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It would be interesting to know what make of machine it is Yogi, it should last longer than that surely.


First feedback on the oven shelves in a bag, it looks amazing so far, I am leaving them in the bag until tomorrow but already they look shiny clean and the bag is full of dark brown liquid.  I put half in the bag and used the rest to clean the oven and it looks like new, it was ever so cheap too, bought it from Amazon the 99% of the reviews are enthusiastic.  You learn something new every day my grandson was over today and he said in the restaurant where he works they have a decarbonising machine, you pop the oven bits in and it works overnight and hey presto the next morning shiny clean.

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Washing machne fault is common and costly, so the general advice is keep using it until it is kaput and then but a new one.

Why was it never mentioned on all the reviews I read, prior to purchase?!

I wonder if there are any adverse reviews on Amazon. I don't know what make yours is but this is a starting point on Amazon for washing machines and the chances are that yours will be mentioned.;pf_rd_i=391784011


Thanks for the link, El. No mention on Amazon of the fault my machine has, but I found plenty when I googled it.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

It would be interesting to know what make of machine it is Yogi, it should last longer than that surely.


First feedback on the oven shelves in a bag, it looks amazing so far, I am leaving them in the bag until tomorrow but already they look shiny clean and the bag is full of dark brown liquid.  I put half in the bag and used the rest to clean the oven and it looks like new, it was ever so cheap too, bought it from Amazon the 99% of the reviews are enthusiastic.  You learn something new every day my grandson was over today and he said in the restaurant where he works they have a decarbonising machine, you pop the oven bits in and it works overnight and hey presto the next morning shiny clean.

I usually buy Hotpoint washing machines but last time decided to go for a cheaper Whirlpool machine - my logic being that I go through so many machines, I might as well opt for the less expensive machine. Big mistake!


The oven shelf cleaner in a bag sounds good.



Good morning everyone


On the cloudy side here but dry.


That's a charming little owl, Summer


Yogi, I hope you succeed in your shopping and gardening missions without the rain getting in the way.


Although I never watch either BB or CBB when CBB starts I look on Wiki to see whos has gone in just to see who has gone in. Other than the oldest person I would not recognise any of the others.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, that sweet little owl looks so wide awake   Yes good luck with your shopping and grass cutting Yogi, hope you beat the rain.


I haven't yet caught up with CBB but I fully expect not to recognise many EL and the ones I do recognise I don't particularly want to watch.  I had quite enough of Les Battersby when he was in Corrie thank you very much, I was glad to see the back of him.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I thought you wouldn't have seen CBB yesterday which is why I was careful not to give a hint as to who I was referring to.


Summer, I'm sorry you were disappointed with the line up. When I saw a list of who was in it, there was no-one there which made me think I would try to watch.

Very thoughtful EL, thank you


I have just rinsed the oven shelves, they look like new.  Simply amazing stuff, you lift them out of the bag and just rinse.  I had the oven cleaner for ages and I was putting the job off, dreading it, but it really made it a doddle.  I won't use anything else now.


How lovely to know I need never scrub oven shelves again, and so easy. 


They really are a funny bunch of HM's aren't they?  There seemed to be loads of them and I think it's because they are all look at me look at me types, larger than life.  I don't find any of them interesting but I suppose I will watch out of pure habit.


I could make a dream list of former Celeb HM's, chief of whom would Jack Dee and Dirk Benedict as I mentioned before.  I was just trying to think which woman would be interesting, Shilpa was very beautiful.  Can you think of interesting female HM's I'm struggling, Susan Sarandon or Julia Roberts would be good, Meg Ryan but I don't think for a minute they would do it.  I did have to laugh at Courtney doing the Les Dawson boob lift - I think she asked for the wrong size

Originally Posted by squiggle:

You wouldn't want to watch it at the moment EL, let's just say that they are leaning towards TOWIE and Geordie Shore - not that I ever watch those - but I am sure you will know what I mean.

I know what you mean, not that I have ever watched TOWIE or Geodie Shore. I think you know me well enough that if I said I was a devotee your jaw would drop in disbelief I'm sure those shows have their fans but I have no interest in the world of celebrity. The closest I get would be something like Celebrity Masterchef but that's very different as you are seeing real people.

El Loro

I see in tonight's The One Show that there will be an item from Cerys Matthews on the true story behind Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I've liked her for some years. I know she was in IACGMOOH a few years ago. I suspect that she wouldn't be in a future CBB series though she is one of the few people who might encourage me to watch it. She is too multi-talented and real to go in. Obviously her main interest is music but her range of music is truly international and from all eras. She is a strong promoter of the Welsh language and culture. Recently she was in in the Radio 6/Radio 3 Prom as a presenter and had a couple of songs. One was "Blueberry Hill" The other was a ballad from the time of Henry V which she sang partly in Welsh and partly in English. Recently she published a collection of sing along songs called Hook, Line and Singer. A very wide ranging collection aimed at everyone.


El Loro

I didn't manage to get the lawn cut before the showers started but I have done the shopping. We also went shopping for a highchair for PB to use at our house. We got a lightweight one, which folds flat for easy storage. She isn't old enough to use it yet, but we like to be prepared. It will also come in handy for any other grandchildren we are hoping to might get.

Squiggle, what is the name of the oven cleaning bags you used? I'd like to give them a go, next time I'm cleaning the oven.


I caught up with last night's CBB, and can't say I'm impressed. I have never watched TOWIE or Geordie Shore, so had no clue what Mario or Charlotte would be like. My jaw dropped at Charlotte's VT, the girl has no sense of self-respect or shame. I've read elsewhere that she is favourite to win at this early stage and lots of people on DS think she's great! Must be the same people who were Jay McKray fans. 



I thought the same Yogi, my jaw literally dropped I don't want to sound a prude but is that acceptable nowadays?


Here is the link Yogi;keywords=oven+brite  read the reviews, I keep peeping in my oven.  It's a built in one which was installed when we bought the house and honestly it's got it back to a brand new condition.  I still can't get over how it got the shelves clean without me having to rub even one patch.  I have an oven shelf cleaner box, made of plastic and bought from Lakeland.  I used to soak my shelves in it.  I only mention it because it came in very handy for putting the bag in and not risking any leaks, I saw from the reviews that lots of people just put the bag in the garden.  I did flip the bag about, they just said to prop the bag upright but I thought it would be more effective if I made sure the liquid was coating everything.  For inside the oven it really is spread the liquid, wait 2-3 hours and wipe off.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I thought the same Yogi, my jaw literally dropped I don't want to sound a prude but is that acceptable nowadays?


Here is the link Yogi;keywords=oven+brite  read the reviews, I keep peeping in my oven.  It's a built in one which was installed when we bought the house and honestly it's got it back to a brand new condition.  I still can't get over how it got the shelves clean without me having to rub even one patch.  I have an oven shelf cleaner box, made of plastic and bought from Lakeland.  I used to soak my shelves in it.  I only mention it because it came in very handy for putting the bag in and not risking any leaks, I saw from the reviews that lots of people just put the bag in the garden.  I did flip the bag about, they just said to prop the bag upright but I thought it would be more effective if I made sure the liquid was coating everything.  For inside the oven it really is spread the liquid, wait 2-3 hours and wipe off.

Thank you for link Squiggle, I'll definitely give the bags a go.


As for Charlotte's behaviour, it isn't normal or acceptable behaviour in my world, but judging by some of the comments on DS, it would seem that some people consider her to be okay. I don't care if I'm considered a fuddy duddy when I say, I would be mortified if a child of mine behaved and spoke like Charlotte does.

From what I've heard, that's mild from Charlotte! The girls are on Geordie Shore really do do those dirty things she spoke of, and on the show too! I lasted 10 mins of Geordie Shore, it wasn't for me It's sad to say that she really does represent the role models of today though- the haircuts especially have changed the way kids are styling themselves this year! I think an Oscar winner would definitely be on my dream CBB list- Julia Roberts is an excellent suggestion Of course it would never actually happen but we can dream lol
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
From what I've heard, that's mild from Charlotte! The girls are on Geordie Shore really do do those dirty things she spoke of, and on the show too! I lasted 10 mins of Geordie Shore, it wasn't for me It's sad to say that she really does represent the role models of today though- the haircuts especially have changed the way kids are styling themselves this year! I think an Oscar winner would definitely be on my dream CBB list- Julia Roberts is an excellent suggestion Of course it would never actually happen but we can dream lol

It makes me sad that it's considered acceptable in some circles to behave like that, Summer.



^ it gets worse yogi! I know of a mother in her 30's who recently put the kids to bed, then got drunk, snorted cocaine and messed themselves in front of their guests worse still, that's a regular occurrence on a weekend! I've also heard that some mum's turn up to collect their little one's from school whilst drunk. It saddens and sickness me to think that's the way the world is going, I just thank my lucky stars every time I meet decent people who behave appropriately and raise their children to be decent people. I never ever saw my parents drunk, nor do I know of any occasion where they were when I was a child. They just wouldn't have dreamt of it! Mr summer had big brother on tonight when I came down stairs after my shower- his face was an absolute picture when he saw Charlotte! Meanwhile... I hope you've all had a lovely day work was very busy, it's all back to school/bank holiday outing customers. The next week or 2 is going to be an endurance test. *googles "squiggle's mobile oven cleaning setvices"*
~Sparkling Summer~
^ wrong thread I think joe lol Aaaaaw yogi! Happy PB day give us an update report later on how she's developing! Sorry I nodded off before saying goodnight last night, I hope you had a Good Friday Good morning all it's rained heavy all night long here, and is very misty this morning! I believe no improvement is forecast Happy bank holiday weekend to us all anyway, it's the atmosphere that counts I'll most likely be busy all day but I'll pop in if I can, or after work if I can't. Have a great day everyone
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It has rained overnight and is cloudy atm.

Summer, I thought Joe's post was in reponse to our posts about the behaviour of the CBB Geordie girl and others like her - but I'm probably wrong.

Flying visit as I prepare for my day of babysitting. Hope you all have a good day and Moonie manages to pop in.



Good morning everyone, very windy here clouds and the odd peep of blue sky.  I'm a bit nervous of  tuning into CBB, that Charlotte is awful. I am at that  mum you describe Summer, like you I never saw my parents drunk.  There was a lovely story about my mum having been on a night out and obviously having had one too many Babychams (or whatever her tipple was) deciding it would be a good idea to take her clothes off in the car to save time indoors getting ready for bed   Luckily my dad stopped her.


I hope you have a lovely day today with your granddaughter Yogi


Happy to provide a mobile oven cleaning service Summer, that stuff makes the job so easy


In Gloucester the Guidhall shows a wide range of films. Once a month they have a mystery movie. Until the film starts viewers have no idea what the film is. The film could be of any age (one recent film turned out to be 42nd Street from 1933, another one was a Finnish film called Rare Exports from 2010).

The only info known beforehand is the film rating and how long it runs.


I wouldn't want to try this out as I prefer to have some idea what the film is. I was wondering what you thought and is there anything like this in your area.


The film at the end of September is a bit unusual. The only info is that it's 118 minutes long (that would be film length, not video length), but the rating is "not rated". The most likely explanation would be that it's a doumentary either sport or music event where the content is suitable for all ages. A good example of that would be the official film of the London 2012 Olympics but that's not it as that's shorter. Or the film is old and has never been released on video/DVD in the last 30 years (the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984).

El Loro

After a very poor start to the football season, Cheltenham have got their first league win. It has been their worst start to a season for some years so hopefully this win will be the start of something better.


On Tuesay they have a visit to London for their next match in the Capital One cup. They are playing West Ham so won't be expecting much but it's not the first time they've played Premier League teams.


El Loro

Evening all. Had a wonderful day with PB. Her smile could light up the national grid!

Middle son and his fiancÃĐe came for dinner tonight - wedding excitement is rising.

El, I'm pretty sure we don't have anything near us, which is similar to the cinema mystery movie thing. Like you, I'd prefer to have an idea about the film I am going to watch.

Oh dear, poor Cheltenham supporters won't be happy, atm.

Summer, hope you have a good evening out.


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