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Good morning everyone. Weather is cloudy atm, and I haven't heard the forecast.

Summer, I don't know what has happened to my blackbirds. Only the female sits on the eggs, while the males goes off to find food, so he ought to be in my garden looking for raisins. They could have been scared off by a predator such as a sparrow hawk or next door's cat. 

I noticed Moonie's post in the Darnie thread. I hope he is back with us soon, he always makes me smile.

Have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning Overcast but mild here showers forecast for later.. Squiggle I hope your weather heats up for you El, that link has an error for me but I'll look it up on the iplayer, thank you Yogi I hope your blackbird returns, I don't like they are other creatures prey they sound like such a lovely pair too!

When you watch Case Histories you will realise why I've brought it to your attention

and as you will want to know the real name of one of the leading actors, here's a very big clue

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.  Frodo when you get a minute please let us know what is happening, we are all really anxious.


It's still so cold isn't it? I think the forecast is dry for down here but we could do with it being a little warmer.


Sweet puppy, Squiggle.

I've been to the garden centre for some grass seed. Atm, the front lawn is looking awful, after being scarified and dressed with lawn sand.

A little Nemesia plant managed to sneak its way into my trolley.


I should have warned you they are well known for doing that, the only way out is to find a safe corner of the garden, dig it in well and hope for the best


I am planning to buy Evergreen Complete for my various bits of lawn, that usually works a treat.  Some of mine are a bit steep for me so I will probably buy the After Cut one as well and Carl who helps me with the garden (well I say helps he does 99.9% of it tbh ) will put it on for me.  I am sure that we can have our lawns looking as good as new soon

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I should have warned you they are well known for doing that, the only way out is to find a safe corner of the garden, dig it in well and hope for the best


I am planning to buy Evergreen Complete for my various bits of lawn, that usually works a treat.  Some of mine are a bit steep for me so I will probably buy the After Cut one as well and Carl who helps me with the garden (well I say helps he does 99.9% of it tbh ) will put it on for me.  I am sure that we can have our lawns looking as good as new soon

 I shall take your advice and find a safe corner for the Nemesia.

My lawn had been so full of moss, there was hardly any grass left, so drastic measures had to be taken. I'm sure it will look fine............eventually.

Bramble has come in to heat so I've spent the evening covering up the carpet with an elaborate patch work of retired duvet covers and throws! I also had to alter her evening walk so that I could supervise her at all times, it meant getting muddy but that's no big deal really. Meanwhile, mr summer has been arranging a stairlift for MIL and picking up prescriptions & groceries for her. Unfortunately, her heart condition has taken a turn for the worse recently. We'll do everything we can to take care of her
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining up here.


You were a bit of a late bird last night, Squiggle. Were you having one of those nights when you just don't feel sleepy?  They drive me mad!


Summer, I'm really sorry that your MiL's heart condition has worsened. I remember you mentioned that she had taken one of her turns on her last hospital visit, so hopefully the doctors will now make sure she has everything she needs - and I know that you and Mr Summer will take really good care of her.

I'm going to watch To Catch A Thief today, which I managed to record, thanks to El.

Hugs for Skylark and Moonie, I hope they are back soon.


Edit to add: good luck with keeping Bramble safe from the male dogs, Summer.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone, grey and cold here sadly.


Summer and Yogi thanks but no I wasn't kept awake.  I am reading a collection of short stories, many by authors I haven't come across before, so if the author looks good I look them up on Amazon and either order a cheap used copy, trial a sample to my Kindle or add to my wish list (it's not at all like Danica's honest ).  Well I was doing it on my Blackberry but it's quite slow so I took my Kindle up which is much quicker and so I thought I would pop into the forum, I slept fine after that.


So sorry to hear about your MiL Summer, I am glad Mr Summer is doing everything possible to make her life more comfortable.  A dear dear friend of mine is suffering heart failure and it is such a trial and a worry, please give your dear MiL a gentle hug from me .


Was Frodo mentioning about doggy pants for when his dog is in season?  I don't know much about it but we did look after my sister's Scottie when she was on holiday and wouldn't you know it but the dog came into season while they were away, we weren't used to it and found it alarming (and so did the poor dog) hope Bramble isn't too alarmed and that you can manage it OK.


Summer she most certainly does.  Her son lives with her (following a divorce in which he was the innocent party) and her daughter and grandchildren are always visiting.  I wish that you could meet her, she is the sweetest most loving person with a big big heart and everything that you could possibly hope for in a Christian woman.  She is, like me, in a way longing to go and be with her dear husband but anxious too to stay and be a support for her family.  She has the widest circle of friends of anyone I have ever known I think, an example to us all.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Thanks everyone bramble does a fantastic job of making MIL smile, they adore each other Squiggle, does your friend have family & friends to help out? Yogi I hope you enjoy the film, I'm hoping to watch it this week too, let me know what you think.

I have seen the film before and it is worth watching, Summer.

I love Cary Grant and the beautiful Grace Kelly in films.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Summer she most certainly does.  Her son lives with her (following a divorce in which he was the innocent party) and her daughter and grandchildren are always visiting.  I wish that you could meet her, she is the sweetest most loving person with a big big heart and everything that you could possibly hope for in a Christian woman.  She is, like me, in a way longing to go and be with her dear husband but anxious too to stay and be a support for her family.  She has the widest circle of friends of anyone I have ever known I think, an example to us all.

Squiggle, I understand your longing, I really do.

But, on a personal level, I hope your darling hubby will wait patiently, so we can have you here for a long while.

Well said yogi I'd like a long time with our squiggle please, for completely selfish reasons of course I'm sure hubby misses you just as much squiggle, he'll be a very happy man indeed when you turn up It's lovely to hear your friend is well taken care of, especially as she's such a wonderful lady. I often wonder who'll take of me if I'm old & alone, with no children in the family I'm at god's mercy!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Well said yogi I'd like a long time with our squiggle please, for completely selfish reasons of course I'm sure hubby misses you just as much squiggle, he'll be a very happy man indeed when you turn up It's lovely to hear your friend is well taken care of, especially as she's such a wonderful lady. I often wonder who'll take of me if I'm old & alone, with no children in the family I'm at god's mercy!

So many people love you, I'm sure you won't be old and lonely, Summer.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Well said yogi I'd like a long time with our squiggle please, for completely selfish reasons of course I'm sure hubby misses you just as much squiggle, he'll be a very happy man indeed when you turn up It's lovely to hear your friend is well taken care of, especially as she's such a wonderful lady. I often wonder who'll take of me if I'm old & alone, with no children in the family I'm at god's mercy!

I believe there is no time in heaven so when I go to meet him it will be as if we never were apart and of course there are no tears in heaven.  I dread my friend being called home because I will miss her so much but that is me being selfish, God will know when the time is right, His timing is always perfect.


Summer you are such a warm generous and loving person that I truly believe you will never be alone and uncared for, you too have a big heart and I believe you will always have people who love you

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Book me in then yogi! I just ate a little piece of chocolate sponge & custard, I'll not get home until late tonight so it's important to fill up at lunch

I had a lemon and lime yoghurt.

I want chocolate sponge and custard now!

I could post a picture of chocolate sponge and custard but that would be cruel of me

El Loro
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