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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh dear, that flooding looks bad.

I think we have the best of the weather up here today. It's sunny with a breeze.

*wants to move to Yogiland* 

 It's unusual for us to have the best of the weather, you are probably better off where you are.

*unpacks suitcase*  


Good morning everyone, a fresh bright morning here.  I haven't had the first hint of Autumn yet here but it's going to be hard to know what's going on this year as some of my fuchsias are still not quite in flower yet, ridiculous.


Good luck with the fish tank Yogi, a mucky job but it will be all the better for being done.


I too often think of Joyron and Skylark, I hope all is well with their lives and wish they felt able to join us once again.  It's been lovely to post with Justafriend again recently and when friends are no longer around there is a hole that's hard to fill.


Enjoy your day everyone, no matter what you're all up to


They remind me of earrings too You would love it here Summer we have fuchsia hedges everywhere and the blossoms fall off and make a red carpet underneath them, so pretty.  I had a friend once whose husband used to grow a huge variety of fuchsias, you have never seen such big ones, and the colours were gorgeous, his whole greenhouse was full of them.


Did you used to make cherry earrings from a double cherry when you were small?

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