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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol good idea! You could pop out to the garden centre, shame granddaughter can't eat cake yet

 yes, it is a shame.

If it isn't cold, I have some new herbs which need potting on, so I might do that   tomorrow.

I'm falling asleep as I type, so I think I better sign out for now.

Goodnight Summer, sweet dreams.

Hugs for Moonie and Velvet.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol good idea! You could pop out to the garden centre, shame granddaughter can't eat cake yet

 yes, it is a shame.

If it isn't cold, I have some new herbs which need potting on, so I might do that   tomorrow.

I'm falling asleep as I type, so I think I better sign out for now.

Goodnight Summer, sweet dreams.

Hugs for Moonie and Velvet.

Hi and bye Yogi. Nite nite. Sleep well   

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol good idea! You could pop out to the garden centre, shame granddaughter can't eat cake yet

 yes, it is a shame.

If it isn't cold, I have some new herbs which need potting on, so I might do that   tomorrow.

I'm falling asleep as I type, so I think I better sign out for now.

Goodnight Summer, sweet dreams.

Hugs for Moonie and Velvet.

Noite Yogi  


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here at present but it's expected to be sunny later and pleasantly warm. Tomorrow looks even sunnier and warmer, then it's rain by Tuesday. For once the weather is being kind to people for a bank holiday Monday at least in this part of the country.


Yogi, soon all your trials will be over


Summer, great photo of Bramble


My brother showed me his holiday snaps of his recent holiday in Lille. There's two of them which I particularly liked and I've asked him if he is able email them to me so that I can post them here. He's not sure he will be able to but I hope he can. One of them is rather nice, the other one is extraordinary.


I hope you have a pleasant Sunday.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, quite a nice morning here.  It's nice to have a bank holiday weekend with good weather and I do hope it's good north of the border too. 


Such a shame about your friends' visit Summer but I agree with Yogi it will be much better to have the visit when the baby is not suffering with teething.  I hope you have a nice relaxing day Yogi, and then next week you have the joy of seeing all the beautiful newly decorated rooms and the lovely new flooring.


I hope your weekend is going well EL.

Good morning it's been an overcast start but is now turning sunny, I'm hoping for a nice summery day El, I'd very much like to see your brothers holiday pics if it does become possible Brace yourselves; I'm going.. Clothes shopping nothing fancy, just every day work wear and maybe a couple of tops to wear with my jeans. Wish me luck
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning 

Yogi, hanging on in there? We still talking decorating?


*Hides Sweets flexible friend* 


Hiya El, Squiggle and Skylark 

Yes Moonie, we are still talking decorating.

Well done on getting your clothes shopping done, Summer. I think I missed out on the shopping gene, I really don't like clothes shopping.

Happy Feet is one of Mr Yogi's favourite films. I bought it on DVD for him.

Got eldest son, DiL and granddaughter coming for dinner tonight. In fact, we've had someone for dinner every night since Wednesday. Surely it must be time for someone to cook for me?!

BTW, I got my herbs potted on. Hopefully I should have lots of herbs for cooking this summer.



Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol moonie my flexible friend isn't very bendy It was a successful trip though, I'm all stocked up with new work clothes and a few tops for exercising in Anyone watching Happy Feet? It's on now and I've never seen it before, I feel really sorry for the penguin lol

Hiya Sweet   Glad you had a successful trip even though your flexible friend isn't very flexible 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning 

Yogi, hanging on in there? We still talking decorating?


*Hides Sweets flexible friend* 


Hiya El, Squiggle and Skylark 

Yes Moonie, we are still talking decorating.

Well done on getting your clothes shopping done, Summer. I think I missed out on the shopping gene, I really don't like clothes shopping.

Happy Feet is one of Mr Yogi's favourite films. I bought it on DVD for him.

Got eldest son, DiL and granddaughter coming for dinner tonight. In fact, we've had someone for dinner every night since Wednesday. Surely it must be time for someone to cook for me?!

BTW, I got my herbs potted on. Hopefully I should have lots of herbs for cooking this summer.



I bet you'll be glad when that decorating is over and done with Yogi  Have a great evening with your family   

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Potted herbs to cool for summer.. That sounds great yogi I like spaghetti bolognese Hope you're having a lovely evening with your family Hi moonie how was your nap? I blame the dog, she was all warm & snug next to me and I drifted off...

I enjoyed my nap fanks  Nothing like having a doggy hot water bottle to send you off into slumberland 


Good morning everyone


My central heating didn't come on this morning but that's because it's thermostatically controlled and the house is too warm - first time this year


Summer, nice owl photo. Besides mummy owl, I think I can see 5 owlets.

Talking of seeing things, we had this video at church yesterday.

There are 2 teams passing balls to each other. For the team wearing white count the number of passes they make. The answer is given in the clip.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


My central heating didn't come on this morning but that's because it's thermostatically controlled and the house is too warm - first time this year


Summer, nice owl photo. Besides mummy owl, I think I can see 5 owlets.

Talking of seeing things, we had this video at church yesterday.

There are 2 teams passing balls to each other. For the team wearing white count the number of passes they make. The answer is given in the clip.


Guess whose awareness is not all it should be? Won't say any more until the others have seen it.


Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast.

Lovely pic of the owl and fluffy babies, Summer.

Well done for spotting 5 baby owls, El, I only noticed 4 (we have already established my lack of observational skills).


Good morning everyone, bit of a chilly and grey morning but I think it's going to brighten up.


I am so glad you don't have to keep popping Bramble in the microwave to warm her up again Summer   EL I will just say I think the video clip cheated a little   Lovely owl picture, one of the baby owls has got the stare just right, the others need a little practice.  Yogi I hope you have a nice peaceful week after the chaos.


Hi moonie, Velvet and Skylark hope your weekend is going well.

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