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Good morning Our house was phone call central last night when I got home, sorry I didn't get on to say goodnight properly Yogi, that's a great family of owls Moonie's thunderstorm sounds good, I like a good (non serious) storm! It was very humid here so that would help clear the air Oh dear Essex! That's embarrassing the poor unlucky cricketers lets hope their game improves, fast! I hope you all have a lovely day hopefully I'll see you later
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Yogi, great owl family picture


It was raining here when I went to bed and was raining this morning. Blue sky at present but windy and lots more rain forecast today.


Summer, I'm sure Essex will recover quickly from that result. It's quite possible that the weather and ground conditions had a significant effect on their match.

El Loro
Aw your owls are fab, and making me smile Thank you, mr summer is much much better thank you, he's allowed back in the hospital tomorrow MIL was depressed last night, she says mornings are much better for her. She's shown a small improvement in some of her organs but the general condition is much the same. I took her a lovely memory foam neck pillow, I hope it helps make her more comfy How's things with all of you?
~Sparkling Summer~

If you insist. Several years ago m’dear wife and I were on an East Coast express train heading south towards that London.  At York we were joined by a rather twee, academic looking, middle aged lady. She sat at our table and I noticed that she had nought but a hand bag, and no train journey support mechanism either. As I looked over the top of my crossword I could see that she was not well versed in English train etiquette, since she was very much into eye contact and had no spatial awareness. Eventually she could not stop herself, and in an accent taken straight from one of those dreadful Radio Four American one-hander descriptive plays, she made her introductions. Apparently she was “doing England in a week” and had just visited all of the York attractions.

She asked us if we had ever been to the USA, what we thought about US foreign policy, sport and so on. I ventured that I like Gridiron, and she remarked that someone as educated as I (??!!) would normally follow Baseball since US Football was regarded as a Blue Collar sport. We eventually established that Cricket was also a middle class pursuit as opposed to soccer. I didn’t want to argue but anyone who has been to Headingley on a Saturday, amongst the drunken racist west riding people would have different ideas. By the time we got to Grantham she had prised out of us everything. We gave up Family, work, culture, hobbies, and financial details.

“But what do you do?” We politely asked.

“I am the Head Librarian in the University of Chicago, but I have a famous musical son, you may have heard of him. He is known as Jello Biafra.” Obviously I knew of the Dead Kennedys, but surely this wasn’t his Mum? This was the moment I began to realise that most controversial musicians are gifted posh boys pretending to be bad, one of the reasons I may come across as a cynic on the Forums. “Mrs Biafra” then insisted on telling us about his upbringing in every minute and tedious detail, but the significant thing is that he and his sister were Owl obsessed. They had owls of every nature, including toys, ornaments, furnishings, and decoration.

This is a bugger to type on an iphone, and I need to get my end of year stuff to the accountant on Monday.

Garage Joe

GJ, you must have been glad to get out of the train after that interrogation.


Back in 1975 I was in a train. On the other side of the carriage was Colin Welland and he was being interviewed. So I listened to the interview which was all about his acting roles (things like Z-Cars and Kes) and his scriptwriting. At that time his writing had been for television - films like Chariots of Fire were written later.

It made for quite an interesting journey.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aw your owls are fab, and making me smile Thank you, mr summer is much much better thank you, he's allowed back in the hospital tomorrow MIL was depressed last night, she says mornings are much better for her. She's shown a small improvement in some of her organs but the general condition is much the same. I took her a lovely memory foam neck pillow, I hope it helps make her more comfy How's things with all of you?

Hi Sweet  

Very please to hear about Mr Summer  As long as your MIL is making some improvement that's good news. I'm sure the pillow will be a source of great comfort and relief Sweet helping to make her feel a little happier 


We have had rain here but some sunshine too. Managed to dry me washing in between the showers  Have been out twice today but missed the showers both times 


Hope to see you later. Take care   


Evening all. Spent a lovely day with the family.

I love the anecdote, Joe.

Wow El, that's a massive platter of sushi! Summer can't possibly eat all of that, I think we should help her eat it.

Moonie, your weather must have been miles better than mine, Well done on getting your washing dried. It hasn't stopped raining here all day.

Squiggle, I love the baby owl, he's so sweet.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all. Spent a lovely day with the family.

I love the anecdote, Joe.

Wow El, that's a massive platter of sushi! Summer can't possibly eat all of that, I think we should help her eat it.

Moonie, your weather must have been miles better than mine, Well done on getting your washing dried. It hasn't stopped raining here all day.

Squiggle, I love the baby owl, he's so sweet.

I managed to get some washing dry in between the heavy showers 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all. Spent a lovely day with the family.

I love the anecdote, Joe.

Wow El, that's a massive platter of sushi! Summer can't possibly eat all of that, I think we should help her eat it.

Moonie, your weather must have been miles better than mine, Well done on getting your washing dried. It hasn't stopped raining here all day.

Squiggle, I love the baby owl, he's so sweet.

I managed to get some washing dry in between the heavy showers 

I got more rain between the showers!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I may have to hunt down some actual sushi now I've seen that pic lol Mr summer is almost back to normal now thanks moonie, and MIL was perkier tonight she's not going to recover but she has shown small improvements for now

Small improvements are a positive thing. I'm glad Mr Summer is almost back to normal.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I may have to hunt down some actual sushi now I've seen that pic lol Mr summer is almost back to normal now thanks moonie, and MIL was perkier tonight she's not going to recover but she has shown small improvements for now

Pleased about Mr Summer 

All you can ask is improvements no matter how small Sweet  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   How has your day been?

My day was busy but good, thanks Moonie.

Yes, Summer, I did see pink bundle. She smiles all the time now and is as bright as a button.

Is Despicable Me a film? I haven't seen it.

That's good 

And you had a 'little pink bundle top-up' too ? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   How has your day been?

My day was busy but good, thanks Moonie.

Yes, Summer, I did see pink bundle. She smiles all the time now and is as bright as a button.

Is Despicable Me a film? I haven't seen it.

That's good 

And you had a 'little pink bundle top-up' too ? 

How did you guess? Everyone got some cuddle time.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   How has your day been?

My day was busy but good, thanks Moonie.

Yes, Summer, I did see pink bundle. She smiles all the time now and is as bright as a button.

Is Despicable Me a film? I haven't seen it.

That's good 

And you had a 'little pink bundle top-up' too ? 

How did you guess? Everyone got some cuddle time.

Awww that's nice for all of you 

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