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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, if you look at the same site I posted earlier at this page you will see links to quite a lot of Hans Christian Andersen's stories including The Brave Tin Soldier which squiggle mentioned:

For me The Little Match Girl is possibly the most poignant short story I have ever read.

How odd that they have changed the name, it was integral to the story that he was steadfast

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I can't get those links to load, it must be because I'm on my phone. They'll work on the iPad I'm sure Would you believe, it's been snowing here

I assume it must be because you are on your phone - I don't think there's anything odd about the links.

Crazy weather with it snowing in your area. Here it's 9 outside so although a bit below what it should be, there's no possibility of it snowing here.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is nice and bright today.

Thank you for the hug Summer. Has your snow gone yet?

I love the puppy on the moon pic, seriously cute.

I've had big H since Sunday night, he is on his last sleepover before DiL starts her maternity leave tomorrow. Not long to go now!

I'm hoping to take a trip to the garden centre this afternoon to pick up some bits and pieces, in the hope that Spring really is going to make an appearance soon. *crosses everything*


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and the easterly wind seems to have returned making it feel cool. There may be some rain here today.


Cute pic, Summer . I think it depends on the strength of the mobile phone signal as to what you can load. My house seems to be in a poor zone for high quality mobile phone strength, but further down the road it's OK.

El Loro
Good morning cold and overcast here, but no more snow Yogi, luckily none of it settled yesterday Is Houdini behaving himself this week? I hope the garden centre has something nice waiting for you. I'd like a variegated holly bush The link worked just fine on the iPad, thank you I'm off tomorrow so hopefully can read at least 1 short story
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer. No Houdini escapes since Mr Yogi put up the chicken wire fencing - downside is, the garden looks like a chicken run.

Towards the end of last year, my dad gave me a cutting from the big holly bush in his garden. I potted it up and over-wintered it in the greenhouse and it is coming along nicely. It isn't a variegated variety though.

I have to find a replacement for a large clump of carnations which were ruined last year. No idea what to get, I think I'll just see what the garden centre has and take it from there.


Good morning everyone, still cold and from the looks of the forecast this cold weather is due to go until the end of the month.  I don't think I can remember an April as cold as this one.


Good luck at the garden centre Yogi, I really envy gardeners like Alan Titchmarsh who can look at a flower bed or a dry area or boggy area in the garden and know exactly what will do well there.  We had so much trial and error in our last place before we established our garden.


The pup picture is seriously cute Summer.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Thanks yogi, that's brilliant! I didn't know to use sand instead of soil. also, the section on how to prune the bush is useful, I'm going to do that to our existing bush when the cold weather is gone I think I'm a qualified gardener now

Summer, I changed the link to an easier way to do it, and there's no sand required.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, the link below should explain how to do it properly, but my dad just gave me a decent sized cutting which I potted up.

Good afternoon, Moonie.

Hiya Yogi 

How's you today?

I'm okay, thanks Moonie, how are you doing?

That's good 

I'm okay fankoo 

That's good.

Oh thanks yogi, that's even easier! I'm pleased they're easy & hardy, I can do that The hard part will be introducing myself to the owner of the holly bush, but I know his/her neighbour quite well so I'll sound them out. I'd much prefer to ask than just go snip a bit off like a ninja in the night! Shame it's not in a park really, but if I have Bramble with me and smile sweetly, I think we stand a reasonable chance...
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh thanks yogi, that's even easier! I'm pleased they're easy & hardy, I can do that The hard part will be introducing myself to the owner of the holly bush, but I know his/her neighbour quite well so I'll sound them out. I'd much prefer to ask than just go snip a bit off like a ninja in the night! Shame it's not in a park really, but if I have Bramble with me and smile sweetly, I think we stand a reasonable chance...

 @ Ninja Summer. It probably would be better to ask for a cutting but the ninja would be more fun.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi moonie Who's playing today?

Hiya Sweet 

Galatasaray SK v Real Madrid 7-30 

In that case, Mr Yogi will be sent upstairs again.

OMW! norty very norty  

I'm prepared to compromise. He can stay downstairs and I'll go upstairs.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh thanks yogi, that's even easier! I'm pleased they're easy & hardy, I can do that The hard part will be introducing myself to the owner of the holly bush, but I know his/her neighbour quite well so I'll sound them out. I'd much prefer to ask than just go snip a bit off like a ninja in the night! Shame it's not in a park really, but if I have Bramble with me and smile sweetly, I think we stand a reasonable chance...

Most definitely  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi moonie Who's playing today?

Hiya Sweet 

Galatasaray SK v Real Madrid 7-30 

In that case, Mr Yogi will be sent upstairs again.

OMW! norty very norty  

I'm prepared to compromise. He can stay downstairs and I'll go upstairs.

Nah, if you say that to him he will take pity on you and let be in the comfort of downstairs 

Link copied to your clipboard.