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thanks yogi, I hope you enjoyed your early night- did you sleep well? We watched the hobbit last night, it's very long! And it's only the first of 3 films I enjoyed it, but they could have cut it shorter El, that biography had me in stitches lol that's some imagination isn't it! Shame it took an unhappy turn though, I'd have preferred a happily ever
~Sparkling Summer~

It's definitely colder here (again ) I am not sure we are getting any sort of Spring or Summer (not you Summer, thank goodness we do have you )

anyway hope you don't get blown away on your walk and have a good afternoon with SiL.


Yogi have a lovely lovely day.  Hope you don't get too much rain EL, we are getting rain again but a little dry interval promised for a couple of days after that.


Summer, I would have preferred an happier ending to that biography


I haven't seen The Hobbit so can't comment on it. However I do have doubts over the length of it as well. The Hobbit was written before the Lord of the Rings trilogy and is a children's book of 310 pages long. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is not a children's book and in total is 1,571 pages long so is about 5 times longer than The Hobbit.

So it seems to me that Peter Jackson has taken The Hobbit and converted it tnto another Lord of The Rings saga. The fact that it has a 12 certificate as does Lord of the Rings suggests that it's not aimed specifically for children but for fans of Lord of the Rings.


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I seem to have missed the bit about biography I've been back through the thread and am still puzzled.

Squiggle, I think El was referring to the above link which was in one of his previous posts.


Good morning everyone. Weather is wet but I don't mind as the ground was parched and in need of some rain.

I slept like a log last night and feel better for it.

Oh lord give me strength, I'm having one of those days! I ran out of milk and couldn't have cereal for breakfast, burned the last hot cross bun and Bramble was a disobedient little grotbag during her walk so I had to discipline her. It was mild but so windy I struggled to walk properly and now it's raining lol Hopefully it's onwards & upwards from now on! Just waiting for our ride to pick us up Yes el, I agree about the hobbit, and I think three films is a money making plan. They could have crammed it all into one long film, or two films I've never seen lord of the rings, I tried once but got bored after 30 mins
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I hope your day improves You are right about The Hobbit being made into a money making plan. The other two films have been filmed and the release dates have been pre-planned, one mid December this year, and the other mid December next year in order to be the Christmas number one.


Peter Jackson made the Lord of the Rings films very much for the fans of the book. Unless you are a fan of the book, it's unlikely that you would be a fan of the films. I have read the three parts of the book. It's very long and uneven in tone (it was written over a few years). I have seen the 3 films. I felt the third one was little more than one battle scene after another, Technically impressive but too much for me. As for the ending, when you think the story has ended, there's another ending, and then another ending etc. My brother thinks the films are great, but I don't. Peter Jackson also made King Kong. It's a  3 hour film, the first hour is the preparation for the trip to the island, the second hour is on the island where they find King Kong, and the third is back in New York where King Kong goes on the rampage. I'm one of those people you liked the first hour the best as you get to know the characters and their backgrounds, and it's quite a good view of the depression hit 30s.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Very windy here el, and I have to walk bramble in it early and then drop her off at MIL's. we're heading out for the afternoon to celebrate SIL's birthday It's a great way to avoid the inevitable Newcastle vs Sunderland match chaos too

Riot police called in at Newcastle to deal with outbreaks ot trouble after Newcastle were beaten by Sunderland.

I hope this isn't causing problems for you.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aw that sounds nice what did you eat? Have they settled in to their new place? is Harvey still with you too? The fish bowl has gone I can't fill it with frogs or ducks now!

Yes, they're settling in fine together - although there have been a few isues about the amount of washing son produces.

Harvey is still here until tomorrow. He and Keira are snoozing atm, with Harvey snoring his head off.

Aww, no more fish bowl, that's sad. You could have done so much more with it.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
No plans for tomorrow, dog walk with SIL on Tuesday and MIL's MOT on wed. Lots of lazing about in between

Lazing about sounds like a good plan.

I've got to catch up on all the jobs I have neglected in recent days. There is a big pile of ironing waiting for me, so I am going to tackle it tomorrow.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol same yogi, the Hoover needs to do some series work and there's piles of washing everywhere Yogi, guess what I'm eating! I think moving in together takes some adjusting to lol

Ain't that the truth!


Oooh, you aren't eating pancakes, are you?

I am starting a diet tomorrow - only four months till my middle son gets married, so I need to get a move on!


P.S. Check your PMs.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Mr summer wants to lose a stone, so we're both being good next week Are you waiting to buy an outfit?

I need to get something really nice but so far I haven't seen anything I like. Some of the mother of the groom/bride stuff is very frumpy, and other stuff is more suited to a size 6 supermodel. I need to find something in between.

Edit: I'd like to lose the stone before I buy anything, so I better get a move on!

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Very tricky! You'd think they'd be far more available because there's more mums than brides! Anything nice in m&s?

Not that I've seen. 

When you go to specialist Mother of the bride/groom shops, the prices are ridiculous but, at the same time, you need to get something special, that another guest isn't likely to turn up in.

When I bought my outfit for eldest son's wedding, Mr Yogi was like, "HOW MUCH?!" and I had to pick him up off the floor.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Seems such a waste doesn't it! They're such pretty clothes too. Least they double up for christenings, provided they're different people hosting the event. I'm trying to think of where you could look, my SIL's always dress lovely for occasions. Monsoon is a favourite of one of them

Yes, Monsoon do some lovely clothes.


Going to toddle off to bed now, see you tomorrow, Summer.

Goodnight, sweet dreams.


Good morning everyone. Weather was windy and wet overnight. Hopefully it will brighten up today.

Enjoy your lie in, Summer, and your pottering about.

I missed last night's Antiques Roadshow, El. Is it worth a look on catch up?

I have recorded Endeavour and will watch it whilst ironing today. I'll need something to relieve the boredom.


Good morning everyone, nice and dry here but cloudy.


I am glad you have a few days off Summer - all the more time to eat pancakes but you could do with a break.  Good luck with the housework girls, especially the ironing Yogi.  I don't mind ironing but you do need something to listen to or watch while you are doing it.  I hate it though if you are watching something and they have a bit where you have to watch like a hawk when you are tackling something tricky.  If it were like the soaps you can practically just listen and not miss a thing. 


It does take some adjusting when you first start living together, especially the amount of washing.  Our first year of marriage we had so many rows I'm surprised we stayed together.


Clothes shopping can be a real problem.  Colours annoy me, I hate sludgy colours and it's very difficult to find something nice.  To be honest I gave up years ago on the high street, I tend to rely on catalogues, some of the ranges nowadays can be surprisingly nice and of course if you don't like something when it comes or it doesn't look right, back it goes.  I ordered two cardigans recently.  I was looking for a mint green one, the first I ordered came through in a sludgy horrible green.  I didn't even unpack it but phoned the courier.  Then I saw one online from Wallis, beautiful, mint green lace at the front over the knitted bit, beautiful colour and very reasonable.  Good luck and let us know how you get on both with dropping a few pounds and finding the right outfit.

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