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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol I love it I've often been tempted to switch off the electric to the shower when mr summer is in it, but his revenge would last much longer than the prank! I tie knots in his pj legs though and lay them on the bed so he can't see them...

 Are you related to my dad, he ties the sleeves on visitors' jackets?

I have been tempted to switch the light off when Mr Yogi is in the shower but he has a phobia about water in the dark, so that would be cruel - but it would be funny to hear him scream like a girl.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I once put a fake spider in mr summers side of the bed, he jumped when he pulled back the duvet! Oh yogi it's been to long since I did something like that, I'm determined to cause some mischief now

I would have screamed the house down if you'd done that to me, I am terrified of spiders!

Mr Yogi and my mum once put the feathery green top of a carrot onto my neck and I thought it was a spider - I nearly murdered them!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Your turn moonie, give us some ideas

The old favourite, itching powder, wherever you are norty enough to put it 

I can think of some good places to put it.

Evil person 

Me too  

We are evil twinnies.

Indeed we are 

Hope you're all having a nice easter, I'm waiting for my iPhone to get some new software, I always get a little nervous that it won't work and the phone will die on me! Silly I know. Also, I found my first grey hair, something I always thought wouldn't bother but it did! Youth does not last and that of course includes myself I can still be a childish grown up, even when my body changes though I've been playing with clay again, I'm making some decorations for a friend and a decoration for our bedroom wall. I squeezed in a Kettlebell workout too We'll be heading out shortly to SIL's, there's no phone signal but I may be able to get on to their wifi
~Sparkling Summer~

Wow Summer, you have been busy! What sort of decorations have you been making? Don't worry about your single grey hair, I've got hundreds of them! If they start to breed, there's always hair dye.

I decided I didn't want to spend all of Easter Monday cleaning cupboards, so I have done half of them and will finish the others tomorrow. 

The sun is sining here so Keira and I went off for a walk - there is still an icy wind! Anyway, we both enjoyed the walk and it looks like she is about to settle down for a nap now.

Middle son is popping in for a visit. His fiancÃĐe is working today and he's a bit bored. Perhaps I can persuade him to do a partial water change on my fish tank.

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