That's very pesky El, I hope they soon realise there's no point in posting here and get fed up wasting their time
Yesterday we took a coach ride across the moors from Newcastle to Keswick, travelling through Corbridge, Hexham & Alston among other places. We also passed the hartside cafe which is at the side if the road, literally in the middle of nowhere. It's very scenic.
Ava was pretty good on the coach, she is quite a demanding young lady so my best friend has to keep her occupied. She's very chatty- which I love! Very observant and is bright as a button. We have to be careful what we say in her presence because she remembers and repeats everything
she's walking, loves to explore and isn't shy. She also refuses to use her baby cutlery now (she's not even 2 yet) and demands to use the same as the grown up's
It was lovely to spend time with them
Moonie, when I was a teenager and did a paper round, I had to deliver to a house that had a wasps nest right above the front door! The owners didn't realise because they only used the back door, so I used to crouch low and whack it through the letter box as fast as possible! After a week or so I reported it to my boss