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$1 million ! Oh dear, somebody will be in deep trouble tonight.


The sun has been shining so we've been gardening today. The lawn in the front garden was full of moss, so my son was using a scarifier and lawn sand on it. It now looks like it has had a very dodgy haircut and will take a few weeks before it looks like a lawn again.


Off to cook some food, will be back later.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

$1 million ! Oh dear, somebody will be in deep trouble tonight.


The sun has been shining so we've been gardening today. The lawn in the front garden was full of moss, so my son was using a scarifier and lawn sand on it. It now looks like it has had a very dodgy haircut and will take a few weeks before it looks like a lawn again.


Off to cook some food, will be back later.

If I took out all the moss in our lawns.There would just be a few strands of grass 

Enjoy your meal Yogi. See you later  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I thought jewels like that were guarded by security men from the jewellers.  I pity the poor guy who will get blamed for this.

I dunno Squiggle. They are usually in vaults until used, aren't they? I think someone is in for the sack 

They are but in the movies when you see a star wearing jewels to a premiere there are always heavies in the background, the reality is disappointing.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I thought jewels like that were guarded by security men from the jewellers.  I pity the poor guy who will get blamed for this.

I dunno Squiggle. They are usually in vaults until used, aren't they? I think someone is in for the sack 

They are but in the movies when you see a star wearing jewels to a premiere there are always heavies in the background, the reality is disappointing.

Or not if you are the new owner of aforementioned jewels 

evening all I love jewellery but not the blingy kind, and I'm far to clumsy to own anything valuable lol mine is mostly costume How has everyone's day been? Mine was busy but pleasant, I just had a lovely walk with Bramble and checked on the tadpoles. We saw a rare newt too! Mr summer says if you accidentally kill one it's a ÂĢ1,000 fine, And if you maliciously kill one, it's ÂĢ5,000 and a prison sentence!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
evening all I love jewellery but not the blingy kind, and I'm far to clumsy to own anything valuable lol mine is mostly costume How has everyone's day been? Mine was busy but pleasant, I just had a lovely walk with Bramble and checked on the tadpoles. We saw a rare newt too! Mr summer says if you accidentally kill one it's a ÂĢ1,000 fine, And if you maliciously kill one, it's ÂĢ5,000 and a prison sentence!

 Don't step on the newts!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Perfect! He'll save on petrol money and wear & tear and clock up his no claims easier Is he enjoying living with his girlfriend?

They seem to be getting on fine - a few minor rows, but nothing serious enough for him to want to come back home.

He is staying at our house tonight, as his gf has gone up north to visit her parents for the weekend.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning very heavy rain here, I'm not planning on an outdoor picnic today that's for sure! Squiggle, I had to giggle at your bluebells, ours are only just out Who's in To Catch a Theif?

It's the 1955 Alfred Hitchcock film starring Cary Grant and Grace Kelly. It's been shown many times on television over the years. I mentioned it in my post yesterday about the jewellery theft in Cannes. There are similarities and not surprisingly the media has been pointing this out. It's one of the lighter Hitchcock films.

El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:

El Loro 

you are lovely thankyou  I only wish I lived near there xx 


your mate ..frodo

Thanks Frodo It's a pity you can't get to Oxford in September. When I saw that there was going to be a festival celebrating the life of C S Lewis I thought you would be interested as I knew you loved the Narnia books.

El Loro

Hello again  El Loro 

yes I love CS Lewis and have the films up to now ,of course The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe ,Prince Caspian and Voyage Of The Dawn Treader


The Silver Chair was my fav and of course the final one ..that really got me thinking that It may have been a step too far ,for some people but I loved It .


I'm not the cleverest person on the planet but I love reading and wished (dont we all that I'd payed more attention to books Old films are my forte Rebecca ,The Heiress unbelievable that the two people in those are sisters

take care you x frodo


hello Yogi 

yes I have been awol worrying things and then this out of the blue ,my little dog came into season we had the male spayed or whatever ,and she had the pants on covered or so we thought ..she is only small not a clue that she was having a pup ,she made this awful screaming noise yesterday ..rushed her to the vets and hey we have the tiniest puppy ,they did an x- ray on her to see If there where anymore sleep in case she laid on It as she Is a baby herself ....the baby a boy LOL is a joy praying he survives she will not eat at the moment ..chicken tuna no joy ..any tips or help would be welcome 


not slept so she doesn't hurt him ...thanks for asking frodo xxx


Gosh, that must have been a shock for you, especially when you'd had the male dog neutered. I have no experience of breeding dogs but you've had her checked by the vet, so I am assuming she's maybe just in a bit of shock after the birth. When my dog is unwell, I give her scrambled eggs, porridge or some boiled rice with chicken to tempt her appetite. If she still isn't eating tomorrow, perhaps you could speak to one of your practice's vetinary nurses for some advice.

I really hope the little pup survives and the mum starts eating soon. I know you'll do your very best to take care of them.

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