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Just popped in to see what's going on.  Couldn't resist one little bump to put us back on page 1, although I'm sure we won't be there in the morning.

Squiggle, Josie was on BBLB and I'm absolutely convinced all this was contrived.  I've not read anything but there does not seem to have been any resistence to her leaving once she entered the camera run.  I'm glad to see the back of her, in all honesty!!!
Puff, puff - balloon slowly expands - that's better - it will float now.

Good morning

Guess what - it's stopped raining! I reckon that here it rained (persistent rather than deluge) for about 40 hours. But now we've got some patches of blue stuff - I think it's called sky, and we've got something rather bright in the sky - something like sun. It's been such a long time since we've seen these phenomena that I may just be dreaming them.

I'm not going to be around much of today as I'm off into the wilds of Herefordshire again in an hour, then got an appointment late this afternoon, and then going out for a meal.

So everyone have a good day, and let's hope we have decent bank holiday weather for once.
El Loro
Afternoon Squiggle.   The grandchildren have gone off with Daddy and Grandad for a little while so I thought I would pop in and say hello, in between catching up with all the jobs that have gone undone this week!!

I've not watched any of the HL shows so I don't know how things are going in the house.  Hopefully I might have a chance to take a look next week when my life returns to "normal".  I cannot believe how tired two children can make you.  They seems to have so much energy.

I'll pop in when I can.  I miss our chats, and I miss Yogi.  It will be nice to get back to our little group in a couple of weeks time. 
Hi Joyron glad to hear you are having a great time with your family.  Yes I know what you mean children are lovely but so tiring, they never stop, like wind-up toys When you get a chance to watch I think you will enjoy it, its much more interesting.  And very touching because Chantelle is still in love with Preston but he is not with her
Hi I've successfully returned from the wilds of Herefordshire. It's dangerous country out there - I'm sure on the way I saw a signpost pointing off somewhere saying "Here there be dragons". The last part of the journey involves going down a dirt track over cattle grids, one of which is seriously damaged and quite capable of wrecking a vehicle, potholes, and sleeping policemen who scream out when you drive over them. I don't know why they just lie there - if they had any sense they'd get up get out of the way. But presumably they must enjoy being run over because they always seem to be in the same place.

I have to go to my next appointment soon, and so I may well not be back on here until toomorrow, broadband permitting.

But in any case I hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend.
El Loro
El Loro and/or Squiggle, I wonder if you can help me with something.  In the next few weeks I am planning on changing my ISP, and will therefore gain a new email address.  As we currently sign in with our registered email address how do I go about changing to a new email address when I need to?  I sent a PM to Lori several days ago but have had no response.  Any help would be much appreciated. 
Joyron I did post something in here a week or so back.  When I changed my present ISP I thought I had to change my email address but my computer guy said there was no need as most ISP's have a free email system so that all you need to do is to go back to the site of your present ISP and click on email, then log in as usual and click that you want a free email service and you should be fine.  It worked for me and its a lot less stressful than informing everyone.
Good morning to everyone

Joyron, this is thr answer to your question on email address. Once you have changed your ISP and know your new email address, log on here with your old email address. Then position your mouse over the Livecloud logo at the top. The little menu will appaer and select the last one "Your Control Panel". When you get to this page look down the menu at the right of the screen and select "Edit Profile".

Not from far the top on the left side look under the Email address and you will then see your old email address. At the right of this is the Edit icon (same as the one on the forum pages when you want to edit your posting). Click on that and change your address to the new one. Update your profile. I think they take a small period of time to verify this, but next time you log on, you should be able to use the new address.

Don't forget that you will need to follow a similar procedure with all other sites which hold your email address. Obviously the actual mechanics will vary, but in essence if you need to use your email as part of the logging in, use the old address until you have changed it on that website.
El Loro
Hi squiggle .

You are right in your comment in that you can continue to use your old email address for some ISPs, but I don't think that's the case for all ISPs. I also think it can be a good idea to change your email address as over a period of time your email address can be picked up by spammers, so by changing the address you may be able to reduced the quantity of spam you get. Also if you use the email address as part of the logging in, then if you have 2 email addresses, you need to remember which one you are using. Also my ISP at one time would have been Freeserve before it became Wanadoo before it became Orange - and each time the uptodate address would change, so it would become impractical - by now I have had 5 different addresses over the years! the first was compuserve - I don't even know if they still exist.
El Loro
Good morning El Loro and Squiggle.    Thank you both for your assistance with regard to the new ISP.  Now I will know what to do.  I was just concerned about getting locked out of here!!!

Hope you are both well this morning.  At least the sun is shining here at the moment.  Thankfully everyone is out this morning and I've got some peace for a while (I keep saying that don't I?)

Have not watched the HL shows yet.  May do that while I catch up with the ironing. 

Hope to get back later if I can. 
And the sun is shining here as well. I've just been out cutting the grass as this has been the first opportunity in the last few days where the grass would have been dry enough. And where I live, the garden clippings etc will be collected this Monday - they will still collect even though it's a bank holiday, though presumably they get a decent bonus as a result.

Joyron, I enclose a cake with a file in it for you, should you ever get locked out of here. . carrot parrot cake of course.
El Loro
Thanks for the cake El Loro.  I'll put it in the freezer so it keeps really, really fresh.  Then if I need the file because I've got locked out of here I will be able to defrost the cake and hey presto I'm back (at least I hope so)!!!

I'm holding out from changing at the moment because I'm waiting for the tickets for our cruise to come through and I don't want anything to mess that up.  Once I've got all the paperwork I need I will put the wheels in motion for the change.
Hi squiggle, not been watching a great deal of it, but i am enjoying it sort of...Was out shopping today and Lucy thingy from Emmerdale (Chaz) was opening a new shop. My sister and i got our photos taken and had a wee chat with her, what a really nice person she is, just normal and not stuck up at all. One old lady said she had to tell her about Carl doing the dirty on her! It was so funny
She was very nice squiggle, she had jeans on and her hair was nice..thinner than i thought. Nothing was a bother for her, she had kids climbing on her knee and was very pleasant. The old lady after a bit was sort of taken away, Lucy said on the mic, that she knew about Carl and she would sort him out at Xmas time! It was very strange because before i went up, i was catching up with Emmerdale omnibus and she was there ! I was a bit star struck to be honest, but then its Edinburgh Festival time and a lot of famous folk going around. Saw Susan Boyle last week just wondering around up town, which i thought it was a bit daft as she was just by herself and a target for nutters . She is very small, and clearly not the full shilling, bless her
Bet you getting all excited now Joyron, not long now eh? 
Yes Skylark I am getting very excited now.  The days and weeks seem to be passing by quickly.  Sadly that will continue once we are away and we will be back before we know it!!!  That's why I enjoy the countdown; the anticipation is almost as good as the event itself!!! (if you know what I mean) 
Afternoon everyone.    Hope you are all well.  The sun is shining here but it's still very windy.  It's supposed to be better tomorrow and for the rest of the week, which is just about typical as the bank holiday will be over.

I'm pleased to say that I'm just about straight after No.1 son and the grandchildren left this morning.  I've managed to strip their beds, wash all the bedding and iron it, all in a few hours.  How's that for speed?  My poor washing machine doesn't know what's hit it over this past week but at least it can have a rest now until the weekend.

Still not had the chance to watch much of the HL shows.  I think UBB will be over before I get to see any of it.

Probably won't be back again today.  Hubby has been down on his boat all day and has said he is taking me out for a meal tonight, as he thinks I've worked hard enough over the past week. 
Hello everyone.
My self-imposed exile has come to an end.
I actually caught the last 20 minutes of Saturday's HL show and ATM I am tuning in to some LF.
I still detest Ulrika and Nadia is irritating me, too.
I'm not sure if I'll have a favourite out of this bunch - I wish they had put Alex Sibley in the house.

Joyron, I hope you enjoy your meal tonight. Hubby and I went out to dinner last night - it was really lovely (and no washing up to do).
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