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Reference: Yogi
Roman Holiday is definitely worth watching, and it has the added bonus of the lovely Gregory Peck
And for me, the lovely Audrey Hepburn.

Good morning (For a moment I had typred that as Food morning )

Today, hopefully, is the day that my broadband is sorted out. I'll probably will need to change my email address, but rather than create a new ID here (as some members think they have to do), I will just go to Edit my Profile (from Your Control Panel from the Liveclouud logo at the top), and then amend the email address by clicking on the edit icon just to the right of the old email address. (I've gone into details for Joyron)
El Loro
Hi to you both Yogi and EL (and everyone else too of course).  I couldn't agree more about Roman Holiday, love Gregory Peck, love Audrey Hepburn, love the whole style of the film and the glimpses of Rome.  An all-round winner and why they don't make 'em like that any more (to coin a phrase) is beyond me.  Although having said that do we have stars like Audrey and Gregory any more?  You wouldn't believe the weather here, gale force winds and scything rain.
Morning everyone.    Won't say good morning as it's very dull and windy here too, and the rain is not far away I'm sure!!

El Loro, I've made a note of your explanation for changing my email address, in preparation for our changeover tomorrow.  Hopefully all will go smoothly but if I'm not around for a while you will know why.  If I have any problems I will have to wait for No.1 son to call round after work tomorrow to sort it out!

Squiggle, you asked what sort of clothing I'm taking on the cruise.  I wear trousers most of the time but I do have some long skirts and matching tops to wear for the "posh" dinners.  I tend to go for black or dark colours, with a splash of something bright in the tops just to take the darkness away.

I'm not sure if you know of, or have ever watched, the shopping channel QVC but I've bought a lot of stuff from there, as I don't often get a chance to go to any large shopping centres unless someone takes me.  If you do know of QVC then if I say I've bought from the "Kim & Co" range you should know roughly what I will be wearing.

Will be back later. 
For some reason someone remade Roman Holiday for American TV back in 1987, with Tom Conti and Catherine Ocenburg. I think it's fair to say that it vanished, the only country to have given it a certificate according to IMDB was Iceland.

Let's hop no-one else thinks of making a modern remake - it is extremely rare that a remake matches or exceeds the original. I found a site done by someone listing their 50 films better than the original, but that was only their opinion. The only one which I would agree with was The Maltese Falcon - yes the classic version was a remake of a 1931 film. But the list didn't mention A Star is Born (the Judy Garland/James Mason version is a remake).
El Loro
 I'm not sure if you know of, or have ever watched, the shopping channel QVC but I've bought a lot of stuff from there, as I don't often get a chance to go to any large shopping centres unless someone takes me. If you do know of QVC then if I say I've bought from the "Kim & Co" range you should know roughly what I will be wearing. Will be back later.
I sometimes watch QVC and have seen the Kim & Co range. I'm sure you'll look lovely.
And this is my first post on this forum with my new Virgin broadband. I've just done a broadband speed test - and downloads are about 5 times as fast as before, which is what I would have expected.

I'll now need to start getting my new email address to people and start changing it on sites like here. Orange will keep the old email address going for at least 90 days so I don't need to panic.

The telephone and the broadband come via different cables, so there should be no possibilty of interference between the two. And also this means that filters are not required, which is useful. On the one phone call I've had since the changeover, the quality of the sound is noticeably clear of any background noise.
El Loro
Let's hope Joyron's broadband switchover tomorrow goes as well as mine
I say amen to that El Loro.  Don't know why but I just have this feeling that things won't go smoothly!!!  Had to chase my new broadband supplier for the appropriate code for son to use tomorrow to get new broadband going as I've not received the letter that was supposed to have been sent giving this information!!  If I'm missing tomorrow you will know why and I will (as they say) get back to you when I can. 
Yogi - hope you see this.  I didn't want to respond further in Skylark's thread and highjack it, so to speak!!!  It sounds as though you have had some pretty tough events to cope with (which I would never have realised given your cheery outlook on life).

I feel SO humble moaning about my osteoarthritis.  That's nothing compared to what you have had to cope with.   x a million.
We'll send out a search party, if you aren't back within a day or two.
Please do!!  Fortunately my No.1 son is a real IT wizz kid so I'm sure if there are any problems he will deal with them.  Just find it hard to face the fact I may have to wait until he gets here from work tomorrow evening before I'm up and running.  Sounds stupid but I feel really lost without my connection to this "world". 
Afternoon everyone.    Well I'm still here, and still with current broadband provider.  Had no connection this morning so I thought it had gone, but light came on router a little while ago so it must have just been a bad connection!!!  Don't know if connection will go again but at least I've now received all the equipment for No.1 son to set things up this evening.

Will try and come back later, connection permitting. 
Reference: Yogi
I'm like a bear with a sore head when the internet connection goes down
And we dont want a Yogi Bear with a sore head

Joyron, I have my fingers and toes crossed for you for the equipment sorting out the problems. If it doesn't, then I think it's either a case of getting your provider to send out an engineer (and you will probably need to force the issue it hey're anything like Orange) or to do what I did and go over to Virgin or another cable provider if there is another one in the area. If you are out of the tie-in period, I would be inclined to switch over to cable unless BT are expected to install super fast broadband in your area in the near future.
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Evening all.    I've still got my broadband, but for how much longer I don't know!!  No.1 son will be here in an hour to sort out the changeover.  It appears my current supplier has not yet "turned" our service off, although they said that would happen as soon as I passed the MAC code to another provider.  I've been informed that the new service is up and running, we just need to input all the information/codes etc.

El Loro,  we have moved from Tesco to BT.  Whenever we've reported problems to Tesco they said if it's a fault with the line then they would have to ask BT to investigate.  No.1 son has been with BT for years, with no problems, so we decided to change to them so that we can at least talk to the "organ grinder" and not the "monkey" so to speak!!  If things don't get a lot better then I will be on BT's back so much that they will wish they had never taken us on!!

We have no cable etc here as we are right out in the country.  Sky was not an option as it still relies on the BT line.
I won't be back again tonight but will, hopefully, catch up with you all tomorrow. 
Joyron, I think that when they mean "passing the MAC code to another provider" they mean the turning off happens at the time that you input the information and codes as this is what is needed to change the exisitng information which probably includes the old MAC number to the new information. I must admit I get a bit confused about these MAC numbers. I know there is a MAC number for each router and also a MAC number for the computer, and you can also have other MAC numbers. But which one is needed for migration purposes I don't know.

I think you are right to switch to BT as if there is a problem with the line or connection, it is their own people dealing with it. You don't have to get Tesco to get in touch with BT (because that is what would happen) to get one of the BT engineers out. When the man from Orange rang me on Monday, he admitted that the delay of 11 days in coming back to me was because of the slow response time having to go through BT for engineering problems. He said BT were getting better, but 11 days is useless as far as I am concerned.

Also if BT do move to superfast broadband in your area, you will know that BT will be the first provider to be able to offer that service to you. Others would follow in due course, but BT would be the first.

Here's a link to the BT Help page for it's Broadband service.

You may well find the Email link there useful if you want help in setting up the BT email side of things. From that you can also find help on, for instance, setting up Outlook Express to access your emails if you don't want to be stuck with using the BT website to access them. It's a bit fiddly, but your son would be able to set that up for you.
El Loro
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