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Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, bit of a chilly and grey morning but I think it's going to brighten up.


I am so glad you don't have to keep popping Bramble in the microwave to warm her up again Summer   EL I will just say I think the video clip cheated a little   Lovely owl picture, one of the baby owls has got the stare just right, the others need a little practice.  Yogi I hope you have a nice peaceful week after the chaos.


Hi moonie, Velvet and Skylark hope your weekend is going well.

Hiya Squiggle  

Me weekend/Bank Holiday is going great fankoo. Hope yours is too 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sorry for the delay folks.. Enjoy We've been out for a walk with Bramble before it gets too hot, she's enjoying be able to go in and out to the garden as she pleases now Yogi, I hope mr yogi soon forgets what hard work the decorating has been

Oh wow! that looks delish  

Good idea taking Bramble out early Sweet. The clouds are getting thinner and thinner here now so its looks like its gonna be a warm one 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning and happy bank holiday I'm glad you all liked the owl family I'm cooking pancakes! Would anyone like some? I counted 13 passes, both times in that clip but I didn't see a bear

The bear is there.

I only saw it the second time (when they showed it from the start again), and when I watched it there was a blurry bit in the middle where it all speeded up

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sorry for the delay folks.. Enjoy We've been out for a walk with Bramble before it gets too hot, she's enjoying be able to go in and out to the garden as she pleases now Yogi, I hope mr yogi soon forgets what hard work the decorating has been

Too hot! It's cold and wet up here.


Yummy pancakes, thanks Summer.


Good morning Moonie, I hope you are having better weather than me on this Bank Holiday Monday.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What are you up to today moonie?

I have not decided on a plan of action for today yet Sweet. Knowing me it won't be a very strenuous though. Bed stripped early on and two line of washing done. I think that is enough 

I love being first into the bed when the sheets are freshly laundered.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning and happy bank holiday I'm glad you all liked the owl family I'm cooking pancakes! Would anyone like some? I counted 13 passes, both times in that clip but I didn't see a bear

The bear is there.

I only saw it the second time (when they showed it from the start again), and when I watched it there was a blurry bit in the middle where it all speeded up

I didn't notice it first time round. I was too busy trying to keep up with the ball passes.


I've just returned from dropping my brother off at the railway station and doing a bit of shopping at the Co-op to take advantage of a ÂĢ3 voucher I had which expired today. Amongst other things I bought some items for the foodbank which our church now supports. It's the Trussell one in Gloucester (Trussell has others around the country and is the best known). That's in addition to another one the church has been supporting for some years.


My brother and I had a pleasant weekend but nothing wildly exciting. The weather was nice throughout but I see others have been less fortunate. I hope yours improves.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
That's a nice thing for the co-op to start doing, I hope some of our local ones do that too. I'm glad you had a pleasant weekend with your brother El It's been a lovely day here, and we heard pine cones popping during one of our walks! I wish I could send some of the sunshine to yogi

Summer, it's my church which is supporting the foodbank, I just bought things for it from the Co-op .

The Co-op does do a lot of community work though as can be seen through this link:

That's the Co-op which covers my area.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
That's a nice thing for the co-op to start doing, I hope some of our local ones do that too. I'm glad you had a pleasant weekend with your brother El It's been a lovely day here, and we heard pine cones popping during one of our walks! I wish I could send some of the sunshine to yogi

I think the weather is to be better for me tomorrow, Summer.


I'm glad you had a good weekend with your brother, El. Have you planned a date for his next visit yet?


 Baz is going to put you on the naughty step for a month!


My day has been okay. The house still looks like a tip but hopefully it should return to normal after tomorrow.


i've been looking online for a wedding outfit again - still no luck. The problem is I have to be sure that I choose something which no other guest will turn up in. That would not be good!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Don't worry, the chances of that happening are very small, and I'm many sure the other guests will ask what colour you'll be wearing beforehand

 Thanks for being so reassuring.

The mother of the bride is also having problems choosing her outfit. Specialist shops seem to have shapeless shift dresses with matching coats or very clingy style dresses which require size 8 (or smaller) figures.

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