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Morning everyone.    The tribe have just popped out to the shops so I thought I would take the opportunity to stop by and say hello.

I suppose Josie winning the pass to the final wasn't such a bad thing as she would probably have been there anyway.  At least we will now have a small chance of getting rid of Dave, JJ1 and JJ1 before final night. 

Will try and get back again later.  Enjoy your weekend, whatever you are doing. 
It's sort of stopped raining here in Gloucester now. I think we've had a bit more than the 0.1mm promised us locally on the weather forecast website  - that one which tends to come up with some strange forecasts (like the time it forecast winds in excess of 300 mph!). Anyway, not surprisingly the international balloon fiesta down in Bristol has really suffered from the weather over the last 3 days with most of the take offs having to be cancelled.

Here's a clip from last year's event.
El Loro
Topless squiggles - what ever next

You remember my new boiler - and yesterday because of the cool weather, the central heating came on. It came on again today, but then I noticed that the boiler was making horrible noises - it's obviously a serious fault as now no water is getting through the radiators, and if I try to get any hot water, the noise starts again and I'm not sure that it's even heating up the water. It's just as well that this has happened before the cold weather really sets in, but it's not looking good at present. I have the personal mobile number of one of the heating engineers, in case I wanted any plumbing being done. So I rang him first thing, but of course today being Sunday, nothing can be done until tomorrow. At least the horrible noise stopped after a good half hour, but I'm not trying the hot water at present, and I turned down the thermostat so that the boiler shouldn't try to heat any water.

I've posted this bit elsewhere but post it here as well in case it's of interest. As I haven't been following BB particularly, I do not know if this is general knowledge or not. But I've just been checking the Channel 4 BB timings on the Radio Times website. Obviously this Firday's eviction segment is longer to allow for 4 evictions, and the following Tuesday 24 being final day is a lot longer - that won't be news to anyone. But what may be news is that the Friday 27 has exactly the same timings as this Friday's, which suggests that 4 of the ultimate housemates will be evicted then. The Radio Times does not go beyond that Friday.
Apologies if this is already known, but if it isn't then it will be of interest.
El Loro
I've just had the bolier man come to see what the problem was. From my description he realised that the water pressure had zeroed out hence no hot water or heating, and the horrible clunking sounds from the boiler. There were a number of possibilites, but in any case he started away, and he was eventually able to restore the pressure and get back the hot water and heating throughout the house. He assumed that a apring loaded safety valve on the vent to the outside had probably got stuck, but had now snapped back into place once the pressure was restored.

So he put away his toolkit, and we went downstairs. As he went out through the fron door, we started chatting. And then I noticed something - there was the souind of water dripping in the cupboard by the fromt door where the old boiler was. Now in the past on the rare times I heard a dripping sound, I took it from coming from the old boiler which British Gas said did sometimes leak - not seriously. But of course I knew immediately that this couldn't be the old boiler because it's gone - the new boiler is upstairs in what was the airing cupboard. So I called the man back (It's just as well that I had been chatting with him). The dripping was coming from the ceiling which would be below the radiator in the small front bedroom. So we went back upstairs to investigate, and found that there is a leak coming from the exit pipe from the radiator. This explains why the pressure had fallen causing the problems. One of the other engineers will come back in the next couple of days to do the necessary repairs, but in the meantime the radiator has been turned off and effectively locked off from the rest of the system. Of course this was the first time the hot water system would have been going through the house at that temperature (because we had to turn it up to make the thermostats operate) for weeks, and my guess is that either the leak which I had heard from the old boiler was in fact from this radiator, or that the power cleaning I had after installation revealed a pipe weakness which had become apparent once the cleaning had been done.

This bolier is becoming a bit of a saga, hopefully this will be an end to it.
El Loro
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