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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I think the public will be in for quite a wait before it's announced that the royal baby has been born - it's been made clear that nothing more will be announced until the notice is placed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.

 I know, El, but it won't stop me checking the news channels every half hour or so, just in case there's any news.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, it's quite exciting about the royal baby news.  I hope Kate is being given lots of painkillers and I hope there's air conditioning too, it's forecast to be a very hot day.


Lovely to see you back with us Ros, it sounds like it's been a very tough year for you so far, enjoy your break.


Good luck with keeping cool today, everyone

I want one of those pools!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Ugh, my 3G has been dropping in & out today! El, I've really fancied a burger lately, a rare thing for me, but who knows what is actually in them

The story I linked to is nothing to do with the contents of burgers but if you were able to click on the link you would see why I referred to them I hope your 3G is sorted out as that's a bit of an inconvenience for you.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Summer, a very suitable owl for yesterday's news of RB


There have been heavy showers here this morning and I heard rumbles of thunder. The band of rain is moving west to east and I'm hoping the worst is over as I'm due to go out to a client in a couple of hours. Although it is cloudy I can see that the really dark clouds are now to the west of where I live and are lighter to the east.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast and a bit humid.

I hope you manage to visit your clients before any rain showers, El.

I hope we find out the new RB's name today. The baby is likely to have four names and I think there will be a nod to both sides of the family in the middle names. George seems to be the favourite with the bookies. Anyone got other ideas?

Moonie, I hope you feel well enough to join us today, I miss you.

Have a good day all.




Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I think you are right and George has to be a strong possibility. Also Philip, Michael and Peter are contenders. Michael (Kate's father) and Peter (Kate's grandfather who for a couple of months was co-pilot with Prince Philip years ago). 

I wondered if Philip might be in with a chance as a middle name, as William is close to his granfather and it's the male form of Phillipa (Pippa). Also James, for Kate's brother and Henry, for Prince Harry, might be possibilities as middle names.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning Great news about Ross I hope he continues to do well It's very dark here, I think rain is coming!

I think you could be right - your area's forecast is heavy rain this morning, afternoon dry, this evening heavy rain.

What I've noticed is that there's hardly any wind today which means that the rain could be slow moving.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's very humid here too, I don't know what the forecast is but I really feel we could do with a good downpour.  Can't believe I'm saying that after all the rain we've had this year.


I think Charles as one of the baby's names has to be a contender and I agree that Philip would be a lovely tribute to a wonderful man and I am sure a wonderful grandfather.


Great news about Ross, my hubby had Non-Hodgkins and Hodgkins was the cancer that everyone knew as 'the one that doesn't kill you'.


Hope you aren't feeling too unwell moonie


Squiggle, I don't know why stars can't be seen in those photos - the photos are from the NASA website so unlikely to have been doctored in any way. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that the Cassini probe was sent to Saturn to explore Saturn's system of the planet, the rings and the moons of Saturn. The scientific equipment used to take photographs would not have needed the power of a telescope looking at the sky as a whole but would concentrate on images much closer (so closer to binoculars). The Earth and the moon are far closer to Saturn than any star (other then our Sun) so would be more likely to be seen in a photo than stars.


El Loro
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