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Please, please, please don't cry Squiggle.  I KNOW I will be more upset than all you lovely people I'm leaving behind!!!  I want to share this trip with you all.  Just don't think it will happen with the husband I've got!!!

Signing out for tonight now.  Hubby went to the boat show in Southampton today so I've not had dinner to cook, and have been able to spend a little more time here!!

Hope to catch up with you all over the weekend. 
And of course a good morning to you all.

A nice sunny morning, but very cold here. Even though I had turned down my central heating, it was cold enough to come on. Although I'm on the outskirts of town, it is still warmer than out in the countryside and I suspect that people there will be having to scrape ice of their cars if they go out early. But I think we will find it a few degrees warmer for a couple of days this coming Tuesday and Wednesday.

I'll be out most of the day as I'm off to a friend's ruby wedding anniversary party.
El Loro
Squiggle,  I've just looked back over our posts last night and I realise now why you felt left out.  While I was typing my response to Yogi and El Loro you posted you message about El Loro carrying messages.  I think what happened was when my post came up your's was at the top of my screen, just out of sight, and I never read it.  Hence I did not respond.  It's only since I saw El Loro quoting that post this morning that I realised I hadn't seen it or replied to it.

Please accept my sincere apologies.  I certainly did not ignore your post; I just didn't see it.  Please, please, please forgive me. 
Good evening everyone

It was a good party. We had a short service in church beforehand where the couple renewed their wedding vows. Quite a lot of people didn't turn up due to illness including the best man at the wedding and a woman who was going to sing "Let us Rejoice" based on Psalm 118 by Martin Haugen, so we had a CD of it instead. It's quite pleasant, but I can't find an adequate recording of it to post here.

Then we went for the buffet lunch, but of course as fewer people turned up, there was plenty of food, so those who wanted to could have seconds. And after that, during coffee we also had a cake baked for the party.

Yogi, I walked rather than drove - I never drink and drive.

Joyron, I hope you got the washing dried (if you actually put out any washing) - better bring it in if it's still out because I think it's going to rain overnight.

Squiggle, I hope you are OK, we haven't heard from you today. I can see why you were a bit upset but it was just that Joyron posted a few seconds after your post so wouldn't have seen it when she wrote her's. I often find that I have composed a reply, then post it, then later on find that someone has posted something whlst I've been composing which makes what I posted either out of date or duplicated.

Skylark, we've missed you. I'm fine, but still a bit full after my gigantic meal at the party.
El Loro
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