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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


A mix of blue sky and cloud here but feels a bit fresher than yesterday.


Summer, that's a great get well picture

Moonie I hope get well soon


Oddly enough the main baddie in Eastenders is called Carl.

See, I said it was a dodgy name.


Good morning all. It's quite a nice day, with some sunshine.

Harv is visiting today, so Keira is very happy.

Might take a trip to the garden centre later, as I haven't been for a while and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

I hope you feel a bit better today Moonie and soon feel well enough to rejoin us.



Good morning everyone, my gardener is called Carl and he's lovely, mind you I have to stop myself calling him Martin because he reminds me of one of my daughter's old boyfriends


Nice to see you back with us moonie Summer lovely picture of Bramble with a lovely get well message for moonie   What an odd tea you ended up having


It's a beautiful morning here but I think Mr Badger has been by for an exploratory snuffle, will go and check later.  Carl was telling me that someone else he works for has had trouble with the badger getting into his pond every night and leaving a thick coat of oily gunge from his coat on the surface of the pond, now don't you all wish you lived in the countryside?


PS  Good luck at the garden centre, listen out carefully for all those wee baby plants cooing 'take me home - please' Yogi


Originally Posted by El Loro:

I hadn't heard of ankle replacements before which was why I mentioned it in case any of you had. 54 does seem a bit young for a replacement unless he had an accident.


Maybe he has badly broken the ankle at some point.

I know my DiL has a weak ankle, caused by breaking the same ankle more than once.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Fairly sunny here but there are showers in the forecast.


Summer, that's a pity about the steak - sounds as if it would have been better in a beef Wellingon


Thanks for a yummy breakfast

You're on form this morning EL   Summer what a beautiful spread for our breakfast, as they say in the adverts 'you are spoiling us'.  Bit cloudy here, won't be going to church as I had a really nasty tummy upset yesterday (all due to trying to get the fibre right now they have changed the formula of the breakfast cereal, guess I got it wrong).  Have a good day everyone

Home now! Oh no squiggle I hope your tummy settles soon, it's so frustrating that you had a good balance going and then the ingredients in your cereal got changed. I see moonie is still not around so I'm guessing he continues to feel unwell too Apart from the tough steak, which I can laugh about now because we seem to have bad steak luck in posh eateries, the trip was great fun and well worth going we've already set a date for next year to do it again. Also, we went there 3 years ago and I've since discovered that my grandparents on my dad's side, are buried just 5 mins drive from where we stayed! So I took a little time to go find their grave (it's shared) and put some flowers on it. I never met them, they died long before I was born. It was lovely to be there
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It has rained overnight but the sun is shining atm.

lol at Bramble's pic. She reads very well for a dog so young.

Summer, I had a lovely day yesterday. We went for lunch with youngest son, then we had eldest son, DiL and PB, as well as youngest son and his GF for dinner. (Middle son and his fiancÃĐe were at her mum's). PB was very happy and she fell asleep in my arms.

Squiggle and Moonie, I hope you are feeling better today.

Have a good day everyone.

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