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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol I missed some mischief! Hope you found some motivation yogi. I've been doing laundry this morning, poor washing machine probably thinks I'm slave driving it. I absolutely need to eat a healthier diet, El you could be my food guru and keep me on track! Moonie I hope you're having a good day I have to go to the dentist in a bit, but MIL needs to get to the hospital, her neighbour is taking her and I feel bad that it's not me. Her neighbour is a nurse so at least that helps

Summer, when my mother had fallen when she was still living at their house, I turned to her next door neighbour for help in getting my mother into a chair and getting in touch with the doctors and ambulance. The neighbour is a nurse and having her there helped me as well as my mother. So don't feel bad about turning to people for help when it's needed

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol I missed some mischief! Hope you found some motivation yogi. I've been doing laundry this morning, poor washing machine probably thinks I'm slave driving it. I absolutely need to eat a healthier diet, El you could be my food guru and keep me on track! Moonie I hope you're having a good day I have to go to the dentist in a bit, but MIL needs to get to the hospital, her neighbour is taking her and I feel bad that it's not me. Her neighbour is a nurse so at least that helps

My day is so-so fankoo Sweet 

Good luck with the dentist  Awww you cant be in two places at once Sweet  I know you MIL will understand and she is in good hands with her  neighbour being a nurse  

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
She's apparently finished at the hospital so it's good that she doesn't need to stay in I'll find out more shortly. I am in 2 places at once moonie I'm here, and I'm at the dentist I love it when waiting rooms have good 3G!

So pleased everything is okay with your MIL Sweet  Internet whilst you drill, eh?

Lets hope its not to painful for you 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What are you up to this afternoon moonie?

I went mad  I stripped the bed and wash all the bedclothes and even managed to dry them all too. All the less than two hours too  

Way to go, moonie.

Fankoo   nearly done a "Sweet" then  Bless her 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What are you up to this afternoon moonie?

I went mad  I stripped the bed and wash all the bedclothes and even managed to dry them all too. All the less than two hours too  

Way to go, moonie.

Fankoo   nearly done a "Sweet" then  Bless her 


Pancakes? Where?! I didn't approve of jif rebranding to cif, jif is much more fun to say And gif files just make me think of giraffe's. yes I know I'm a loon Moonie's laundry service sounds very productive, well done fresh bedding is unbeatable, I just love it. I had to giggle at your nearly doing a sweet, I am very good at falling asleep aren't I MIL is doing alright tonight, and she wasn't admitted to hospital which is good. I had less luck at the dentist though- I need 5 fillings 2 of which I quite believe, but it seems some others weren't done very well by my previous dentist so need replacing. They also told me that I had been wrongly advised about mouthwash and that I should stop using it because it's doing more damage than good Getting a bad haircut isn't great but it's bearable because it grows back, but if you get a bad dentist then there's no going back from it! I'm not in any pain though so I cannot complain I hope everyone has had a nice afternoon
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, Summer! Five fillings seem like a lot, especially if none of the teeth are giving you pain. Are you certain that your current dentist is correct when s/he says you need all that work done?

That's what I thought Yogi, oh dear I want to say get a second opinion but can you do that?

I honestly don't know. There must be some way of finding out.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
The thought crossed my mind too, I just don't know who to trust!

 I know what you mean.

Thank you yogi lots of links on there mr summer is really happy with his treatment there, which is confusing for me because I was happy with my old dentist but they treated him shockingly bad. I should point out that I never saw the same dentist twice there, they had a very high rate of staff turnaround I wish I had a friend who's dentist
~Sparkling Summer~
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