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Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast and rain is forecast.

Keira has an upset tummy - not the best start to the morning. She'll be on fluids only, for the rest of the day.

Squiggle, how's your back today? I was thinking about your home delivered groceries, and hope the delivery person put the bags of shopping onto your kitchen worktops, so you didn't have to lift the bags.

Going to get my haircut this afternoon. Last time, the hairdresser cut it too short, so I need to emphasise that I just want a trim.

Have a good day everyone.



Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Mainly sunny here, no wind, but cooler - may be showers later.


Squiggle, I hope your back has continued to improve


Yogi, I may get my hair cut this afternoon as well


Velvet, I don't eat Double Gloucester or for that matter Parmesan

If you get your haircut too, we can do a synchronised "twirl" later.


Good morning everyone, quite a nice morning here.  Summer I would love to see your new (slightly different) hair colour.  I hope you slept much better Yogi and that you get a cuddle from your sweet granddaughter today, I bet she's looking bonny.  I do hope that hairdresser behaves and just does a trim, it's awful when they cut it too short.  I remember when my daughter was about 13 and went to the hairdressers, they cut it too short, they said how is it?  She said "fine" and then hid in a phone box until I could pick her up poor love.  I would love love love to see a synchronised twirl


Good morning Velvet (I know it's just banter and you know we all love ya ) did I ever tell you I knitted a donkey once for my daughter when she was very small.  It was bright orange, we called her Dilly Donkey (the donkey of course not my daughter ) and she loved her dearly. Hi to moonie, hope you are having a good morning.


And last, but not least, hope you are well this morning Skylark .


Of course you can join in, Summer. Maybe we can get synchronised twirling recognised as an Olympic sport?

As I already mentioned, youngest son and his gf are in London. They went to see Pink in concert last night. Son has sent a text to say his gf surprised him with tickets for the Lion King show for tonight - Mr Yogi will be green with envy.


edit to add, he said Pink was amazing!


I meant to say earlier Yogi, I have a little lean-to, the last owner called it a sun lounge but it's sort of a big porch.  Anyway I keep the washing machine, tumble dryer and a small fridge there and there is a long counter built over them.  The guys who deliver the grocery shopping put all the shopping on there and it is easy to just lift it down and put it away.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I meant to say earlier Yogi, I have a little lean-to, the last owner called it a sun lounge but it's sort of a big porch.  Anyway I keep the washing machine, tumble dryer and a small fridge there and there is a long counter built over them.  The guys who deliver the grocery shopping put all the shopping on there and it is easy to just lift it down and put it away.

That's good. I was worried about you struggling to lift heavy bags of shopping.

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