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Good morning raining and very dull over here today. El, do you think that owl is strawberry flavoured? Or raspberry? Or even, cherry?! Have a good day yogi hope to see you later How are you today Squiggle? Moonie, I looked well cool this morning talking about football with a little lad for skylark, wherever she may be, come back soon because we miss you
~Sparkling Summer~

Why did you have such a bad night's sleep?  You must be worn out are you working as well?


I shall get there with the housework but I shall split it up into little chunks.  I only have a little bit left to do but lost a day yesterday as my grandson and two of his friends came over - they are such huge big lads nowadays and although they were very good I couldn't exactly whiz around with a hoover could I?

Lol not really squiggle, but my best friend would have! Which grandson was it? We're they all in good spirits? Just a few work things on my mind squiggle, nothing to worry about just some changes I've had to get my head around I'm usually a very good sleeper! I'm sure I'll make up for it tonight. Mr summer appears to be walking Bramble later too so I might just have an early night
~Sparkling Summer~

There was an item of news on the television about people saving money when selling their house by advertising it themselves rather than using estate agents.


When I bought my house I heard about it from the vicar at the time. It used to be a curate's house but Church House had decided to sell it. I had a look over the house, got in touch with Church House before they had been in touch with estate agents. Church House agreed to sell me the house and knocked off what they would have had to pay the estate agents against the cost.

When I and my brother sold our parents' house, it was a private sale to someone I had known for years. So no estate agents fees involved.

So I've never used estate agents and have benefited from the cost savings.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Don't forget that Endeavour returns tomorrow on ITV 8 to 10.

Shaun Evans as the young Endeavour Morse and Roger Allam as DI Fred Thursday from the pilot are back. Their new boss is Chief Supt Bright played by Anton Lesser (whose voice I think is one of the best in acting).

Thank you for the reminder, El.

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