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Good morning everyone. It's very windy here. Bright atm but dark clouds gathering in the distance.

I echo Summer's sentiments and hope the pain in your back has eased, Squiggle.

Mr Yogi has the day off. He and eldest son are clearing out our garage, before the roof gets cleaned and resealed at the weekend. Atm, it is as wet inside the garage, as it is outside.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Have you seen the new McDonald's advert? It's got a border terrier in, they're becoming very fashionable in the media lately

They need to see your sweet girl, she would steal everyone's hearts in adverts wouldn't she?


Good morning everyone, I am keeping on keeping on with my back, so hopefully progress is being made.  Don't pay that price for the throw Summer I reckon Amazon are bound to have the cheaper one in in a few weeks, I have had mine for nearly 2 years and I bought one for a friend at Christmas and she loves hers.  They wash like a dream, you just take out the electrical cable and wash it like a normal blanket.


The long range forecast for down here, even into May, is more of the same.  Cold and drizzly, very disappointing.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Do you have to take them back next week? I'm having a very odd day so far, nothing as peculiar as people is there lol

 Up here, they say, "there's nowt as queer as folk", Summer.

We moved everything up to the back of the garage (the dry bit) so no major damage done.

Squiggle, do you have everything you need, or is there a friend or neighbour who can help out with shopping etc, until your back is better?

Originally Posted by squiggle:

We say there's nowt as queer as folk too   Thank goodness for home delivery grocery shopping Yogi, he is due tomorrow and I've added some nice biscuits because I'm fed up with the weather and I'm poorly

Home delivery grocery shopping is a godsend for a lot of people.

I think you most certainly deserve some nice biscuits. 


For some reason my broadband became disconnected - the lights on the modem for the PC connection and power were on but the light for the cable was off. After a while I just restarted the modem and the connection was restored.


Squiggle, at least you have some nice biscuits to look forward to


Important question of the day. Do you pronounce nice (for nice biscuits) as:

a) nice (as in opposite to nasty)

or b) niece

It seems that either can be used but I use b).

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

A great new site I have just discovered, lots of free ebooks, I just downloaded One Snowy Night Before Christmas.


EDIT  Oo er it would help if I gave the link wouldn't it?

Looks like a good site.

Do you know if it's only suitable for Kindle users or if you can download to other devices, such as e-readers and iPads?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Afternoon in here 

Hi Moonie, have you had a good day?

Hiya Yogi 

Yep had a good day fanks 

How was yours?

That's good to hear. My day was very nice too, thank you. We had dinner with my eldest son and DiL, and I tried to be good. (I mean diet wise, not my behaviour)

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Afternoon in here 

Hi Moonie, have you had a good day?

Hiya Yogi 

Yep had a good day fanks 

How was yours?

That's good to hear. My day was very nice too, thank you. We had dinner with my eldest son and DiL, and I tried to be good. (I mean diet wise, not my behaviour)


Good to see you had a nice day. How not-good was you then? 

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