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Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

night in here - love the owls

 Sorry I missed you Ros.


Originally Posted by moonie:

Just popped in to let you all know I am still alive 

Sweet(now Lady Summer) I shall now call you Lady Sweet 


I am still feeling anything but better, sadly  but I am sure I will be back soon. Take care everyone. Thanks for all the good wishes    


It's great to see you back, even for a flying visit, Moonie. So sorry you are still feeling unwell. Sending you lots of get well wishes and a big hug.




Good morning everyone, lovely to see you back even for a flying visit moonie, .  Summer dropping a saucepan like that is just the sort of thing you do when you're tired, and it's such a shock too, of course you cried, I would have too   I hope there are not such grumpy people today   It's all pearly grey skies here today, coolish and dry though so OK.  I hope Keira has a lovely sleepover.  Have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good morning Aw hello moonie sending you lots of get well wishes and hoping that you are able to come back to us soon Yogi, I hope Keira & Harvey are enjoying themselves

They have had breakfast, been out and are now napping.

I hope you don't have any bruises, after dropping the saucepan.


I am passing this on, I looked up Coleford and it seems to be near Gloucestershire so please keep your eyes peeled EL, and everyone else - who knows where they might take him


HELP: In the night it looks like my dog has been stolen. He was locked in his kennel as usual then when we woke this morning his kennel was left open & the lock gone. He has no escape route in the garden so the only other option is he has been taken. PLEASE help us by passing the message on. His name is scampi if you him at all please contact me or Nicole Young Thank you (we are based in Coleford)


Poor Scampi! it makes me sick to my stomach when dog's get stolen I hope he wasn't stolen for fighting or such, and that they find him. He's a beautiful dog! I hope he is chipped, I know it won't bring him back but it increases his chances of being reunited with his owners. I frequently pray that bramble is kept safe from harm and not stolen
~Sparkling Summer~
EOriginally Posted by El Loro:

Scampi is not microchipped


Neither was Keira's brother, but the breeders sent photographs and descriptions of him to all the vets in a 50 mile radius, and asked them to look out for any similar pup being registered with their practice. It might be worth a try, as Scampi seems to have quite distinctive markings.


Keira and Harvey are both chipped.

*night owls*

I've had a rotten day! I was glad to see the back of work today, it including my losing my temper with a customer because he kept swearing in front of small children! I was 10 seconds away from calling police when he apologised and calmed down, he turned out to be manic depressive and going through a blip at the moment. It was all good when he left.

Moonie, lovely to see you here I hope you are getting some rest at the very least and are taking care of yourself. We're willing you the strength to improve & feel better

Yogi, did anyone ever find Keira's brother?
I often see cases of lost dog's on fb, they go viral very fast, and many do turn up safe. I know there are sites where lost dogs have helped be reunited, and have been sold on at high prices then found out to be stolen and given back- often at different parts of the country.

I'm off to bed but wishing you all a good night's sleep
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. There is a chill in the air but is dry and sunny.


Good to see you popping in here, Moonie. We miss you and hope you are soon well enough to come back to us again.


Dealing with the public, in any way, can be tiresome at times, Summer. I hope today is less fraught for you.

No, Keira's brother was never found. It was eight and a half years ago, so advertising his theft on social networking sites was not considered. They did put out the word throughout the Kennel Club and other dog breeding organisations, as well as contacting vets in the area. No luck though.

Btw, do you have Bramble microchipped? It really is worth considering, if you haven't already done it.


Have a good day everyone.

Good afternoon

A foggy start here and very sunny now. I am now using the mobile version of the site on Safari, it'll take me a few days to adjust but I'm sure I will soon get used to it.
I'm just happy to still be here

Yes, Bramble is microchipped, I had it done as soon as possible it's a must IMO and on the plus side, reduces the cost of her insurance
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good afternoon

A foggy start here and very sunny now. I am now using the mobile version of the site on Safari, it'll take me a few days to adjust but I'm sure I will soon get used to it.
I'm just happy to still be here

Yes, Bramble is microchipped, I had it done as soon as possible it's a must IMO and on the plus side, reduces the cost of her insurance

I've been using the Safari version for months, on my ipad. I actually find it more user friendly than the App. I hope you get used to it soon, Summer.

*night owls*

Oh, just missed you yogi! Sweet dreams I hope you had a good day

My day was happier, although still hectic, and this evening was non stop with a variety of things too lol I did catch up with 3 different family members and the new neighbour who took in my parcel- a little twig festive tree! I unpacked it and tested it with some of my hand made decorations whilst skyping my mum

Off to bed, leaving for moonie & skylark
~Sparkling Summer~
*night owls*

Oh, just missed you yogi! Sweet dreams I hope you had a good day

My day was happier, although still hectic, and this evening was non stop with a variety of things too lol I did catch up with 3 different family members and the new neighbour who took in my parcel- a little twig festive tree! I unpacked it and tested it with some of my hand made decorations whilst skyping my mum

Off to bed, leaving for moonie & skylark
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather here is overcast, with showers forecast for later.

Summer, did your twig Christmas tree look pretty when you added your decs?

Glad you had a better day at work  - when do the children go back to school in your area?

Squiggle, let us know what you choose for your bathroom flooring. Are you looking for a complete change or something a bit different?

Have a good day everyone.


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