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Good morning everyone, sad to see moonie still not with us.  Freezing wind this morning, I am keeping the windows firmly shut.


Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday Yogi   Summer it's not so much that Bramble wanted to read your book she wanted to make sure you couldn't so she could get all of your attention .


Where on earth has erinp gone to then? Surely she's not had enough of us


For moonie



I know you have little interest in cricket but I thought I would post this posting made on the BBC page for the Ashes test:


"Now, here's something to liven up the atmosphere. A man dressed as the Honey Monster is running up and down the steps of one of the stands chasing another man who is dressed as Kermit the Frog. The stewards soon put an end to the fun, much to the crowd's annoyance. Ten minutes later, they are back, to huge cheers..."

El Loro

Good morning everyone, cool and cloudy here but they are threatening us with increased humidity towards the end of the week  


Thank ros , still no moonie, aww thinking of you and hoping you are able to be back with us soon no Skylark for a day or so either?  Hope you are OK Skylark .


Summer sounds like you had a good catch up with your friends and a lovely tea, thanks for your good wishes EL and Yogi

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Today's quote:


"Unless you're lucky enough to be Uncle Albert on Only Fools and Horses, Demis Roussos or Abu Hamza, the BBC is generally as pogonophobic as the late-lamented Albanian dictator, Enver Hoxha," he said.


Who said that and why:


Enver Hoxha would hate it down here then, there is the finest collection of beards you have ever seen, face fungus triumphs,  not a fan myself, hadn't realised I was pogonophobic

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

And I now know that pogonotomy is shaving one's beard.

It sounds like an operation, if you were to say to someone I've just had a pogonotomy they would ask if it hurt

I agree, it does sound like an operation


On a serious point, in medieval Europe it was common practice for barbers to also be surgeons, particularly on the battlefields.

The old barber poles reflect this with the red and white stripes representing blood and bandages.

El Loro

I never knew about pogonotomy or the reason for the red and white barber's poles. I have learned two new pieces of info today.

Had a really nice afternoon with my eldest son and PB. We had a lovely afternoon tea in the big garden centre, and PB was on great form.

Only negative thing about today was my Vax broke and I had to buy a new vacuum cleaner. I bought a Hoover this time. Same wattage as the Vax but over 2kg lighter.

Enjoy your evening everyone, I'm signing out now.

Goodnight all, sweet dreams.

Night owl hugs.

El, people going away on holiday is exactly why I've been so busy, they all want fresh hair cuts for their hols- especially the kids because they'll be better in hot climates with less hair to worry about Did you know that original barbers poles had a blue stripe in too...? Blue is for veins- yuk! Thank goodness health & safety regulations would prevent me from attempting surgery on our clients Yogi, aaaaaaaw that's a fabulous afternoon I'm happy to hear that PB is on top form! Squiggle, I hope you've had a good day and feel better No sign of moonie again today, I hope he's not suffering badly get well soon moonie! Hope skylark is finding everything she needs for school uniforms etc Sweet dreams buddies
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


It was sunny first thing, but it looks as if it's getting cloudy.


Summer, you are right with the blue stripes in barbers poles There are parts of Asia where barbers poles mean something else - section 3 of this Wiki article

Health & saferty regulations do have their benefits . There must have been times when you felt like doing a Sweeney Todd on a customer


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


It was sunny first thing, but it looks as if it's getting cloudy.


Summer, you are right with the blue stripes in barbers poles There are parts of Asia where barbers poles mean something else - section 3 of this Wiki article

Health & saferty regulations do have their benefits . There must have been times when you felt like doing a Sweeney Todd on a customer


Barbers and brothels, that's a strange combo!

@ the Sweeney Todd comment, I bet Summer has been tempted a few times.


Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and bright, with showers/rain forecast for later.

Is it today that Skylark's granddaughter starts school? I hope she has a brilliant day and makes lots of new friends.

Moonie, sending you lots of love and a huge Get Well Soon hug.

Have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you may be right about Skylark's granddaughter starting school today as the school year seems to start a lot earlier in Scotland than in England. I hope she has a great day.

Yes, mid August is when our schools go back (our schools stop at the end of June) and I'm sure Skylark mentioned Wednesday. 


Good afternoon I've been up early to run errands and done a few jobs and now I've come to lay down for an hour! There's so much that needs doing, and work has been hectic, so I'm tired. I think an hour off will do me good, I just need to train Bramble to bring me lunch Good luck to our resident mini-lark! I hope she likes school Lol at your above comments, yes sometimes I do get frustrated with joe public but I must refrain from performing surgery on them
~Sparkling Summer~

On my local news website today. I hope they don't blow up the shed in my back garden 


THEY’RE famous for shouting ‘bogies’ at the top of their voices and those who missed out on meeting kids TV duo Dick and Dom will surely be green with envy after their visit to Gloucester today.

The pair were filming at the Eastgate shopping centre for their new science programme, ‘Absolute Genius’, a series of ten programmes where they tell the story of Marie Curie and radioactivity.

  1. ​TV pair Dick and Dom prepare to 'blow up shed' in Gloucester after city visit

    Dick and Dom meet eager fans in Gloucester

Dom, real name Dominic Wood, said of the city: “It reminds me of my hometown in Devon. The people here have all been really friendly.”

Dick, real name Richard McCourt, said: “The most radioactive thing we’ve found in the indoor market was a woman getting her eyebrows treated.”

The pair also revealed that they would be blowing up a shed somewhere in Gloucester with the help of a team of special effects experts.

Sandria Lee, 70, of Abbeymead, owner of the Pets Delight stall at the Eastgate indoor market, told how the pair checked her bird feed and cat litter for radioactivity but that it was clear of any danger.

She said of the pair: “They were really nice men.”

Adults and children approached the cheeky duo asking for photos and autographs and they both were happy to oblige, much to the delight of fans.

They visited Philip Huckins, 56, from Matson, who works at The Market CafÃĐ in the centre. He described how they tested the metal chairs in the seating area of the stall using their Geiger counter.

They then tested the different salad dressings the cafÃĐ had and then they tried the table salt, which set the Geiger counter off, making a loud clicking noise.

Mr Huckins said that he had a “good laugh” with the pair and added: “They tested my arm and face for radioactivity but thankfully they said I was clear of any of that and I got their autograph.”

The pair said that they had enjoyed visiting Gloucester and how the indoor market reminded them of the times before big shops were built.

El Loro
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