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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. It's raining today, so no lawn mowing on the horizon. 

I slept well last night.

Loved last night's night owl - as El says, it's groovy.

More decorating today.  *chants, it will be worth it in the end*

Will pop in when I can.

Good morning Yogi   It WILL be worth it in the end  Keep smiling and think of the results when the chaos is over 

 At the rate we are going, I may have throttled Mr Yogi before it's finished.


 To Skylark's son for cleaning his bedroom.


Teabreak over, it's back to the decorating. See you later.

Oh dear. Poor Mr Yogi   laters 


Evening all. This decorating lark is interfering with my forum time.

Skylark, the laminate flooring is being fitted in the hall on Sunday and the carpet will be fitted (stairs and landing) on Monday, then I'll get the blinds and curtains etc up and that should be it finished.

Moonie, don't be wasting your sympathy on Mr Yogi, it's me who needs it!

El, hope you have a lovely weekend with your brother, and get to eat lots of yummy cake.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, you all have been working hard . Well done, i am sure it will look brill when finished  

I was thinking of freshening up the livingroom straight after this, but I've changed my mind now. I'll need time to recover before I can go through all this again!

Thats what happens when you start! You are making me feel i may paint the bathroom and get new accessories!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, you all have been working hard . Well done, i am sure it will look brill when finished  

I was thinking of freshening up the livingroom straight after this, but I've changed my mind now. I'll need time to recover before I can go through all this again!

Thats what happens when you start! You are making me feel i may paint the bathroom and get new accessories!

 You won't blame me when you are surrounded by chaos, will you?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, you all have been working hard . Well done, i am sure it will look brill when finished  

I was thinking of freshening up the livingroom straight after this, but I've changed my mind now. I'll need time to recover before I can go through all this again!

Thats what happens when you start! You are making me feel i may paint the bathroom and get new accessories!

 You won't blame me when you are surrounded by chaos, will you?

Ermmm yes, got to blame someone 

Getting off now, making supper for son and his pals. 
Love to all, hope Summer pops in ... 

thanks skylark I hope you have a nice relaxing bank holiday lined up! had a busy day and evening, poor Bramble didn't even get a walk tonight she'll have a big one tomorrow We should be expecting guests tomorrow night, one of my best friends, her husband, son and dog! But the little boy is teething and been quite poorly this week, he's perked up these last couple of days but if he's not up to travelling then they will postpone their trip. The house is spotless from top to bottom now anyway El, I hope you have a lovely time with your brother visiting Yogi & squiggle I hope you both had a good day, will read back to catch up on what you've been up to
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


My brother arrived here on time so no train problems. He did bring cakes, a mix of Kipling cakes and Thornton toffee cake bars.


Nice breakfast Summer Squiggle was around yesterday, she posted here first thing as Yogi said and popped in later.


Slightly damp here but nothing much.


Moonie, you were probably recovering from your lawn cutting the previous day.


Yogi, I hope the flooring and carpet laying goes smoothly

El Loro

Good morning everyone, disappointly cold and windy again here.  Hope it brightens for everyone for the rest of the bank holiday weekend.


I hope you can get the house feeling straight again today Yogi, then you can enjoy your whole new look.  Poor Summer and moonie, you must have been very tired.  Moonie I think you overdid it with that first cut of the grass.  Have a good walk with Miss Bramble today Summer.  My friends with the cute new puppy were saying that they took their two dogs out all around the grounds of a nearby big house and the puppy only has tiny little legs.  Well the little chap managed it all but slept like a top all night afterwards.  They said there's always a little puddle on the newspaper the next morning (he's not quite fully house trained yet) but there wasn't that morning, poor little thing


Hope your weekend is going well EL, enjoy those cakes they sound yummy, now don't overdo it moonie, big hug for Skylark and for you too Velvet .

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol moonie it's a gift, I tell ya! Many I know wish they had such talent To bring the buddies up to speed, I left here last night, posted hello in the manor and promptly passed out I do it frequently, but not usually that fast lol And now moonie is at it too Here we are everyone...

Its a gift I can do without thanks  I never went to bed till 3-45 and was up at 9-00 this morning  Nice food  but I am just a toast person this early in the morning fankoo  laters 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining today.

Lovely breakfast, thank you Summer.

Squiggle did post yesterday morning, Summer. Hope you were just busy, Squiggle, and your back isn't playing up.

Moonie, are you awake yet, or do you still have Summer's sleepy itis?

Yep, was up at 9-00  but still feel   The weather is looking overcast. Looks like summer is over here for the mo 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


My brother arrived here on time so no train problems. He did bring cakes, a mix of Kipling cakes and Thornton toffee cake bars.


Nice breakfast Summer Squiggle was around yesterday, she posted here first thing as Yogi said and popped in later.


Slightly damp here but nothing much.


Moonie, you were probably recovering from your lawn cutting the previous day.


Yogi, I hope the flooring and carpet laying goes smoothly

Morning El 

Probably, so wont be doing any more of that for a while 

evening A very very busy day, I nearly fell asleep in the bath and I think I need a nap before I can even drink my wine lol Our friends decided not to drive up here for the weekend, their little boy's teething is making him poorly and very unhappy indeed. I'm sad not to see them but I know what they're like and I would bet any amount of money that they'll be visiting within 3 months! Especially for you moonie...
~Sparkling Summer~
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