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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back.

Welcome back Yogi  

 Thank you.

I'm eating again.  Crisps, this time.

 norty  and me tea and biscuits   

 I might have tea and biscuits after BB.

 I wont look 

 I won't have chocolate biscuits. That's my idea of being good.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back.

Welcome back Yogi  

 Thank you.

I'm eating again.  Crisps, this time.

 norty  and me tea and biscuits   

 I might have tea and biscuits after BB.

 I wont look 

 I won't have chocolate biscuits. That's my idea of being good.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira keeps bringing me a toy, so I'll throw it for her to fetch. But every time I go to take it, she runs away. I think my dog is taking the mickey!

 that's brilliant Yogi. A dog with a sense of humour 

She torments me, Moonie. I'm sure she's laughing at me.

 she may well be   

Saying sweet dreams without something sweet, just wouldn't be right... Lol at Keira, I hope she enjoyed her game tonight I did visit MIL, and although she looks very unwell, she is feeling stronger we should know more tomorrow about when they might move her, and she enjoyed her wheel about the hospital and is hoping for another she's also had nieces & great nieces visit her yesterday, she was happy to see them I hope you all had a good day, Squiggle I hope you have a good cereal lined up for the morning Night night
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira keeps bringing me a toy, so I'll throw it for her to fetch. But every time I go to take it, she runs away. I think my dog is taking the mickey!

 that's brilliant Yogi. A dog with a sense of humour 

We used to have the most wonderful Alsatian dog when I was a teenager.  He used to have such a sense of humour, we had a very long and winding garden path and he used to creep up behind people and gently nip their bottoms, then turn around and really laugh   He was really gorgeous, it broke my heart when he died.  We lived in a big house behind my dad's garage and there was a dual carriageway where the garage was.  He knew he wasn't allowed up there and so when he got hit by a car he came back and hid in case we were cross with him.  Me and my brother called the PDSA ambulance and when it came it was a tiny little van and we had trouble getting him in it, it still breaks my heart to think about it.


I've made myself sad now, good morning everyone.


PS  I am glad your MiL is feeling stronger Summer, what a lady!  I am still ploughing through the horrible cereal until wednesday when the delivery comes.  The owl is totally GAWJUSS!


Penny, our dog, had a real sense of humour when she was young. She would dash around the back garden (which was quite large) teasing us to try and catch her knowing that we didn't have a chance


Whenever we took her for a walk we always had her on a lead (the roads being busy). There was the time when I was walking her and she decided to run down the road as fast as she could with me running behind her. She was a cross between a corgi and a labrador, and was the size of a corgi but the strength of a labrador. Corgis, despite their size, are faster than the average dog and can reach about 23 mph. She wouldn't have got to that speed but that was the fastest running I have ever done.

El Loro
Good morning everyone a chilly start here today, I had to go find my coat Aw squiggle what a character your Alsatian was such a sad story about it getting hit by a car, I hope you can replace your sadness with a nice happy memory- there must be something in particular that makes you laugh..? Beautiful owl moonie! It reminds me of Hedwig from Harry Potter Yes, we know where they plan to move MIL, sort of- I don't know exactly where the building is but I know what area it'll be. Luckily it's a bit closer to home too so that should mean less travel for us for visiting
~Sparkling Summer~

 Squiggle. The fact that his loss still touches you, shows how much you cared for him. I'm sure Prince had a happy life with your family.


Summer, it's good news that your MiL will be a bit nearer, making it easier for visiting. Is she reasonably happy with the arrangements that are being made on her behalf?


El, I had to laugh at the mental image of you running full pelt, trying to keep up with the dog. Is a labrador/corgi cross known as a lorgi or a cobrador?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 Squiggle. The fact that his loss still touches you, shows how much you cared for him. I'm sure Prince had a happy life with your family.


Summer, it's good news that your MiL will be a bit nearer, making it easier for visiting. Is she reasonably happy with the arrangements that are being made on her behalf?


El, I had to laugh at the mental image of you running full pelt, trying to keep up with the dog. Is a labrador/corgi cross known as a lorgi or a cobrador?

They are know as either corgadors or corgidors

Penny was closer in appearance to Dinah Washington Powell on the pictures on this link:

El Loro
Cobrador sounds really exciting! el, I presume she kept you really fit! Squiggle I hope you feel better this afternoon I just know your dog would have been well loved and taken care of MIL does seem happy with those arrangements, although her mood is very up & down so it's hard to tell for sure. I think she's worried about how she'll cope at home so moving to a closer hospice facility first is a good transition for her. Hopefully she'll gain some strength back while she's there
~Sparkling Summer~
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