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Reference: Yogi
I'm more of a cross between the linguistic/interpersonal ones. Does that mean I am doubly brilliant?
Yes - you would be a great diplomat with that mix.

Reference: Joyron
El Loro, you are definitely too clever for the likes of me!!!
I don't want to be too clever for anyone as that can make me seem as if I'm boasting. I probably could join Mensa, but that would make me feel elitist and I don't want to.
I know my mother used to worry like mad when my brother was away on holiday and on a plane. But he would always ring her as soon as he got back to England to put her mind at rest. So your No.1 son will be safe. He sends you his love because I've just flown up to his plane and he told me. So you can sleep easy.
El Loro
Thank you for that message from No.1 son El Loro.  I feel better now!!!  There is absolutely nothing wrong with being clever.  You should relish in the fact that you obviously come into that bracket. 

Yogi, this is the first time he's flown for this company.  He has to go back for another  week whilst we are away on our cruise.  It all just seems a little overwhelming tonight as I keep getting messages from one or ther other!!  No.2 son is now settled in his hotel.  I will be watching ceefax to check No.1 son's flight has arrived safely - THEN I can go to bed and (hopefully) sleep.  I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. 
Yogi, obviously I don't know which flight your son is coming back from Stockholm, but on the Ryanair website, the two arrivals in the next hour or so show:

2255FR 59Stockholm Skavsta - London-StanstedON TIME


2315FR 6635Stockholm Skavsta - EdinburghON TIME

I.m off to bed myself now.

Night night to Yogi, squiggle, Joyron, Skylark and anybody else looking in
El Loro
Good morning everyone

I hope everything goes well for you today

It's dry here at present, and quite sunny, but the forecast for us all is if you go out, be preapred for sudden downpours. And the daytime temperature for Friday for my area is a maximun of 12 C - the same as tonight's temperature - though it very slightly improves after that, but nowhere near the levels of the past couple of days. (and that's per both the Met Office site and the sometimes silly alternative site).
El Loro
Good morning El Loro.    It's dull and cloudy here today and I'm sure we will get rain at some time.

I think you got a little confused last night.  It was my son coming home from Stockholm, not Yogi's.  He actually flew into Heathrow and his flight was 25 minutes late!! He didn't get home until midnight and I have not heard from him yet this morning.  I expect he's still asleep.

Hope to catch up with you, Yogi, Squiggle and all our lovely buddies later.  My hairdresser will be here around lunchtime for the final cut and colour before our trip but I should be about after that. 
Seems an awful lot colder now!!
Joyron, I thinks it's been a lot warmer over in your part of the country than for the rest of us, so the drop would be more noticeable, but Friday will be colder still - I wasn't joking a few days ago about people will be turning their heating on, though I think it will get slightly less cold over the weekend. (that's the closest smiley we've got I think to being cold)
( for rain ,  for sun, for thunder, for snow)
El Loro
Yes El Loro it has been rather warm over here in East Anglia until now.  We tried our heating out last weekend to make sure all was working properly but I was hoping not to put it on until we come back from our holiday.  If it gets much colder I'm sure that decision will change!!

I wonder where everybody has been today.  It's been rather quiet in here. 
I wonder where everybody has been today. It's been rather quiet in here
Joyron, I don't think you have checked your dialogs/PMs There is one you should read from Yogi - she has also sent it to squiggle and Skylark. Put your pointer over the Livecloud logo at the top of the screen and you will see that there is a message by Your Dialogs. Click on Your Dialogs to get to your dialog page, then click on the one at the top from Yogi.
El Loro
Skylark, you might want to have a look at your dialogs as well as Yogi has sent you one. See my post at 17.59 if you are not sure as to how to find this.

I'm glad that things are looking good for your daughter, the waiting can seem like an eternity but the important thing is that it's being properly checked to make sure its OK.
El Loro
Good morning on a brilliantly sunny day (even if it is cold)

Hope everyone is well.

I've got some blackberries for today. I bought them even though I could have picked them, but the last time I did that I had spent a couple of hours picking them up a local hill, then on the way down saw someone spraying the bushes with weedkiller . Considering the hill is used by hundreds of locals and children from the schools, that man should have been sent to prison for attempted or actual murder. I obviously threw the blackberries away as otherwise I wouldn't be here today posting this.
El Loro
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