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Welcome home Yogi

I haven't been around much today as it was too nice to be stuck indoors all day long. So I went for a little excursion via Ledbury & Hereford to Brecon and back via Abergavenny and Monmouth.

I've been flapping my wings so long today, that I'm a little bit peckish (no, I'm not turning into a chicken ).
El Loro
I've been a member of this forum since the start and its taken me all this time to realise that the number 40 has a significance for this forum. But before you get too excited, don't. It's just that every page on the forum, when complete, has exactly 40 replies.

I just had to share this utterly unexciting discovery with you
El Loro
Over in the Parrot Sanctuary I posted a little local story about dormice. There were no photos with the article I found, so I looked around and found this video clip. I think you might like this so I've posted it here as well. The music is from Bach (French suite for keyboard No. 5 in G major) and is played by Glenn Gould.

El Loro
Good morning everyone

A bit late this morning. I was installing my replacement router etc, though that wasn't totally smooth. The power adaptor supplied rattled and started making a humming sound as soon as I plugged it in. There was no way I was going to use that, so I just used my old one which works fine. Then the installation software wanted to install a toolbar off the internet but couldn't find it and so came to a halt. But I knew where I could find this toolbar, so went direct to the ISP website, downloaded the toolbar, and then the installation program kicked back in and everything was completed.

So I have my new router, and everything is OK at present, but then my connection problems were transient so only time will tell whether it was the router or the phone junction box at fault.
El Loro
Joyron, re your connection problems yesterday. I've just seen on the Feedback thread that others were having problems and had reported them. Lori replied that they couldn't see a cause at the Seattle end and that she hadn't had any problems herself.

A few minutes later, she then posted that she had just experienced the same problem herself. She then went on to say that they were working on a fix which should sort it out in the nexr update.
El Loro
Morning everyone.    Hope you are all well today.

Squiggle, I'm glad to hear that you got your memory foam mattress topper.  I wouldn't be without mine.  Only problem is you miss the comfort when you are away from home, so I don't know how we will get on on the boat!!

Connection to the forum appears okay today.  Long may it stay that way. 
Only problem is you miss the comfort when you are away from home, so I don't know how we will get on on the boat!!
I know just what you mean Joyron, my sleeping habits are getting more complicated, I have had a memory foam pillow for years, so that has to go with me wherever I go, now the mattress topper, can't possibly take that too, and lastly the pillow for between my knees so my arthritis doesn't play up
Evening everyone.   Not a lot going on today is there??  I've tried watching the HL shows but I cannot work up any enthusiasm whatsoever and keep wizzing through them!!  Will be glad now when this is all over and we can get back to "normal"

Probably won't be back tonight but will, hopefully, catch up with you all tomorrow. 
I've had a very exciting tax course this afternoon. It was so exciting that I've forgotton all about it. That's all but the last part - we had finished early, so the lecturer asked if we had any questions. I did have an issue (I was hoping for an opportunity to ask this). As this was an important issue affecting many of us but not all, the lecturer let anybody who would not be affected go, but about 100 people stayed behind, and we spent the next 15 minutes discussing my issue.

Basically, all companies have to file corporation tax returns. But so does any organisation which receives any taxable income. This does not apply to charities but does apply to any other organisation which, for instance, receives bank interest. Things like membership subs wouldn't be taxable.

As from next April any company or organisation which has to file a corporation tax return will have to file it online and the tax return and accounts will have to be in iXBRL format, which is a special programming language written just for the Revenue.

Accountants will have accounting software capable of doing these accounts and for companies, the hassle won't be too bad. But for organisations which have to file corporation tax returns, this new requirement is going to be a major headache. In my view, this is going to be a major problem for voluntary organisations, but is not yet realised.

It is fair to say that the Revenue do not care about the problems this will create - they are effectively going to saving themselves money, but in the process forcing voluntary organisations affected, potentially into serious extra costs.

I should say that the Revenue do permit organisations not to file corporation tax returns when the amount of tax is under ÂĢ100, so that this will probably help with some, but not all.

I realise that this isn't going to be of interest to many, but it is possible that someone reading this may have some involvement with an organisation which may be affected. As I said earlier, this does not apply to charities.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.  Thanks for bumping us EL, that sounds like quite an imposition from the Revenue, would it affect churches do you think as they definitely receive taxable income?  Quite a can of worms.  Good luck at the dentist Yogi, I am sure all will be fine and you will be glad you went.  No luck with ripe bananas helping your tomatoes to ripen then?
Good morning squiggle

I was church treasurer for 25 years and never had to complete a corporation tax return. The majority of churches are charities (including Church of England churches which are exempted from registering with the Charity Commissioners).

The majority of church income - collections, donations, wedding and funeral fees are not taxable. The only normal type of income which can be taxable is fundraising events and trading activities. However there are rules in place which mean that in practice the majority of churches would not be taxed on this type of income. Some churches may find that this type of income may be taxable, but this really is an area for specialist accountants and is far too complex to attempt to summarise the rules in a couple of sentenxes.

I have found this substantial document which gives a lot of information about this. But this is really intended for charity treasurers and accountants so it is not light reading.
El Loro
Link copied to your clipboard.