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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I remember going out into the garden late one warm summer night - doesn't happen that often these days as it's too cold lol. I heard a rustling in the nearby tree and looked up. There was a beautiful owl looking at me, I was fascinated by him and spent some time with him as we continued to look at each other. Now why I have that memory among tens of thousands of memories I've probably forgotten I've no idea lol, but it's always remained a good memory

What a great experience, I'm not surprised you have stored the memory, YR.



Good morning everyone. Weather is rather cloudy atm.

I think the rest of the UK is to have sunshine today, so enjoy it, everyone.

Won't be around until the afternoon, so have a good day and catch up later.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I haven't seen either of those squiggle, but I love jazz so I should see the glen miller story! *adds to lovefilm list* thank you

I loved that film Summer, watch it for the lovely June Allyson too.  Yogi I didn't include It's A Wonderful Life because I almost think it goes without saying, it's in a league of it's own isn't it?

Joining you both in appreciation of James Stewart The faves I can remember are Glen Miller Story, It's A Wonderful Life, Rear Window and Harvey. I'm sure there's a film where he played a lawyer but can't remember title. I also remember seeing him interviewed on the Michael Parkinson Show, such a lovely gentle man. He also read a lovely poem about his dog who'd passed, no dry eyes in the house.

What a lovely post Yellow Rose, a big welcome to the Buddies thread   Has anyone seen his wonderful performance in Mr Smith Goes to Washington? Well worth a viewing


Good morning everyone, I haven't yet read back through I saw Yellow Rose's post and had to reply.  I will probably post again once I have read through.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning  

Just to let you know, everything is okay but I wont be around much for the next few days.

Pengy, I hope the hospital goes ok today 


Take care and see you soon  

^^^^ you are calling me Pengy again!

It all went well and the new specialist nurse is really nice.

I hope you aren't away too long, we will miss you, Moonie


Squiggle, I love the owl pic. Very romantic, with the owls holding hands wings.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Mr summer can't find his prescription and is convinced I've shredded it, and I'm 100% certain I have not. I hope he finds it so I can wind him about about blaming me

 Mr Yogi always blames me when he can't find something.

I do have a tendency to "tidy up" things which he leaves lying around.


Yogi, I'm glad the hospital visit went OK

Rest assured that there's little chance of me confusing you with Pengy


Man next door but one seems to be cutting his grass - he's been at it for some one and a half hours so far. Grass is certainly no bigger than my lawn and I can do it in a third of the time. But for some reason, he's not using a lawn mower but a strimmer . I can't see how long the grass is so it's possible that he's let it become so tall that he has to use a strimmer.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I'm glad the hospital visit went OK

Rest assured that there's little chance of me confusing you with Pengy


Man next door but one seems to be cutting his grass - he's been at it for some one and a half hours so far. Grass is certainly no bigger than my lawn and I can do it in a third of the time. But for some reason, he's not using a lawn mower but a strimmer . I can't see how long the grass is so it's possible that he's let it become so tall that he has to use a strimmer.


Maybe he should have opted for an old-fashioned scythe.

I'm showing my age now!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning  

Just to let you know, everything is okay but I wont be around much for the next few days.

Pengy, I hope the hospital goes ok today 


Take care and see you soon  

^^^^ you are calling me Pengy again!

It all went well and the new specialist nurse is really nice.

I hope you aren't away too long, we will miss you, Moonie


Squiggle, I love the owl pic. Very romantic, with the owls holding hands wings.

Sorry Yogi   

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I'm glad the hospital visit went OK

Rest assured that there's little chance of me confusing you with Pengy


Man next door but one seems to be cutting his grass - he's been at it for some one and a half hours so far. Grass is certainly no bigger than my lawn and I can do it in a third of the time. But for some reason, he's not using a lawn mower but a strimmer . I can't see how long the grass is so it's possible that he's let it become so tall that he has to use a strimmer.


Maybe he should have opted for an old-fashioned scythe.

I'm showing my age now!

My parents had an old-fashioned scythe in their garden shed but it was so blunt and hadn't been used in years. I'm fairly certain that they only got it when we first moved into the house and the grass hadn't been cut for months and normal home mowers would have been incapable of coping.

El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning  

Just to let you know, everything is okay but I wont be around much for the next few days.

Pengy, I hope the hospital goes ok today 


Take care and see you soon  

^^^^ you are calling me Pengy again!

It all went well and the new specialist nurse is really nice.

I hope you aren't away too long, we will miss you, Moonie


Squiggle, I love the owl pic. Very romantic, with the owls holding hands wings.

Sorry Yogi   

I'm sure Yogi was only gently teasing you - there have been times when I've used the wrong name here . I hope all goes well for you over the next few days

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning  

Just to let you know, everything is okay but I wont be around much for the next few days.

Pengy, I hope the hospital goes ok today 


Take care and see you soon  

^^^^ you are calling me Pengy again!

It all went well and the new specialist nurse is really nice.

I hope you aren't away too long, we will miss you, Moonie


Squiggle, I love the owl pic. Very romantic, with the owls holding hands wings.

Sorry Yogi   

I'm sure Yogi was only gently teasing you - there have been times when I've used the wrong name here . I hope all goes well for you over the next few days

El is right, I was just kidding with you, Moonie.

I really don't mind if you mix me up with Pengy, cos I lubs Pengy.

I've been known to get names wrong too - even Baz does it, she has been known to call Rexi 'Yogi'.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aw yogi, brilliant surprise delivery I've had a busy day and heading over a friends for tea, will try to pop by later

Enjoy your tea, Summer.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I hope pink bundle is being a good girl Yogi, hiccups and all.  I am glad all went well at the hospital and the new nurse sounds good.


She was a very good girl for granny and I got some nice pics too.


I really liked my last nurse so I was hoping the new one would be equally nice - and he is! Very clued up, and friendly and easy to talk to. I hope he sticks around for a while.


Hi all  very late arrival as it's the first chance I've had to get back here. Yogi, it often surprises me what's remembered and what isn't lol. Summer, I don't know what kind of owl as I don't know the difference between a barn owl or tawney owl etc lol. Squiggle you mentioned Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, I think that's the film I was trying to remember but I was thinking he was a lawyer not politician. I'd like to watch all his films again.

Yellow Rose
*night owls* Hoot hoot! I'm very late to bed tonight, and I'm still not that tired (queue nodding off suddenly lol) Had a lovely meal & catch up with my friend, sorted out some laundry for MIL, and watched some fantastic TV off the sky planner Yogi I'm really pleased about your nurse We would send a boot up them if they didn't take good care of you! Is the pink bundle growing fast? Yellow Rose, whatever the breed, the owl was still magical and that's what counts El & squiggle I hope you both had a lovely evening Hugs for skylark who I'm sure will be back with us before long
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast atm but hoping the sun might break through later on.

Sorry I missed you last night, YR. hopefully, I'll stay awake for longer tonight.

Summer, how is your MiL doing atm? She's lucky she has you and Mr Summer to help out and I know you take good care of her.

I'm pleased you had a nice time with your friend.

The night owl watching TV and holding the remote in his wing, made me lol!

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone.  I watched the Parkinson Jimmy Stewart interview yesterday, it was lovely to see him again.  I have added a biography of him to my wish list too.


Yellow Rose I think you're right, I think in that film he was a lawyer but stood as a politician to try to get justice, it was a fascinating and very different film.  I would like to see all his movies again too and I don't think I've seen the one you mention EL, I'm a big fan of Myrna Loy though, I will keep a look out for that one and any other of his movies.


Owls are very magical   I found a little nest on my drive yesterday, must have blown down.  No sign of eggs or baby birds so hopefully they have all hatched and flown.  It was the cleverest construction, mainly of moss - plenty in my lawn - and fluffy white stuff which looked like cushion filling, don't know where that came from.

Aw how sweet squiggle! I'm always in awe of nests, they are built in such a clever way Good morning it's sunny again, yippeeeee! Yogi, MIL is up & down, one day she appears to have improved and the next she's not at all well. We have a hospital appointment tomorrow and mr summer is coming with us because he's that worried about how we'll even get her from the house to the car. I just hope she's having a stronger day, but we'll take it as it comes anyway
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, can't your MIL's doctor ask the hospital to provide an ambulance to take her to the hospital? That's certainly the case where I live.

Good idea, El. It's certainly worth asking about, Summer.


I went to the garden centre and finally bought the grow bag for my tomato plants. This year, I am growing some in pots and some in a grow bag and will see if one way seems better than the other (copying Monty Don).

Keira is sun bathing and atm is rolling onto her back like a big hussy!

I am now sitting on my swing seat and enjoying the sun, which has broken through.

Squiggle, the birds in my garden steal the liners from the hanging baskets for nesting and I put out the fluff from the tumble dryers and they take it too.

While I have been typing this, my female blackbird appeared on the grass in front of me, looking for her raisins. She is now fed and happy.

Last edited by Yogi19

I hope MiL will be OK, let her take it at her own pace Summer.  Following his stroke my hubby's right foot only barely cleared the ground, literally a small stone could have him over and he had to go at his own pace so MiL will want to take her time and just be guided by her.  I know it's very tempting to try and get her in the car quickly but slow and steady is the key.


Yogi I hope you are basking in the sun swinging gently on your new swing seat.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
*joins yogi outside in the sunshine* bramble and I are having a picnic Your day sounds delightful yogi, is your swing seat comfy? El & Squiggle, if we struggle tomorrow then I shall recommend professional transport in future, she'll be fine in the car but we'll need to navigate her garden steps first..!

A picnic sounds lovely. I had a baked potato with tuna and side salad at the garden centre. I didn't even look at the cakes.

The site is very coggy for me atm, or it might be my internet playing up.

Absolutely squiggle, it's her breath that she struggled with sometimes lately, so we'll just go one step at a time until she's ready to move. She's a very determined lady though so we try to let her tell us what she needs instead of fussing her, she's not afraid to ask for help so I'm sure she will if she needs it SIL is taking Bramble for the day which is a big help
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I hope MiL will be OK, let her take it at her own pace Summer.  Following his stroke my hubby's right foot only barely cleared the ground, literally a small stone could have him over and he had to go at his own pace so MiL will want to take her time and just be guided by her.  I know it's very tempting to try and get her in the car quickly but slow and steady is the key.


Yogi I hope you are basking in the sun swinging gently on your new swing seat.

I am, thanks Squiggle. Scottish weather being unpredictable, today might be my only chance to try it out.


I've been spending time on the phone today with everyones' friends the HMRC (Inland Revenue) sorting out a couple of clients' taxes. At leasr as an agent I get through quicker than the public do and get to talk to someone who can sort things out there and then over the phone. I think it's sorted but only time will tell.


If you want to watch today's episode of Doctors, although it's one of the sillier ones it may make you smile particularly the last scene.

The title Goodbye Yellow Brick Road might just possibly be a clue.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've been spending time on the phone today with everyones' friends the HMRC (Inland Revenue) sorting out a couple of clients' taxes. At leasr as an agent I get through quicker than the public do and get to talk to someone who can sort things out there and then over the phone. I think it's sorted but only time will tell.


If you want to watch today's episode of Doctors, although it's one of the sillier ones it may make you smile particularly the last scene.

The title Goodbye Yellow Brick Road might just possibly be a clue.


Mr Yogi is always grumpy after a phone call to HMRC, as they never tell him what he wants to hear.

I'll catch up with the episode of Doctors later tonight, El. I don't watch it very often but when I do, I usually enjoy it.

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