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Good morning partially sunny here, but the birds are chirping like it's spring Very late night last night! SIL & co. are so funny, I wish they lived closer. They've still got plenty of snow, and Bramble did a very long walk in it and got so tired that mr summer had to carry her for the last 1/2 mile! I let her lay in this morning What is everyone doing today?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Apart from the cold it's a lovely sunny day here without a cloud in the sky. And I can see the moon in the blue sky.

I saw it too, a very clear half moon.  If only it were a good few degrees warmer it would be a lovely Spring morning, blue skies and fluffy white clouds, it's that chilling east wind though.


Hope everyone had a good Bank Holiday, Yogi and Summer have you come across that Milly Johnson book The Wedding Dress which is only in ebook form, I think it cost me about 87p - 3 short stories, I haven't read it yet.


Yogi, I'm glad the pain is easing off.

I have seen the trailer for Endeavour. My guess is that it will start not this coming Sunday but the following Sunday in the Foyle's War slot.


It's just as well that my brother didn't come down over Easter. I would be just about to take him to the railway station now. I was going to deliver a letter to a client just now only to find that my car has died. I've contacted a local garage who will send someone round probably tomorrow to see if they can sort it out. They think it most likely to be the battery being killed off by the cold weather.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

But I would then need breakdown cover for myself

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

But I would then need breakdown cover for myself

Hmmm, have you not got any hefty blokes in your family/street? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

But I would then need breakdown cover for myself

Hmmm, have you not got any hefty blokes in your family/street? 

I'm sure I could ask a neighbour to but I won't. I'm a chartered accountant and my institute would definitely expel me if I got caught and done for insurance fraud.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

But I would then need breakdown cover for myself

Hmmm, have you not got any hefty blokes in your family/street? 

I'm sure I could ask a neighbour to but I won't. I'm a chartered accountant and my institute would definitely expel me if I got caught and done for insurance fraud.

 in that case it's a definite no-no then 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

But I would then need breakdown cover for myself

Hmmm, have you not got any hefty blokes in your family/street? 

I'm sure I could ask a neighbour to but I won't. I'm a chartered accountant and my institute would definitely expel me if I got caught and done for insurance fraud.

 in that case it's a definite no-no then 

I thought you would agree

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Oh no, El! I hope whatever is wrong with the car, it's something easy to sort and inexpensive.



By the way, although I have breakdown cover, it only applies where my car is at least 1/4 mile from home so I can't claim on that.

El, move it that distance from your home then Whistling smileys

But I would then need breakdown cover for myself

Hmmm, have you not got any hefty blokes in your family/street? 

I'm sure I could ask a neighbour to but I won't. I'm a chartered accountant and my institute would definitely expel me if I got caught and done for insurance fraud.

 in that case it's a definite no-no then 

I thought you would agree


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh no, both yogi and el Yogi I hope you at least thoroughly enjoyed your pineapple when you ate it hope you soon feel better El, I hate it when car's go wrong I hope it's a simple case of battery charging or replacing and nothing more

I think it almost certainly is a case of the battery needing to be replaced as I don't recall the battery ever been replaced in the 9 years I've had this car. There have been sharp frosts in my area and that's probably killed the battery off.

El Loro

I hope it's just a flat battery EL.  It happened to me at about the same time last year.  I do have home cover with my insurance and so I called the AA and he got the car going for me and then I had to drive about 5 miles to National for a new battery, terrified that if the car stalled on me I wouldn't get it started again.  I left it running while I went into National in case they couldn't get it into the workshop but they said to just turn it off well how was I to know?

Hi moonie Sorry I didn't see your post earlier, I had a loopy dog chasing mr summer round the coffee table and I decided she needed a walk right away! She caught her first bunny yesterday the poor bunnies are starving with the snow covering their grass, so they're weak and slow El, I know a couple of people who have frauded breakdown insurance by pushing it 1/4m away from their homes, and a chap who has had many a "deer run out in front of his car"
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning I'm delaying getting up but can't get away with it for much longer, but there's birds singing outside and sun shining on the curtains so I'm hopeful for a nice day. I have to take mr summer's car for it's MOT Erm, it didn't end well yogi, but from the looks of things I think Bramble may have actually done that poor starving bunny a favour. The snow is still deep and there's no grass showing, and it's been like that for a couple of weeks now. The rabbits have stripped bark off tree trunks, which apparently shows how desperate they have become
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


A mix of blue sky and cloud here. Sharp overnight frost is slowly going.


Summer, sad about the bunnies This winter has been savage for livestock and wild life.

I've noticed your crashing problem and have sent you a dialog to see if that also crashes the app,

I hope Mr Summer's car gets through the MOT without it costing a lot.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I'm back There's no way that car is passing without some work, the hand brake doesn't work! It's a beautiful morning, it's cold but the sun is out brightly so I took a couple of detours on the walk home, miss bramble has had a lovely long walk

Sounds like he needs a new handbrake cable, Summer.

I hope it isn't too costly.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, like everyone else it's a beautiful morning but so bitter cold.  Oh poor bunny, it must be desperate for these little creatures.  At least we can feed the birds.


Good luck for Mr Summer's car, and hope you manage to get yours sorted too EL.

I have been increasing the amount of seed I put out for the birds, Squiggle, as their other options for food are so limited atm.

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