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Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast and rain is forecast. Still windy too!

I hope you managed to get a decent night's sleep, Squiggle, and your back is less painful today.

Need to get some housework and cooking done early, this morning, as I am going out with youngest son. Garden Centre here we come!

Have a good day, everyone.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

A great new site I have just discovered, lots of free ebooks, I just downloaded One Snowy Night Before Christmas.


EDIT  Oo er it would help if I gave the link wouldn't it?

Looks like a good site.

Do you know if it's only suitable for Kindle users or if you can download to other devices, such as e-readers and iPads?

I'm not sure, it does take you to the Amazon site.  You would have to experiment.


Good morning everyone, very misty here.  I haven't read back yet, I saw your post Yogi and thought I would reply straight away, I'll go and look through now.


I slept well and am very comfortable in bed so far but it's when I first stand in the morning, still it is better than it was.

Good morning overcast here too, and I have to walk bramble while my car gets MOT'd so we may get rained on. Not that we mind Yogi I hope you enjoy the garden centre resist the cake! Resist the cake! Squiggle i hope your back loosens up swiftly this morning, and that it's less painful than yesterday El I hope your clients accounts are error free and easy to follow Moonie I hope you're well today and looking forward to a good match or 2, preferably bite free See you all in a bit
~Sparkling Summer~
It passed and only cost me ÂĢ30- phew! I think they tweaked a couple of little things that needed it, but all in all, the car is in good shape We walked 4 miles, and then I weeded the garden and straightened up some shrubs that the snow had damaged. I also cleared out my car, I just need to Hoover it now. It's lunch time now though
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
It passed and only cost me ÂĢ30- phew! I think they tweaked a couple of little things that needed it, but all in all, the car is in good shape We walked 4 miles, and then I weeded the garden and straightened up some shrubs that the snow had damaged. I also cleared out my car, I just need to Hoover it now. It's lunch time now though

That's a weeks work for me Sweet. Well done  

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
How's your morning been squiggle? I have to pop out in a little bit to run a couple of errands, I think some chocolate may need picking up too I'm ready to read that little ebook we downloaded now

OK but slowish progress which is frustrating.  I have finished that book, it was good and filled in some blanks very nicely.


Good news about your MOT, Summer.

El, thanks for the link, I shall check it out.

Squiggle, I'm glad your back is a little bit better. Continue to rest it as much as you can.

Hi Moonie, hope you are having a good day.

Had a lovely time with youngest son - got some plants, another pretty notebook (I have several) and had a nice lunch and chat. Summer, I was very good and resisted the cakes.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good news about your MOT, Summer.

El, thanks for the link, I shall check it out.

Squiggle, I'm glad your back is a little bit better. Continue to rest it as much as you can.

Hi Moonie, hope you are having a good day.

Had a lovely time with youngest son - got some plants, another pretty notebook (I have several) and had a nice lunch and chat. Summer, I was very good and resisted the cakes.

Hi Yogi. Yep me day is going well fankoo  Nice to see you had a good day out too 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good news about your MOT, Summer.

El, thanks for the link, I shall check it out.

Squiggle, I'm glad your back is a little bit better. Continue to rest it as much as you can.

Hi Moonie, hope you are having a good day.

Had a lovely time with youngest son - got some plants, another pretty notebook (I have several) and had a nice lunch and chat. Summer, I was very good and resisted the cakes.

Hi Yogi. Yep me day is going well fankoo  Nice to see you had a good day out too 

Pleased to hear it.

Yes! Well done yogi that's the stuff! I love stationary too, the prettier the better. My current bookkeeping folder has multicoloured cows on, I'm sure my accountant will giggle when he sees it Squiggle, keep doing what you're doing, slow and steady is better than overdoing it I've ran my errands, done the grocery shopping and just finished a workout DVD! I think I've earned the right to run a bath now
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes! Well done yogi that's the stuff! I love stationary too, the prettier the better. My current bookkeeping folder has multicoloured cows on, I'm sure my accountant will giggle when he sees it Squiggle, keep doing what you're doing, slow and steady is better than overdoing it I've ran my errands, done the grocery shopping and just finished a workout DVD! I think I've earned the right to run a bath now

It must be a "girls" thing 


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes! Well done yogi that's the stuff! I love stationary too, the prettier the better. My current bookkeeping folder has multicoloured cows on, I'm sure my accountant will giggle when he sees it Squiggle, keep doing what you're doing, slow and steady is better than overdoing it I've ran my errands, done the grocery shopping and just finished a workout DVD! I think I've earned the right to run a bath now

It must be a "girls" thing 


I was gonna give you a skelp but decided I'll give you a  for including me, when you used the word "girls".


Your bookkeeping folder sounds great, Summer.

You definitely deserve a bath, after the energetic day you have had.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes! Well done yogi that's the stuff! I love stationary too, the prettier the better. My current bookkeeping folder has multicoloured cows on, I'm sure my accountant will giggle when he sees it Squiggle, keep doing what you're doing, slow and steady is better than overdoing it I've ran my errands, done the grocery shopping and just finished a workout DVD! I think I've earned the right to run a bath now

It must be a "girls" thing 


I was gonna give you a skelp but decided I'll give you a  for including me, when you used the word "girls".


Your bookkeeping folder sounds great, Summer.

You definitely deserve a bath, after the energetic day you have had.

Phew  but "skelp" please?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes! Well done yogi that's the stuff! I love stationary too, the prettier the better. My current bookkeeping folder has multicoloured cows on, I'm sure my accountant will giggle when he sees it Squiggle, keep doing what you're doing, slow and steady is better than overdoing it I've ran my errands, done the grocery shopping and just finished a workout DVD! I think I've earned the right to run a bath now

It must be a "girls" thing 


I was gonna give you a skelp but decided I'll give you a  for including me, when you used the word "girls".


Your bookkeeping folder sounds great, Summer.

You definitely deserve a bath, after the energetic day you have had.

Phew  but "skelp" please?

More Jockenese (as Mr Yogi would say), a skelp is a smack.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes! Well done yogi that's the stuff! I love stationary too, the prettier the better. My current bookkeeping folder has multicoloured cows on, I'm sure my accountant will giggle when he sees it Squiggle, keep doing what you're doing, slow and steady is better than overdoing it I've ran my errands, done the grocery shopping and just finished a workout DVD! I think I've earned the right to run a bath now

It must be a "girls" thing 


I was gonna give you a skelp but decided I'll give you a  for including me, when you used the word "girls".


Your bookkeeping folder sounds great, Summer.

You definitely deserve a bath, after the energetic day you have had.

Phew  but "skelp" please?

More Jockenese (as Mr Yogi would say), a skelp is a smack.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all 
Just popping in to see what you are all up to.

Summer i am exhausted just reading what you have been up to today!
Hope you on the mend squiggle x
Talking about skelping, that Debbie Dingle could do with one! 
Off to settle down and see what other rubbish is on telly!
Goodnight everyone 


Hi Skylark. I am sooooooooo with you on Debbie Dingle, she could do with a good skelping.

Hope you find something decent to watch on telly.

Goodnight, sweet dreams.

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