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A strange coincidence on the list of channel members. Out of the first 120 members, 4 are currently online. They occupy postions 109, 110, 111 (me) and 112.

The likelyhood of 4 members next to each other being the only online members at any time is less than 1 in 1.6 million.

Isn't that exciting news (not)

I'm glad you're feeling better Yogi. Don't forget to have more fluid than normal as you may be a bit dehydrated.

And a welcome to Skylark, my latest buddie

Joyron, do you know the name of your cruise ship yet, so that if I fly over, I don't land on the wrong ship

And a to squiggle if you are looking in.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Squiggle, it's lovely to see you posting your lovely pictures again.  I hope you are feeling a little better today.

Yogi, glad to hear your recovery is ongoing.  Keep drinking those fluids.

El Loro, the cruise ship we are going on is Ventura.  Our suite is at the stern of the ship so landing should be fairly easy!!

It's bright and sunny here today and the forecast says it's going to be fairly warm for the next couple of days, but turning colder again at the end of the week.

Off to the shops now.  Will catch up later. 
squiggle, in case you missed it, that horrible woman who put a cat in a wheelie for a joke () was charged with animal cruelty yesterday. I think she will have been charged under section 4 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and faces up to 51 weeks in prison, or a fine up to ÂĢ20,000 or both. She will be tried in Coventy magistrate's court on 19 October. I suspect she will get a comparatively light sentence as the cat was not actually physically injured, but that is nothing compared to the way she is regarded by the general public and the press.
El Loro
Joyron, I had a look at the panoramic photos of the ship - looks good. I'm a bit concerned about the man on the Cirque deck shown hanging upside down - I guess that's what they do with stowaways now - I'll have to be careful

Skylark, I don't think we can operate the webcam as such. The top picture we can zoom in and out a bit with the + - bar, and we can position ourselves on the map with the arrows control, but there's not a lot to see apart from sea. The lower picture supposedly shows the view from the ship's webcam, but we have no control over it. And at present, it's just showing a static picture of the sea. You'll get more if you click on the Overview tab, then you will be able to access the slideshow and video.
El Loro
Good morning again one and all.  I see you've all been very busy checking out Ventura.  If you click on the stateroom button on the site Squiggle put up and scroll down to the suite, then click on virtual tour, I think you will be looking at the very suite we are going to be staying in.  Knowing where the cabin is on the ship and looking at the wake and the way the balcony rails bend (I know I'm completely potty) I would say that almost certainly this is our cabin. 

Evening all.    Cannot believe we are back on Page 2!!!

Did anyone get a chance to look at the suite on Ventura?  Would be interested to hear what you think.

Probably won't be back again this evening as I'm off to cook hubby's dinner.  One good thing about going away is that I won't have to think about the menu for a couple of weeks. 

Will catch up with you all tomorrow. 

Good morning to you all, hope you are well

Today is going to the last warm day for some time, tomorrow will be cooler, but by Friday and the weekend it will be cold. Where I live, it is not expected to get above 14 C, so I think we will all need to be having our heating on. Normally I can wait until into October, but don't think so this year.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    It was very misty when I woke up this morning but the sun is now shining and it's due to reach about 23 degrees today.  As El Loro says, then it's all down hill and turning much colder!!

Glad you all liked the suite.  I'm getting more and more excited as each day passes.  Cannot believe I've been counting down from 40 weeks on 1st January this year and now it's just over two weeks to go!!

I would love to take all my lovely buddies with me.  I'm sure we would all have great fun together onboard.    As has been said previously you will all be there with me in spirit, and with the link Squiggle put up you can even follow me with the web cam. 
Reference: Joyron
Oh dear El Loro, that's the second time you've made me wince in two days!!!
I am quite capable of some appalling puns when the mood takes me. It was Samuel Johnson who supposedly said that "punning is the lowest form of wit", It can be, but I think that's a bit harsh as where would we be without the pun. Shakespeare frequently used puns in his plays - I have seen reference to an estimate of over 3000 of them. I'm not comparing myself to Shakespeare, for a start he's dead.

The other day on another thread referring to the Pope's recent visit, some were rambling on about whether the Pope had stolen some fruit from a user's garden and hidden them under his hat (their word, not mine). So I replied saying something like "I hope not, for the Almighty is mightier than the mitre".

But then people can sometimes make puns without them realising it. It's not really a pun as such, but your posting above has two meanings depending on if there is a comma after the dear or not Of course, you may have realised it, in which case you're brilliant (but then your're brilliant anyway )

As are Yogi, squiggle, Skylark and all my other buddies.
El Loro
But then people can sometimes make puns without them realising it. It's not really a pun as such, but your posting above has two meanings depending on if there is a comma after the dear or not Of course, you may have realised it, in which case you're brilliant (but then your're brilliant anyway ) As are Yogi, squiggle, Skylark and all my other buddies.
El Loro, I agree with you that Yogi, Squiggle, Skylark and all our other buddies are brilliant.  As regards your previous comments I certainly would not have realised if I had done something or not (if you understand what I mean).  I'm certainly not brilliant, and obviously nowhere near as clever as you. 
I think that all of us are brilliant, but in different ways. Some think that there are different types of intelligence. This is a link to a Wiki article on this which is quite interesting. So artists have a high spatial intelligence for instance. A gardener could have a high naturalistic intelligence. I may be "clever" in logicical-mathematical intelligence, but I'm deficient in some of the other types.
El Loro
El Loro, you are definitely too clever for the likes of me!!! 

Speaking honestly, I've had a horrible day today as both sons have been "in transit" on airlines so to speak!!!  No.1 son is now cleared through security and on his way home from Stockholm (for work).  No.2 son flew out to Tunisia this morning for a well deserved holiday.  Thankfully No.2 son is now settled in his hotel so I don't have to worry about him.  Once No.1 son lands this evening I can go to bed and, hopefully, get a reasonable nights sleep.  Oh the joys of of being a Mum!!  
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