last for more than 5 minutes at a time. The times at risk seem to be between 5 in the morning to possibly 9 in the evening. Lori will be posting a warning to us all in the next day or so, but I thought I'd give you advance warning. I'm not telepathic, I just saw a posting on the Social Strata help pages about this and confirmed with Lori that it does affect this forum.
El Loro
Lori has now posted a sticky re the maintenance I mentioned yesterday, so ignore what I posted as it is wrong. This is what she says:

We will be doing infrastructure improvements and fail-over testing between 9:00PM October 2nd and 12:00AM October 3rd and again between 9:00PM October 3rd and 12:00AM October 4th (all times Pacific.)

I think these times translate for you as 10 hours later, so between 7am and 10am both October 3 and 4th.

Please expect intermittent outages during this period lasting for up to 5 minutes.
Translation:  Don't panic!  It'll be back very soon!!
El Loro
Hello everyone.
Your forecast was right El Loro, it's raining heavily up here in Scotland.
Skylark, is it pouring on your side of the country, too?
Joyyron, I'm glad your son enjoyed his holiday but it was a shame the hotel was disappointing. We went to Tunisia a few years ago. We had a nice holiday but it isn't somewhere I am desperate to go back to.
Thinking of you, Squiggle.
It has finally just stopped raining. It is still very cloudy but I can see a title bit of blue in the far distance.

Personally I blame George Bush jnr for this rain. I know he's no longer in power, but I can still blame him

It's not long now Joyron is it, before you flee this country and leave the rest of us to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous weather, or to take umbrellas against a sea of rain?

Yogi, I take no pleasure in my forecast having been right, I'd rather have been proved wrong. At least it's unlikely to have rained in Tunisia.

Skylark, thanks for your thanks, but if you look at Lori's new sticky, you'll see that I gave the wrong information.

squiggle, we are all thinking of you at this time.
El Loro
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