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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Don't they just lol I think mr summer is worrying more than usual to be honest, she's quite relaxed. In fact she's laying upside down on her back next to me right now..


If she seemed distressed or in pain, I would be worried, but from your description of her ^^^^, I would say she isn't either.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
She definitely doesn't seem distressed or in pain, just the occasional snuffles that resemble a sneezing fit but are more like a grunt/hiccup type thing She's snoozing now

That sounds very like what happened with Keira. Hopefully, she'll sneeze it out during the night.


I'm feeling sleepy tonight so I'm going to sign out now. Goodnight Summer, sweet dreams.

Big hug for Moonie.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Moonie!!!! how are you feeling? We miss you Yogi, some people do shave their border terriers, but apparently it's best to strip the old fur out. Mr summer likens it to a snake needing to shed it's skin, he says it's best for the coat. I like that he does it himself though, I think she would be unhappy in a grooming parlour. We let her have some beef, and some duck, she will do anything for a slice of meat

Not feeling great but I just pop in and post whilst you and Yogi where here

 We do miss you. Take care and get well soon.

Thanks Yogi 


Good morning everyone. Another sunny day up here.

Summer, I hope Bramble's snuffle has gone now.

Moonie, I hope you continue to feel a bit better today.

Squiggle, in the Gardeners' World magazine, they mentioned a programme which will be on BBC 2, presented by Chris Packham, called The Burrowers. I immediately thought of your friend, Moley, and wondered if he had been causing trouble recently? Also wondered if the badger had returned?

El, I hope your shoulder is continuing to improve.


Any of you who like crime novels read a book called The Cuckoo's Calling written by Robert Galbraith? It's been out since April and has been getting rave reviews.

for more info.


Robert Galbraith isn't the writer's real name and the Sunday Times has revealed who really wrote the book. The most recent comments on that Amazon page show who it is. As a result, it's likely to become a bestseller.

El Loro

That was really weird EL.  I clicked on your link and whilst I was reading the reviews which told me the real name of the author they covered it on The Andrew Marr Show, felt really odd.


Oh dear sorry to hear that the baby has been feeling the heat Yogi, I just checked the weather forecast again and it's going to be just as hot down here this week.  I hope she manages to cope.  Moonie I am glad you are eating a little and hope you will really feel better soon.


So far so good with the Jeyes Fluid with the mole, he definitely doesn't like it and hasn't shown himself for a while now.


Have a good day everyone

Good morning although it not, I'm a big glee fan so I'm shocked about Cory Meanwhile, it's rained here during the night, which has cooled the air a little and bramble is still snuffling, so I think mr summer will be popping her to the vet tomorrow. She's definitely not distressed though she's happily laying in my bed right now I have to go shopping for a black dress, will be back later have a lovely Sunday x
~Sparkling Summer~

The curate at our church announced this morning that she had at long last landed a job as vicar at a nearby group of countryside churches. She intends to leave us in a couple of weeks to allow time to pass over the reins to our new vicar who officially starts on Tuesday (but has already been getting to know people). The curate will then have a couple of weeks packing up to move away, take her summer holidays before starting her new job sometime in September.

El Loro
Sounds like it's all worked out well El, I'm really pleased for you & your church I've been lucky; the first dress I tried on was perfect! and, it was half price! I tried on 3 others because I'd taken them in with me anyway but I knew right away that the first one was right Yogi I hope PB is more cheery today, and feels like cuddles with everyone, but especially you Moonie, I do hope you are feeling a bit better, and perhaps caught a nap this afternoon Squiggle, I hope you're having a lovely Sunday
~Sparkling Summer~

Not surprisingly The Cuckoo's Calling book has shot up the list to become Amazon's number one best seller. Apparently up to yesterday 1500 copies had been sold. Amazon said that by noon the number sold had increased by 500,000%.

If that percentage is correct that means that 7,500,000 copies have been sold today (that is online of course, book shops were unaware). That is a staggering number of books for one day.

El Loro

Evening all, just a flying visit.

Had a lovely afternoon out at the park. It was sunny but there was a nice, cool breeze, so PB was in happier spirits. She is normally a very smiley, happy baby.

Summer, I am really pleased you managed to find the right outfit for Thursday, it is one less thing to concern yourself with.

El, I wish your curate good luck in her new job and hope all goes well for her.

Moonie, hope you get a decent sleep tonight.

Signing out early tonight, goodnight all.

I heard on the radio who the real author of that book is! I loved the Harry potter books I'm going to go read the reviews! Yogi I'm pleased you had a lovely day and that PB was much happier. Love the owl, I bought a little owl necklace today Moonie I hope you are soon back with us hugs for absent, but not forgotten friends Sweet dreams xx
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It's a bit cloudy this morning - white clouds, not big, black rain ones.

El, I agree, my owl looks like he'd fit in well on Open University.

Summer, it looks like we are all becoming owl fanatics. I bought an owl ornament for my garden last week.

Moonie, I hope you slept better last night and feel well enough to join us today.

Squiggle, is your pond looking better since you cleared the green stuff? The pond, in the park we visited yesterday, is in need of a good clear out. There were far fewer ducks and swans on it than usual - I don't blame them, it would be like swimming through treacle.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, your local council should get that pond cleaned up. Some years ago blue green algae were found in the lake at Pittville Park in Cheltenham and as that can create a health risk the council got the lake cleaned up.

That is one of the risks of letting ponds etc become stagnant.

In this case, I don't think it is an algae problem, just far too much pondweed. I know the pond is regularly checked for algae problems.

They need to follow Monty Don's advice and throw in some bales of barley straw.


Good morning everyone.  It was fascinating just now to watch a sea mist slowly working its way up the valley just touching the top of the hill opposite.


Yes thank you Yogi pond looking lovely now I shall probably top up the water again soon once I have finished sprinkling the lawns. Pond weed can be a problem, I have oxygenating plants in there but they multiply shockingly quickly and you have to keep hoiking out great strands of it otherwise it would quickly take over. I am glad the baby was much more cheerful, she's not going to be a sun seeker from the sound of it.


Well done on finding the right dress Summer, I hope all goes well on Thursday.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi I just looked into the whole barley straw thing.  When you mentioned lobbing barley straw bales into the pond I had a mental picture

and I thought my small pond no way but I've looked into it and it gets good reviews so I am trying a couple of pouches, looks good, so thanks

Monty recommends it, Squiggle, so I hope it works for you.

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