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Good morning everyone. Weather is cool and cloudy this morning.

lol Summer, no nightmares about purple shoes - yet.

I might visit one of the large shopping centres near me this afternoon, to see if I can find something. Failing that, it looks like a visit to Glasgow at the weekend might be required.

Have a good day everyone.


My never ending battle with head lice continues; I refused a small child yesterday who had them. The grandparents promised to go straight to the chemist and get treatment. They returned this morning but couldn't tell me the name of the solution, how they had to apply it or what the child's parents had said on finding out about the lice. Clearly they hadn't treated it, just washed it. So I turned them away again, and the child turned to them and said "see, I told you that wouldn't work!" What's wrong with people!
~Sparkling Summer~
I'm afraid not Squiggle, which is why I'm mad. I know instantly when people are genuine and embarrassed, and those are the ones who do go treat it right away. It's just such a waste of time because that will need treating at some point anyway and it'll only get more difficult the longer they wait. I just don't understand the mentality. What are you up to today?
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, just waiting for my groceries to be delivered, then I've got to run a bit of shopping over to my daughter together with another bag of books.  She's a real bookworm and can easily go through 4 or 5 books a day takes me weeks to get through some of the bigger books.


I hope you don't get any more people like those grandparents.  What sort of example are they setting to their grandchildren for heaven's sake.


I remember when I was very young our heads were checked at school for nits/head lice by the nit nurse from time to time. I never had them but some of the other children did.


According to this NHS advice page there needs to be at least 2 applications of the medicated lotion or spray a week apart. So that makes it impossible for those grandparents to have got rid of the head lice in less than a week, more like 2 to 3 weeks.


El Loro

Back in January the BBC announced that the Radio 4 news announcer Charlotte Green was retiring and had this news clip:


Right at the end of the clip she said that there was something she really wanted to do. And yesterday the BBC announced that she was going to do just that as from late September.


I think she's perfect for that role, provided that she doesn't get a fit of the giggles

El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I haven't read it, but I do hear that Sophie Kinsella is a good author- should I look for it on eBay?! My colleague has offered to loan me some books but she's into creepy stuff, there's no way I'm reading them!

Cowardy custard Sweet 

That makes me a cowardy custard too, no way will I read spine chillers.  I mostly read last thing at night, that's the last sort of thing I'd read before drifting off to sleep, just asking for nightmares

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I haven't read it, but I do hear that Sophie Kinsella is a good author- should I look for it on eBay?! My colleague has offered to loan me some books but she's into creepy stuff, there's no way I'm reading them!

Cowardy custard Sweet 

That makes me a cowardy custard too, no way will I read spine chillers.  I mostly read last thing at night, that's the last sort of thing I'd read before drifting off to sleep, just asking for nightmares

Cowardy custard 2 

I don't read much tbh but I watch horror films as long as they aren't to gory. So I guess that makes me cowardy custard 3  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I like crime thrillers but I don't like horror books or films.

I like films that dont tax my brain to much Yogi 

 I like a bit of a mystery/thriller to stop my little grey cells from seizing up completely!

A la Poirot? 


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I like crime thrillers but I don't like horror books or films.

I like films that dont tax my brain to much Yogi 

 I like a bit of a mystery/thriller to stop my little grey cells from seizing up completely!

A la Poirot? 



Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I like crime thrillers but I don't like horror books or films.

I like films that dont tax my brain to much Yogi 

 I like a bit of a mystery/thriller to stop my little grey cells from seizing up completely!

A la Poirot? 



I love Poirot. I once spent a whole weekend watching Poirot DVDs and found myself thinking in his heavily accented English.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone, the stranger has returned!! Sorry havent been about, been busy with family etc. Hope you are all well,will have a read back and see what you all have been up to.  

Welcome back, you have been missed. 

Thank you Yogi, nice to be back. Missed all you lot too . Hope you well x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone, the stranger has returned!! Sorry havent been about, been busy with family etc. Hope you are all well,will have a read back and see what you all have been up to.  

Welcome back, you have been missed. 

Thank you Yogi, nice to be back. Missed all you lot too . Hope you well x

We're fine thanks, hope all is well with you too. xxx

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