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Evening everyone.  I have to say that El Loro's news about his heating/radiator problems far exceeds any news that there has been on this site today!!!

I cannot wait for this series to finish!!!

Probably won't be back again tonight but will try and catch up with you all tomorrow.  I sincerely hope that there is SOME news to report by that time. 
Afternoon everyone.    Sorry I was not here to help keep the thread bumped this morning but unfortunately I've had no broadband connection since last night.  It's back now and, hopefully, won't disappear again.  I'm planning on changing internet service provider but don't want to change my email address until after I get the paperwork through for my holiday!!

Can some one give me a short synopsis of the Corin/JJ problem.  I've not watched last night's HL show.  Is the answer on there, or should I not watch?? 
joyorn, if it's any consolation, I alos often have broadband connection problems. Sometimes weeks can go by with no problem, then it starts again sometimes just once or twice a day, but I can get it back, sometimes like today it's bad. To get it back I try a variety of things. I try ringing my own number which of course is engaged then press 5 for a ringback request which of course can't be accepted. The idea is that the attempt to ring my own phone sends a small voltage into my phoneline, which can trigger the reconnection. Sometimes I dial 123 (the speaking clock), (doesn't matter which number I ring but I'm not going to start ringing random numbers and this can only work if the person answers). Again this sends a slightly higher voltage down the line which can do the trick. Sometimes I disconnect the phone line at the wall and plug it back in. Sometimes I take the phone plug out of the test socket, then plug it back in, but of course whilst tt's unplugged I can't receive any calls. Sometimes one or a combination of these works, but it's a pain. Whilst the broadband is disconnected I get a crackly sound over the ordinary phone line because the broadband connection is crossed with the ordinary line.

And the man repairing my radiator pipe is coming first thing tomorrow. It's just as well as I have noticed that the pressure has continued to slowly fall which means that it may be that it's not just the pipe leak causing the problem.
El Loro
Wow El Loro that certainly is an ongoing problem with the heating system. Good job you spotted it now.  Joyron I changed my service provider and thought I had to change my email address too but my helpful computer guy said no need, usually they provide a free email service (your old IP that is) just sign up and you should be able to use your old email address in the normal way.  Well it has worked for me for the last 3 years or so
joyron, as an addendum to my broadband connections hints, there is one which I hadn't mentioned, but this is only as a last resort as it takes work. Basically set up your router and telephone in a combined plug then place the lead in a filter into the teat socket. Potentially worth doing if your router connection to the PC is wireless, otherwise you would also have to probably move the computer etc within plugging distance of the router and that could be too much like hard work. Even if your router is wired, it may still be worth plugging the router and telephone into the test socket as if you still did not get the connection lights all appearing (other than online) on the router you would then know that the problem lay either externally or with the test socket. If it dos connect, you may find that when you go back to the normal setup that connection has been restored. If it hasn't then you know that the problem lies internally in the house (telephone wiring, telephone sockets, router, cable problems are some of the possibilities which is why at that point you need an engineer to track down the problem.

There is of course another possibility. If the broadband filter is faulty, then changing it would resolve the problem, but you may have tried that out already.
El Loro
I passed on your comments to No.1 son (the computer expert) and he said it is more of a problem with the ISP than the actual broadband connection/service.  I'm with Tesco at the moment and their service seems to go down with increasing regularity.  I am considering changing to BT as ISP and hopefully they will give me a better service.  I think that Tesco just cannot cope with the pressure put on their servers, and they have to go to BT at the end of the day to sort their problems out.  I will let you know what happens if, or when, we change ISP. 
There is of course another possibility. If the broadband filter is faulty, then changing it would resolve the problem, but you may have tried that out already.
I had that problem once, there was a fault on the broadband but not on the telephone.  The engineer from BT said there would be a charge if when they arrived the fault was past their box and I had better check.  So I had to unscrew the lid of the box and plug a phone in there, no problem.  I then checked each filter in turn and one of them was faulty, new filter, no problems since then.
Reference: Joyron
Just realised I'm up to 2000 posts
My congratulations to you on this milestone, from someone who also posted that they had done their 2000th post.  And at this present moment in time, you are right in saying that you have 2001 posts. But we are lagging behind some of the other regulars - I'm not sure that we will ever catch up with Yogi at over 10,000, and then as far as I know the forum leader must be Baz, currenlty with 55,883 posts
El Loro
Hello everyone.
I have given up watching this year's BB, so I haven't been posting very much recently.
On reading one of the other threads, it seems that Alex Sibley won't be joining the Allstars, so I won't be tuning in to that either.
I will still pop in now and then to say Hi to everyone.

Joyron, congratulations on reaching 2000 posts.
squiggle, I have realised that probably only the friends of the poster of the thread can access those photos. I don't use Facebook myself so don't know how it operates, and as I don't Facebook I couldn't access the photos anyway, so I posted my comment for those who could.

Anyway I've now made a post on that thread suggesting the poster posts the photos on something like photbuclet, then posts the photos from there to his thread.
El Loro
squiggle, as we speak, I am crawling underneath the floorboards looking for leaks - I have yet to be convinced that things are sorted yet. I will report back if I can ever extricate myself - it's a bit cramped for space.

I saw your post on the other thread re the Freddie photos, and I've made another post because I'm now even more confused as to how monkey13 posted the photos on to Facebook but has no Facebook account with them.
El Loro
Afternoon everyone.    Hopefully the boiler man has fixed your plumbing problems El Loro but, as Squiggle says, check every nook and cranny until you are sure it's all working properly.

Seems as though they've been having a bit of fun following the flooding last night.  However I don't want JJ1 to walk; I want him out of the door properly on Friday to lots of boos!!!

Probably won't be back later as No.2 son has come home for a visit and we are going out for a meal this evening.  Will catch up with you all tomorrow after No.2 son returns home. 
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