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Well, I've just emerged from underneath the floorboards and have just heard the news - you must be thrilled to bits.

Just so that you have a little momento, here's a copy of the news of Ben's return as shown on the C4 site: I know it's a bit longer than the normal post here, but somehow I don't think you will mind.

The Prediction: Look Who's Back! Look who's back! It's only our favourite toff, Ben!

After being evicted over three weeks ago, Ben is back in the House as part of this week's Prediction Task.
Mario was called to the Diary Room a short while ago and was asked to decide whether he would rather become the mole again and be interviewed on ‘The Ben Show’, by ex-housemate Ben, OR be handcuffed to Ben for an hour.

Mario subsequently chose to be handcuffed to Ben and was reunited with the English gent sharing a long warm embrace.

Mario then re-entered the House with Ben, much to the surprise of the other housemates. He was greated by rapturous applause, cheers and hugs and they are currently sat in the Kitchen quizzing Ben and introducing him JJ and Sam.
El Loro
I can't believe my lovely Ben was back in the house - and I missed it! Serves me right for giving up on this year's BB.
Oh Yogi where were you?  I was hoping you and Joyron were watching LF even if you weren't on here.  I was glued to LF the whole time he was in there.  It was brilliant.  He made the rest of them look like the boring people they are.  He was brilliant to Corin and Andrew and Sam.  He was, of course, really nice and polite to everyone, hugging and kissing them.  BUT he couldn't resist dropping a few bombshells and it was great, Dave looked really nervous, as well he might, and you could see Ben was just loving having all the information that he did have.  We were all going out in a stretch limo to spend an evening with our darling Ben, all us girlies, well not really but then we can dream.

Edit:  Yogi make sure you flick back through the forum might be 3 or 4 pages back but there were loads of lovely threads about Ben last night.
Last edited by squiggle
Reference: auiggle
how do you put up those clips from U Tube in the way that you do?
Good morning to you as well

Once the Youtube clip has started playing either let it run to the end or click to pause button. Then beneath the clip look for Share, click on that and you will see the page address already highlighted. Ctrl-C to copy that address.

Then come back here and go to your Post Reply box , and position your pointer to where you want the clip to be included.

Now click on the insert media icon (5th from the right - the one which looks like a bit of film tape).
Make sure that your pointer is in the File/Url line, Then Ctrl-V to paste the address into that line.
I then press the tab key which takes my pointer to the next box. I wait a second or so, then the front page of the clip should appear. I've never tried playing about with the dimensions box, I then just click Insert.
You should then return to your Post Reply screen and you should see a large empty box (slightly orange background) with a circle with an f sign in the middle. Carry on with your post as normal.

When you submit your reply, you should see the clip appearing as on my posts.

Good luck
El Loro
squiggle, in case you didn't know, if you were to try and post a video clip from the BBC website (not from iPlayer - I haven't tried those as I think there would be no chance for copyright reasons), then you could think that you had succeeded via the good old copy & paste routine, as it would look fine in the Your Reply box, and the front image would also appear on the post. The only trouble is that nothing happend when you click on the image to play - all you get in the circle going around and around for ever and the clip wont play. All you can do is to post a link to the BBC page.

Sone websites with clips you can post, others you can't. That's why I tend to stick with Youtube, because they've got a huge library. Sometimes, someone posts a clip on Youtube which breaches copyright or the rights stay exclusively with Youtube. With that tpye of clip, you will find that either you just can't copy it on to here, or sometimes if it's a new clip, you can post it. Then Youtube withdraw the clip, so then no-one can access the clip you've posted. But this only happens rarely, at least not with me.
El Loro
Reference: squiggle
I just hope we don't get those 300mph winds though, you may not know my situation but I live halfway down a hill directly facing the sea, those sea winds can be fierce
I'm glad you are not caught out in what sounds really bad weather in your part of the world.

I know these 300 mph winds can be a real menace And just for amusement, I've just copied this from the same weather forecast site as before. This is my local weather for today and toomorrow.
Thu 19 AugAfternoon19 Â°c16 Â°c21010 mb5.5 mm97 %8 mph

Evening13 Â°c14 Â°c01010 mb5.8 mm100 %10 mph
Fri 20 AugMorning18 Â°c17 Â°c22 mb0.6 mm100 %13 mph
In Detail
Afternoon20 Â°c20 Â°c11011 mb0.9 mm96 %12 mph

Evening17 Â°c17 Â°c01014 mb2.0 mm47 %10 mph

I have not changed these figures at all. As you can see, this time instead of silly wind speeds, toomorrow morning's pressure has to set a new world record for the most inaccurate forecast of all time
El Loro
That's odd, I don't recall ever seeing the pressure figures before so I checked on the site for my local weather forecast, same site I think, and they don't have the pressure measurements on there at all.

Thu 19 Aug16:0018:5915 Â°c14 Â°c07.3 mm99 %12 mph14 mph

19:0021:5916 Â°c15 Â°c00.5 mm97 %11 mph13 mph

22:000:5915 Â°c16 Â°c01.2 mm98 %9 mph11 mph
Fri 20 Aug1:003:5916 Â°c16 Â°c00.3 mm97 %8 mph10 mph

4:006:5916 Â°c16 Â°c00.4 mm98 %9 mph11 mph

7:009:5918 Â°c17 Â°c21.4 mm60 %10 mph12 mph

10:0012:5918 Â°c18 Â°c02.4 mm97 %9 mph11 mph

13:0015:5920 Â°c19 Â°c20.3 mm95 %10 mph12 mph

16:0018:5920 Â°c18 Â°c10.5 mm96 %10 mph12 mph

19:0021:5918 Â°c17 Â°c00.5 mm96 %8 mph10 mph

22:000:5917 Â°c17 Â°c01.8 mm98 %7 mph8 mph
Link copied to your clipboard.