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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I still haven't done the ironing yet. I went out to the shops instead.

Ironing emoticon [Housework emoticons) 

 I hope I don't burn anything!

I have put up the ironing board, got the iron out and the shirts are sitting on the ironing board. I'm almost ready to get started.

Mr Yogi hope you dont too 

*pushes Yogi towards the ironing board*   

Stop shoving! I'm going, I'm going!

I'll be back later, be good Moonie.


The storm clouds are gathering here Yogi 

See you later. Iron carefully   

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What a fantastic video clip! I can't wait to show it to my eldest son and DiL, who have a labrador. Thanks Aimee and Pengy for posting it.

it's gawjuss isn't it 

Sure is. It brought back happy memories of the relationship my youngest son had with our first golden retriever.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Thanks Pengy glad you liked it Yogi we got there in the end

 Full marks for persevering, Aims (and some help from Pengy).

what I want to know is how many people did she ask before she came to me cos I'm an eejit with these things but I usually find a way round in the end 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Thanks Pengy glad you liked it Yogi we got there in the end

 Full marks for persevering, Aims (and some help from Pengy).

what I want to know is how many people did she ask before she came to me cos I'm an eejit with these things but I usually find a way round in the end 

you was the first

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've just watched it again on here, I don't think it's the exact same as the one I watched as it had music to it and the dog kept putting his paw on the boy and he kept moving it

it is the same video it's just that someone else has edited it - there are various versions of this on youtube 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Thanks Pengy glad you liked it Yogi we got there in the end

 Full marks for persevering, Aims (and some help from Pengy).

what I want to know is how many people did she ask before she came to me cos I'm an eejit with these things but I usually find a way round in the end 


Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from that client in the middle of nowhere. There was no serious flooding on the route I took. I've also just been over to my bank to bank the cheque for my fee. It's large enough to justify going to the bank.


I saw on the news that there's been snow in Devon


Big cheques are always good news, El.


Snow in May?! Our weather has gone mad.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Its cold and getting colder here hence the heating on right now 

It's really chilly for the time of year. We had some sun today but it hasn't been particularly warm.


Still no sign of Summer today. I hope she isn't still feeling poorly.

Apparently snow in some places today 

I was just thinking that about Sweet She usually pop in even if its just to say "hello" 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Its cold and getting colder here hence the heating on right now 

It's really chilly for the time of year. We had some sun today but it hasn't been particularly warm.


Still no sign of Summer today. I hope she isn't still feeling poorly.

Apparently snow in some places today 

I was just thinking that about Sweet She usually pop in even if its just to say "hello" 

Yes, snow in Devon.


I hope Mr Summer is taking good care of her.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Its cold and getting colder here hence the heating on right now 

It's really chilly for the time of year. We had some sun today but it hasn't been particularly warm.


Still no sign of Summer today. I hope she isn't still feeling poorly.

Apparently snow in some places today 

I was just thinking that about Sweet She usually pop in even if its just to say "hello" 

Yes, snow in Devon.


I hope Mr Summer is taking good care of her.

If he ain't we will get on his *case* 

But i'm sure he will be 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Its cold and getting colder here hence the heating on right now 

It's really chilly for the time of year. We had some sun today but it hasn't been particularly warm.


Still no sign of Summer today. I hope she isn't still feeling poorly.

Apparently snow in some places today 

I was just thinking that about Sweet She usually pop in even if its just to say "hello" 

Yes, snow in Devon.


I hope Mr Summer is taking good care of her.

If he ain't we will get on his *case* 

But i'm sure he will be 

 He's a goodun, so I'm sure he'll be looking after our Summer.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
evening! Thanks for your lovely messages I think I'm ok *crosses fingers* I've starved myself for 30 hours and dared to eat 2 ginger biscuits and a rich tea, and I seem to be alright Reading your posts made me giggle and reminded me I have laundry to hang- brb How is everyone btw? X

Good to have you back and glad you are on the mend, Summer.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I'm thinking of putting the heating on too  evening in here 

Evening Aimee. It's more like autumn than spring.

Its more like winter than spring Yogi  

It is, if you're in Devon.

I think there was a sighting of Father Christmas down there today 

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