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I've been out and was just about to come back home when I saw a man walking with his dog on the other side of the road. We took one look at each other and recognised each other. It was someone I went to school with, we had stayed friends, but it drifted when he married and moved away. We had quite a long chat and it turns out that he had separated and has moved back to this area to look after his elderly mother who is in the early stages of senile dementia. I know only too well what that is like as my father had that and I saw the effect it had on my mother.

It was good to see him - I hadn't seen him for 15 years - we exchanged addresses and he will ring me some time (he didn't give my his number and he's not in the phone book). But he's going to have his hands full looking after his mother.
El Loro
I agree with you Yogi.  My heart goes out to anyone who has to look after someone with any kind of illness, but dementia must be the worst.  My hubby and I had to look after his dad through a year of terminal colon cancer and that was really hard but with some one losing their mind and all sense of reality it must be so much worse.

My thoughts and prayers will be with all those carers this evening (hope I don't sound too pompous or serious).

Will catch up with you all tomorrow. 
I don't think we're expecting much in the rain over here in the next couple of days, but Tuesday/Wednesday looks a bit wet. and my silly weather forecast site has over 3 inches on the Tuesday/Wednesday the following week. And the Met Office site looks as if we are going to get thoroughly fed up with rain and gales for much of October .

Joyron,by the time you come back from your cruise, your ship will be able to drop you off right outside your house
El Loro
Another illustration as to just how silly that weather forecast website can be. The wind speeds shown would be more typical on Venus rather than here. I quite often see this sort of speed on that site for a day or so, but this is the first time I've seen it for a solid 3 days. But don't panic as I'm sure by the time they update the forecast, it will be more normal.

Thu 30 SepMorning11 Â°c10 Â°c11013 mb0.0 mm4 %7 mph
In Detail
Afternoon15 Â°c14 Â°c41010 mb1.1 mm70 %8 mph

Evening9 Â°c-1 Â°c01006 mb0.1 mm86 %221 mph
Fri 1 OctMorning12 Â°c4 Â°c0998 mb8.5 mm100 %184 mph
In Detail
Afternoon13 Â°c6 Â°c0993 mb4.2 mm97 %182 mph

Evening10 Â°c0 Â°c0998 mb0.9 mm84 %336 mph
Sat 2 OctMorning12 Â°c3 Â°c11004 mb0.1 mm9 %331 mph
In Detail
Afternoon15 Â°c8 Â°c21008 mb0.2 mm84 %329 mph

Evening8 Â°c-3 Â°c01012 mb0.4 mm41 %284 mph
Sun 3 OctMorning13 Â°c5 Â°c01011 mb2.3 mm99 %258 mph
In Detail
Afternoon17 Â°c10 Â°c11011 mb0.3 mm96 %264 mph
El Loro
Evening El Loro and Yogi.    Well it started raining here around 3.00 pm and it hasn't stopped since.  I think the next few days will be drier, but very dull and cloudy.

Glad to hear you picked up lots of bargains today Yogi.  I love it when a shopping trip is successful.

Signing out for tonight.  Will catch up with you both tomorrow.  Hope to hear from Squiggle too.  Her absence is always felt. 
Good morning everyone You'll be releived to learn that the silly weather forecast site is now showing more normal wind speeds - it seems to be the afternoon forecast slot where they go mad

Joyron, I hope you are right in the next few days being dry, but here, Wednesday and Friday look set to be heavy peristent rain.

So do Capuchin monks like capuchin monkeys, and drink cappuccino whilst watching films starring Capucine?
El Loro
Afternoon all.
It's pretty overcast up here - no rain at the moment.
Squiggle, good to see you posting your pics again.
Hubby is away for five days and has taken his laptop with him so I am at the mercy of my sons for computer access. Luckily, they love their mum, so I should still be able to post with you - although perhaps not as regularly as usual.
Reference: Joyron
It's still very dull and overcast here but we have not had any rain.
You're welcome to have some of mine.
According to my silly weather site (though it's only the wind which they go bad on), in the next 7 days I get 68 mm, and the following week 78 mm. And as far as the wind is concerned, this week is OK (ignoring the last 2 days where being the afternoon slot, as normal they go mad varying between 219 and 256 mph). But next week, where the bug does not apply, they are forecasting between 20 and 38 mph throughout the week.

Me thinks Summer is well and truly over, welcome to Autumn.

I was going to post the clip of Singing in the Rain, but Youtube has disabled it from being put on any other site. But I can still post a link.
El Loro
Good morning to everyone

Hope everyone is well

Today looks to be grey, but dry for the most part (at least for me). I reckon we are all going to get a soaking on Wednesday and Friday, with Cornwall/Devon and the Western part of Scotland getting the worst - there's no Met Office warnings yet, but if you are travelling then, be prepared.

On a lighter note, if you have never seen A Matter of Life and Death, it's on again today on Film 4. It may be 65 years old, but it still ranks as the best original British fantasy film ever made.
El Loro
Reference: Skylark
Hi all, havent been on for a bit, had a bad cold and sore throat, feeling a bit better today, thank goodness,
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better . At least you're not like another forum member who remain nameless who at the weekend posted a thread telling everyone he was terminal with flu and kept on about it for a day or so. As others said, if he really had flu, he wouldn't have been capable of making any posts.

I think the weather and the children going back to school have brought out the cold bugs in their millions. I'm hal expecting to find that I'm coming down with one on a couple of days (it takes 4 days to appear and I suspect I was contaminated on Sunday) .
El Loro
Hi everyone, overcast and showery here.
Joyron, I've had no luck persuading hubby to buy me another laptop - perhaps I am losing my touch.
Skylark, I am glad you are feeling a bit better now.
El Loro, we all suffer from clicheitis, now and then.
Squiggle, hope you are doing okay.
Off to the hairdressers, hope to be back later.
Evening Yogi, Skylark and El Loro.    I'm pleased to say we did have a little sunshine this afternoon but it didn't last for long!!

Yogi, you must be losing your touch if you have not persuaded hubby to buy you a new computer yet.  It MUST be top of you list for Christmas presents.

Skylark, I'm pleased to hear you are feeling a little better.  I really dread going down with a cold just before we go away next week.  I'm keeping EVERYTHING crossed that that doesn't happen.

Squiggle you are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.  I hope you are doing okay. 
You are right, Joyron - the sunshine didn't last long, about an hour. It was nice while it lasted, and it's a relief to know that the sun hasn't switched off whilst the cloud was there

Yogi, you really do need your own computer particularly as so much nowadays is only available on the internet. When I had my broadband connection problems, I really felt cut off from the outside world at times.

squiggle, I join with the others in my thoughts and prayers.
El Loro
Just looking in at the thread briefly.  Thank you so much for your kind thoughts, I am OK, it is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do (and if you know the story of my husband and me that is saying something) but I am consoled by the fact that my darling is no longer going through ordeals.  I am strong and I have my Lord and I do really appreciate your concern for me.  I hope to catch up with you all again next week.
Reference:El Loro
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better . At least you're not like another forum member who remain nameless who at the weekend posted a thread telling everyone he was terminal with flu and kept on about it for a day or so. As others said, if he really had flu, he wouldn't have been capable of making any posts.
No , i wasnt capable of posting, just wanted to lie down , some people eh ?
Afternoon everyone.  It's wet and miserable here today.  Hope to have some better weather while we are away.

Yes Skylark, I am getting more and more excited.  I've sorted through my stuff and know what needs packing next week.  Just have to do the same thing with hubby sometime over this weekend.  This time next week will be my last day on here for just over two weeks!!  I'm going to miss you all a great deal, although you will all be with me in spirit.

El Loro, I'm going to have a look on Amazon and find Roman Holiday.

Yogi, hope you are doing okay on this nasty, wet, miserable day.  Keep pushing for that new computer.

Squiggle, thank you for taking the time to post and let us know you are coping okay.  I know it's a very difficult time for you.   
Good afternoon everyone.El Loro, it has been pouring down with rain - even the dogs don't want to go out.
Joyron, not long to wait, until you are having a wonderful time on your cruise.
Squiggle, sending you lots of love and a big hug.
I am watching "Imitation Of Life" on Channel4+1 at the moment. I'll need a box of tissues for the ending.
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