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Afternoon everyone.    Sorry I've not been about sooner but the broadband connection is very bad today.  Thinking about it weekends seem to be the worst at the moment.  SO hope that changes next week.

Just managed to wizz my way through last night's shows and I must admit there was a tear in my eye by the end.

Had a successful shopping day yesterday.  Hubby spent loads of money on clothes so I don't feel anywhere near as bad as I did about the stuff I've been collecting together over the last 18 months 

Will try and get back later, broadband permitting. 
Good morning

I think it spoils Christmas by putting up Chriastmas trees this early. And shops are already having Christmas puddings, chocolate Santas etc on sale. If you get them this early, by the time Christmas day comes, people who have bought things this early will be used to seing the trees, or eating the puddings etc, so raducing the pleasure of Christmas itself IMO.

In Cheltenham, although the council will be having the normal street Christmas decorations, they have announced that there will be no formal turning on the lights celebration in order to save money, and I won't be surprised if other councils follow suit.
El Loro
Good morning El Loro and Squiggle.
I love Christmas but I wish all the hype didn't start until December. Some of the shops up here have had Selection Boxes since the middle of August and the garden centre already has it's Christmas department fully stocked.
I am having the family over for Sunday dinner, so may not be around until later tonight. Hope you all have a lovely, relaxed Sunday. (MY hug and kiss smilies have gone AWOL, xxx)
Afternoon everyone.    Not been able to get on before as No.1 son and the grandchildren were here.

I think that the first weekend in December is the right time for people to start getting ready for Christmas.  I hate seeing all the goodies in the shops months beforehand, and the thought of seeing a Christmas tree this early would really turn me off.

From what I've read it appears the inevitable is happening:  Preston and Chantelle and giving their relationship another go and Josie and JJ1 have split.  I wish I'd put money of those two results (if the reporting is accurate) as I would be well off now.

Will try and get back later, if not will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Hope the family lunch went okay Yogi. 
Just popped in before I have to take my brother to catch his train. I've just posted this little story over in the Parrot Sanctuary, and though I'd post it here as well, particularly as it's the sort of thing my mother's Squggle would get up to

Squirrel 'stowaway' on wildlife holiday cruise

Red squirrel on wildlife cruise. Pic: The Majestic Line The red squirrel has been on the boat since Monday

Efforts are to be made to capture a red squirrel found on a wildlife holiday cruise boat.

The "stowaway" was thought to have fled to The Majestic Line's Glen Massan vessel following a territorial dispute with another squirrel, or being frightened by a bird of prey.

It has been on the Heritage and Wildlife of South Argyll Cruise since Monday morning.

The squirrel was spotted after the boat anchored in Loch Riddon.

It was first sighted by Canadian professional photographer Steve Boyton.

Initial efforts to catch the animal were unsuccessful.

Fresh attempts will be made to capture it on Friday morning when the cruise ends at the Holy Loch Marina.

Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park ranger Jim Downie will board the Glen Massan and lay traps.

He said he was optimistic that the squirrel would be caught unharmed and in good health.

Should his attempts prove successful, it will then be returned as close to the spot where the Glen Massan was anchored.

El Loro
Another one of that silly forecast website's predictions for next Sunday - but don't panic over the windspeeds because they're impossible (and the effect on the feels like temperature, particularly the 4.00 to 6.59 one is a bit unlikely as well)

Sun 19 Sep1:003:594 Â°c3 Â°c00.0 mm7 %3 mph4 mph

4:006:593 Â°c-11 Â°c00.0 mm20 %243 mph291 mph

7:009:5912 Â°c3 Â°c10.0 mm15 %232 mph278 mph

10:0012:5916 Â°c11 Â°c30.0 mm13 %158 mph189 mph

13:0015:5917 Â°c12 Â°c50.0 mm25 %161 mph193 mph
El Loro
Good morning on a somewhat cloudy day

The forecast for next Sunday has gone back to the normal sort of figures, I sometimes wonder why this particular forecasr site bothers with figures after 5 days (it does 14 days), and after 5, it's just guesswork. It's not the first time it's xome up with silly figures, and I don't think their software can have any checks built in to highlight such obnious errors.

Yogi, I have no idea why your font size shrunk - could be because of all the rain? I have seen other posts here like that, and it just seems to happen on a random basis, and there's no icon available to control the font size. I think that for some reason, the trigger which switches from the small font used for the header of the post (the bit Yog19 to the the number of posts) to the normal font size didn't work.
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Good morning everyone.  Yogi do you remember those adverts from way back when they told you to buy some item of clothing guaranteed not to shrink because it had been Sanforized or something similar, I see you have managed to reverse the shrinkage now Its not actually raining here but very very grey, does everyone think that's it for Summer.  And EL I love your silly weather forecasts, can you imagine if it were to happen   My husband was a postman delivering letters during the hurricane, a plate glass shop window blew right out as he was passing and several of his colleagues were nearly decapitated by metal street signs launching themselves into the air.
Good morning everyone.    Hope you are all well.  Weather is rather overcast here but we are not due any rain.  I really hope this is not the end of summer!!  I'm hoping for an Indian Summer well into October - wishful thinking perhaps.

Yogi, my tomatoes have nearly come to an end now.  I've had some many I had to give some away.  I hope yours continue to ripen with the aid of the bananas!! 
I remember the Great Storm of 1987, as I'm sure many of you do. I was working in Cheltenham at the time and saw this lamp post outside bending over. Never seen anything like that before or since. One of the fatalities took place in the centre of Cheltenham where a woman was killed by one of the many falling trees. And of course Michael Fish became the most notorious forecaster in living memory for his "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way; well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't, but having said that, actually, the weather will become very windy, but most of the strong winds, incidentally, will be down over Spain and across into France".

The following day I had to go on a course in London, and I was one of the few people who made it. One of the episodes of "Our Friends in the North" (the 1987 episode) was based in part in London and I think that one of the characters met their end in a restaging of this storm.

The maximum speed measured that day was a gust of 122 mph, so that is an indication as to how silly my posted forecast is.
El Loro
I'll be having a tomato and a banana at lunchtime today (and other things), so I'm keeping Yogi and Joyron company.

Squiggle, I suspect that summer is over and we are heading straight into autumn, and the notoriously rubbish weather forecast site shows next week as being very windy with speeds of between 30 and 40 mph for much of the time, and temperatures down to the low teens due to the winds coming from the North (C, not F)

Guess what, at long last Orange have been on the phone asking about my broadband connections problems and talking about sending an engineer free of charge. (that's taken them 11 days to come back). But that is a bit too late now considering that Virgin come tomorrow to do their installation.
El Loro
It's gone

The neighbour's old car which has been stuck on our shared drive for a very long time, the best part of a year totally unused and rusting away, has at long last been towed away to the breakers yard. That is great news as it has been causing irritation for me, particularly when I had the work being done on the house, and it must have been a nuisance for the neighbours. The cost of getting the car into saleable condition would have exceeded anything they could have got for it, so scrapping was the only sensible option. I knew that, the workmen knew that. In the end 3 weeks ago a client of mine who was in the new car business told me when he was visiting that the scrap value was relatively high at present as I asked him for his opinion. So I told the neighbours and they finally took the hint.
El Loro
Reference: El loro.
3 weeks ago a client of mine who was in the new car business told me when he was visiting that the scrap value was relatively high at present as I asked him for his opinion. So I told the neighbours and they finally took the hint.
 Great result and smart thinking on your part.

I read your post ^^^^ about Orange contacting you - what a cheek!
Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well. Weather is rather overcast here but we are not due any rain. I really hope this is not the end of summer!! I'm hoping for an Indian Summer well into October - wishful thinking perhaps.
Maybe not such wishful thinking on your part though Joyron as you are going to cruise away very soon to somewhere hot (can you give us all a rough idea of your itinerary?)
(can you give us all a rough idea of your itinerary?)
Squiggle, we will be calling at Barcelona, Cannes, Livorno (Florence/Pisa), Rome, Palma, Valencia and finally Gibralter before returning home.  As I've told you before my main wish on this trip is to return to Rome (before I'm too old) and I've always wanted to visit Gibralter, so this voyage suits my wishes

 My reason for wanting the Indian Summer to stretch into the end of October is that only one week after we get back we have to change the clocks and I'm certainly not looking forward to going into those dark evening!!

I'm trying desperately hard not to bore you all to death with this trip, which is why I'm trying not to mention it too much.
Joyron, I'm happy to hear the details of your cruise. Don't think of it as boring us to death, think of it as sharing your excitement.
Thank you for saying that Yogi.  I'm slowly getting more and more excited as the days tick away but I didn't want anyone to think "why is she going on and on and on about this flipping trip!!".  I cannot believe in a little over three weeks we will be onboard.  No more cooking or cleaning for a whole two weeks  - that's a bonus on top of all the great places we get to visit!! 
Yes I agree with Yogi Joyron, I love to hear all the details, what lovely clothes you are taking etc., its a lovely itinerary and I am sure will be a memorable holiday. Will you throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain? And you must remember ALL the details on your return so you can make us sigh with envy
Thank you for that too Squiggle.  As I said above I don't want to bore you all with this trip but I am certainly happy to share my excitement with you!.  I'm not sure about the coin in the Trevi Fountain.  I threw one in when I was around 12/13 years old, which is what takes me back this year.  If I throw another one in when I visit does that mean I have to go back again!!  Perhaps I'll just let hubby throw one in (as he has not been to Rome before).

Just as an aside, my No.2 son has been trying to get hold of a downloaded copy of Roman Holiday for me but the one he found is not a good copy at all.  He said I can buy a compilation Audrey Hepburn DVD which includes this film but I'm not sure if I should be spending my money on this or not.  Any thoughts?? 
Hope my ship is a little more sea worthy than that Squiggle!!  It's lovely talking together at the same time.  Doesn't happen very often but it's nice when we do. 

With regard to the DVD I'll get No.2 son to find out how much it costs and where to get it from before making any decision.  (Sorry Squiggle I've just seen the end of your post.  I will check it out) 
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