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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
In a gift shop in Keswick SIL said the chocolate was absolutely delicious too! She's looked after/walked Bramble a lot lately and is really missing her now that we're back at home every night. She snaps up any chance to look after her lol

That's lovely and you know SiL takes good care of Bramble.


Good morning everyone


Cooler, cloudier, and showery here today - the one day heatwave is over.


Summer, your MIL's doggy draught excluder reminds me very much of the one my mother bought years ago. Similar colour though furrier. Originally only had feet on one side as the other side was supposed to go against the door but my mother liked him so much that she made feet for the other side, named him Kellogg and placed him on top of the piano so he became part of the family.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cooler, cloudier, and showery here today - the one day heatwave is over.


Summer, your MIL's doggy draught excluder reminds me very much of the one my mother bought years ago. Similar colour though furrier. Originally only had feet on one side as the other side was supposed to go against the door but my mother liked him so much that she made feet for the other side, named him Kellogg and placed him on top of the piano so he became part of the family.


Good morning El 

Love that name  and the idea of sewing two other feet on too 


Good morning Moonie

My mother had quite a collection of furry toy animals which she had given names to. Her favourites were Jason (a chimpanzee) and a high quality glove puppet in the form of a squirrel by the name of Squiggle (she had him many years before this forum started and there is no connection between him and our squiggle )


El Loro

Good morning everyone, there's a lovely refreshing breeze here.  I flung all the upstairs windows open before my shower and let the breeze blow right through, gorgeous.


I love the story of the doggie draught excluder with extra feet named Kellogg EL.  What a great idea that chocolate bar is, very thoughtful.  Your hallway sounds lovely Summer, I love pale yellow.


Have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning Moonie

My mother had quite a collection of furry toy animals which she had given names to. Her favourites were Jason (a chimpanzee) and a high quality glove puppet in the form of a squirrel by the name of Squiggle (she had him many years before this forum started and there is no connection between him and our squiggle )


Awww that's very sweet El  

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning Moonie

My mother had quite a collection of furry toy animals which she had given names to. Her favourites were Jason (a chimpanzee) and a high quality glove puppet in the form of a squirrel by the name of Squiggle (she had him many years before this forum started and there is no connection between him and our squiggle )


Our paths were always destined to cross EL

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning Moonie

My mother had quite a collection of furry toy animals which she had given names to. Her favourites were Jason (a chimpanzee) and a high quality glove puppet in the form of a squirrel by the name of Squiggle (she had him many years before this forum started and there is no connection between him and our squiggle )


Our paths were always destined to cross EL


Good morning all. Weather is bright and breezy today.

Love the pic of the little bird, Squiggle, he looks like he's doing the splits.

I made the mistake of wearing heels when I went shoe shopping yesterday and my heels are still nipping. Mr Yogi wants to go to another shopping centre today - I'm wearing flat shoes this time.

Remember to close all your windows when they remove the wasp nest today, Moonie.

Have a good day all.


Hi Yogi and Sweet  

My wasp infestation has been sprayed. So hopefully that's that  I decided to contact the council about getting the hole filled up. Got to have a inspector to come out first, next Thursday  By the time they come to fill it the wasps will be back again 


Its a lot cooler here today Sweet but I cant have me front windows open in case the wasps, that are still alive pay me a visit 

Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Yogi and Sweet  

My wasp infestation has been sprayed. So hopefully that's that  I decided to contact the council about getting the hole filled up. Got to have a inspector to come out first, next Thursday  By the time they come to fill it the wasps will be back again 


Its a lot cooler here today Sweet but I cant have me front windows open in case the wasps, that are still alive pay me a visit 

Yay on getting the wasp nest sprayed. Why do they need an inspector to come out before they fill in the hole? It's not like they don't know the hole is there, as that is how the wasos were getting in. Councils are dumplings!



Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning Moonie

My mother had quite a collection of furry toy animals which she had given names to. Her favourites were Jason (a chimpanzee) and a high quality glove puppet in the form of a squirrel by the name of Squiggle (she had him many years before this forum started and there is no connection between him and our squiggle )


Our paths were always destined to cross EL


Originally Posted by squiggle:

A friend just posted this to my FB timeline, I thought you might like it EL


Proof our paths were destined to cross


I had to go out to a client about 5 hours ago and by the time I got back it was my lunchtime.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Funnily enough one has self-seeded right outside my window Yogi, it looks so pretty and as you say was covered in butterflies.  I don't think I've seen a tortoiseshell yet though.


So glad the wasps nest has been dealt with moonie.

They are pretty plants, Squiggle, and you are lucky to have one self-seed in your garden.

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