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Lori said something about some work during bus stop time, but they didn't know our clocks had changed.. Yogi, I was trying to wake myself up a bit, I forgot to set my sunrise lamp and the morning wasn't dark but it wasn't light, so I didn't wake as easy as I like I thought the blue birds were cute Happy Friday everyone and hugs for our absent friends
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, I would love to say it's a beautiful day and it is apart from that awful north east wind.  They were saying on Radio Devon yesterday that down at Torquay they have this wind constantly for 2 months out of the last 3 and they never get a prevailing wind from that direction down there.


I logged off early yesterday so didn't get the cogs.  One thing I did notice was that my protection system gave me a warning yesterday every time I came on this site, and this site only, that it had prevented a malicious website making contact.


There were only about 5 guests yesterday at our meeting but I swear every one of us, if offered, would have taken Teddy home with us.  I have honestly never seen such a cute puppy, when he tried to wag his tail his whole bottom end waggled


Summer, looking at the bus stop thread I see that Lori did confirm there had been some work on the software. The States change their clocks on a different day to the UK. They changed it on 10 March compared to our 31 March. Leter in the year they change it on 3 November, we change it on 27 October.


Squiggle, odd about the malicious website warning yesterday. My a/v s/w has a similar warning built into it but I got no warnings. Hopefully you aren't still getting warnings today.

El Loro

With this morning's news that Hilco have bought all remaining HMV shops inclsuding the ones earmarked for closure but not yet closed, there's some hope that the ones in Gloucester and Cheltenham may remain open. Although the store in Gloucester is quite small, the one in Cheltenham is one of the larger ones and closure of those would leave next to nothing in terms of DVDs in Gloucestershire.

El Loro

Just been talking on the phone to David Frost. Not the well known David Frost but someone who works at the company which provides me with my accounts and tax software.


It reminded me that many years ago at school one of the teachers was the brother in law of the well known David Frost. That's why I knew that David Frost's middle name is Paradine.

El Loro

Just seen confirmation on my local news website that the HMV stores in Gloucester and Cheltenham have been saved from closure for the time being as part of the Hilco deal

The Cheltenham lease has been extended to July when a decision will be made on its future but HMV are likely to want to keep a presence in Cheltenham.

El Loro
evening! Very busy day at work some great customers though Had a lovely dog walk afterwards and just ate some corn on the cob- delicious! Squiggle I'm pleased your protection software is so good, the other day when I got booted out, I had wondered if it was to prevent a malicious site connecting. Fortunately el says not I hope you've all had a good day I'm going to run a bath but I'll be back
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

A film question for you. In which much loved film was the lead character originally called Connie Gustafson?


Can be found here

I didn't have a clue, so had to click the link, El.


Good morning everyone. Frosty, sunny morning up here.

I need to go to the garden centre for some compost to top up my raised bed. I'm sure Mr Yogi can be persuaded to accompany me, if I tempt him with the idea of coffee and cake in the cafÃĐ.

I have managed to incorporate two horizontal lines into this post and can't get rid of them.

See you later.

Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, much more pleasant this morning, my goodness I am starting to believe in Spring


I never would have got that answer if I'd tried all day EL


I believe Mr Yogi would do most anything if it involved Easter Eggs or cake Yogi , have a good time at the garden centre.

 You know him so well, Squiggle.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
connie gustofasen! I think the name they used has a better ring to it Good afternoon everyone sunny but cold here Squiggle, I literally just started that book last night! I read the newer one first because it was set at christmas

I agree, Holly Golightly seems a warmer name than Connie Gustafson, In the novella Holly is nothing to do with the plant holly but is short for Holiday.

El Loro

A local woman knocked at the door earlier this afternoon. She's collecting petitions against the running of an event called SportBeatFest during Friday to Sunday night across Plock Court which is extremely close to where I live. It's a mix of sporting, music and cultural events and is expected to attract very substantial numbers. The music events will run to 11 at night for the 3 evenings. Those who aren't staying in hotels will be able to camp at Plock Court. Parking will cause major problems as the surrounding roads including my road will become effectively carparks. The music events include The Feeling and The Lighning Seeds. Also the runner up at last year's The Voice - Bo Bruce.


The organisers clearly haven't considered the fact that Plock Court is surrounded by houses, not in the countryside, and that parking will be horrific. I've been in touch with one of the churchwardens as our church fete would normally be held on the Saturday afternoon. If the festival goes ahead, then there's little point in the fete going ahead that day as either people would be going to the festival or going away on holiday to avoid the noise. One of my clients happened to ring me and I told him about this as well. He's on the village hall committee and lives on the other side of Plock Court. I've given him the details of the woman who is canvassing on my side on Plock Court as he is the sort of person who could well want to join forces with her and arrange petitioning on his side.


The festival may well be very popular but would you like it if something like Glastonbury was held a couple of hundred yards from where you live.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes yogi, I'm a light weight and drinking mojitos, through a straw! I have eaten some nachos and half a chicken fajita

 I hardly ever drink. Last time it was a bottle of pear cider which son gave me. After half a bottle, I could feel the effects - son was disgusted at his lightweight mother. Mind you, it is the only time I've been called" light weight" for ages.

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