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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good afternoon Squiggle your pics just about sum up the day Lets hope it gets sunny again very soon! I'm cooking steak & veg tonight, we can't wait. I fully intend to not sit on my dinner tonight too

Steak and veg sounds good to me Sweet and deffo not to be sat on 

Steak and veg sounds much better than the leftover chicken I will be eating later.

Or the tin of soup I just had 

What flavour?



It was okay 

I'm off to try and make something edible with some leftover cooked chicken. See you in a bit.


Another news item I saw mentioned on the BBC red button today.

It's an item which comes from China and is a desperately sad state of affairs there that a law should have had to be brought in.


It reminded me of a Japanese film from 1953 called Tokyo Story. Some critics regard it as the greatest film ever made but I will never watch it as it is so sad.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good afternoon Squiggle your pics just about sum up the day Lets hope it gets sunny again very soon! I'm cooking steak & veg tonight, we can't wait. I fully intend to not sit on my dinner tonight too

Steak and veg sounds good to me Sweet and deffo not to be sat on 

Steak and veg sounds much better than the leftover chicken I will be eating later.

Or the tin of soup I just had 

What flavour?



It was okay 

I'm off to try and make something edible with some leftover cooked chicken. See you in a bit.

I'm sure you will make a splendid job of it Yogi  See you later 

Ta daaaaaaaa... I cooked it right and did not sit on it! Mr summer was asleep when I got home so I walked Bramble without him and then cooked tea when I got back. Evening all *night owls* Yogi I hope you have a great sleep tonight, sounds like you're ready for it sweet dreams I hope everyone had a good day, big shock about Serena, I'm thrilled! Moonie, I'll be in the manor
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Ta daaaaaaaa... I cooked it right and did not sit on it! Mr summer was asleep when I got home so I walked Bramble without him and then cooked tea when I got back. Evening all *night owls* Yogi I hope you have a great sleep tonight, sounds like you're ready for it sweet dreams I hope everyone had a good day, big shock about Serena, I'm thrilled! Moonie, I'll be in the manor

That meal looks delish Sweet   My day was okay fankoo  


Good morning everyone. It's raining here today. I'm really pleased I decided to mow the front lawn yesterday.

Summer, your dinner looks delicious.

My sleep pattern has gone wonky. I have started waking really early in the morning, which makes me tired in the evening. I fell asleep early last night but woke at 3am! I got fed up of tossing and turning and got up for a cup of tea. I went back to bed at 5.30 and woke again at 7.30.

Hope your weather is better than mine, have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

BB related question for those who watch.  They have had a couple of weeks to settle down, which is when we start to see the real person under the hype.  Who are your two current favourites?  Mine at the moment are Callum and Sophie.

This year, I am finding it difficult to choose a favourite. Judging by the lack fan threads on here and DS, I think other people are also finding it hard.

I am championing Dexter atm because I hate the way he is being ostracised by the HMs and I think there is a vulnerability about him, despite his bluster and boasting.

I'm not sure about Sophie. I feel she is radar-dodging and think there may be a nastier side lurking below the surface. Callum may be a slow burner, so I'll wait and see with him.

I detest Wolfy and may switch off if BB pull a stunt to save her.

Dan is really annoying and I don't like Jackie either.


I agree with you about Dexter to a certain extent, I do feel sympathy for him because he is so vulnerable.  I struggle to like him though because he has such a skewed view of the world, his whole world is materialism, the same as it is with Gina (who is fake through and through in my opinion) and I find this hard to like.  I think we will see more of Sophie, she is overshadowed at the moment by the bigger personalities.  Hazel I thought I would like but I am disliking her more with each day that passes.  Wolfy of course is a total fruitcake and not a very nice person.  Callum is the kindest person in there, I wish he would see through Charlie though.  Charlie blew it as far as I was concerned when she blithely chose her mum to have her head shaved, my jaw dropped how could she?   And as for Jackie's efforts to subtly question him, about as subtle as a rhino charging   Can't stand Dan, Gina on seeing his VT "I love Dan" well he's got her fooled hasn't he?


Just to let you know that I've damaged my left shoulder probably through lifting the heavy boxes of the large client I'm working on. I went to see the doctor this morning and it's the rotator cuff which in inflamed. I've got some painkillers/anti inflammatories and have rung the local NHS physio direct line and left a message. A physio will contact me within 5 working days with a phone conversation. If I have to see a physio the local NHS waiting time is 5 weeks which isn't much use.


At present it's impossible to drive but I'm hoping that the shoulder will improve over the next couple of weeks so that I can get around.


I had similar problems with my right shoulder a couple of years ago so I have some idea of timescale. Doctor says up to 8 weeks recovery time but I hope it's a lot shorter than that.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Just to let you know that I've damaged my left shoulder probably through lifting the heavy boxes of the large client I'm working on. I went to see the doctor this morning and it's the rotator cuff which in inflamed. I've got some painkillers/anti inflammatories and have rung the local NHS physio direct line and left a message. A physio will contact me within 5 working days with a phone conversation. If I have to see a physio the local NHS waiting time is 5 weeks which isn't much use.


At present it's impossible to drive but I'm hoping that the shoulder will improve over the next couple of weeks so that I can get around.


I had similar problems with my right shoulder a couple of years ago so I have some idea of timescale. Doctor says up to 8 weeks recovery time but I hope it's a lot shorter than that.

Oh no, El! 5 weeks is a ridiculous length of time to wait for physio (although I remember my middle son having to wait a similar length of time when he had problems with his back). I hope you manage to get an early appointment - can you ask that they contact you if there is a cancellation?

What will you do regarding work? Will you be able to get clients to come to you, or is there someone who might drive you around if need be?


Yogi, the physio will talk to me for 10-15 minutes on the phone to ascertain if a physical examination is required. If not, then the physio would post me with an exercise regime to follow. If an examination is required then that's where the 5 week waiting list comes in and I would need to decide if to wait or to go private.


I would need to get clients to come and see me or to send things via post. Although I could arrange for someone to take me somewhere that's not something which I can rely on or assume that someone will. Shopping will be a bit of a headache. The local Co-op is a 15 minute walk away and I can always catch a bus into Gloucester and go to M&S there but at present I can only carry things with my right hand so I would land up by having to make more visiits in a week.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, the physio will talk to me for 10-15 minutes on the phone to ascertain if a physical examination is required. If not, then the physio would post me with an exercise regime to follow. If an examination is required then that's where the 5 week waiting list comes in and I would need to decide if to wait or to go private.


I would need to get clients to come and see me or to send things via post. Although I could arrange for someone to take me somewhere that's not something which I can rely on or assume that someone will. Shopping will be a bit of a headache. The local Co-op is a 15 minute walk away and I can always catch a bus into Gloucester and go to M&S there but at present I can only carry things with my right hand so I would land up by having to make more visiits in a week.

I hope the physio can post you an exercise regime so you can get started straight away, rather than wait 5 weeks for treatment.

Re the shopping issue, would it be possible to do online shopping for a few weeks until your shoulder is healed?

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good idea Yogi, although sadly M & S haven't got with the times and started doing that.

They ought to think about it.

Perhaps for a few weeks, El could consider using one of the supermarkets who do online shopping, and pick up special bits and pieces from M&S, which he could carry in one bag.

Oh no El how awful for you I hope the physio can get you in sooner rather than later, have you taken any anti inflammatories? And is there anything you can rub into the muscle?? I know a superb physio, but he's in Blackpool! If you ever want the contact just give me a shout, mr summer flies in from America to see him, he's that good! And not too expensive either, it's just the travel that's an issue...
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Early Bird Moonie.


I'm trying to decide what to have for lunch and I don't know what I fancy.

Going to the shops for milk and bread, so I might buy a tin of soup.

Hi Yogi  

Yep, a trip to shops is bound to tickle the taste buds 

I nipped into the village cafe and bought some of their homemade lentil soup to takeaway - very tasty.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Early Bird Moonie.


I'm trying to decide what to have for lunch and I don't know what I fancy.

Going to the shops for milk and bread, so I might buy a tin of soup.

Hi Yogi  

Yep, a trip to shops is bound to tickle the taste buds 

I nipped into the village cafe and bought some of their homemade lentil soup to takeaway - very tasty.

Sounds good to me Yogi  Did you enjoy it?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Early Bird Moonie.


I'm trying to decide what to have for lunch and I don't know what I fancy.

Going to the shops for milk and bread, so I might buy a tin of soup.

Hi Yogi  

Yep, a trip to shops is bound to tickle the taste buds 

I nipped into the village cafe and bought some of their homemade lentil soup to takeaway - very tasty.

Sounds good to me Yogi  Did you enjoy it?

It was lovely, and warming too on this cold, miserable day.

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