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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I don't think that they need a think tank! I'm quite amazed at the things that people regard as conventional spending even without new stuff! But yes! Business people are particularly at risk. We have many scam advertisers calling several times a week.

I used to get scam advertisers ringing me from time to time. It's been quite some time since I've had one though as I think they realised that as I'm the only person who answers they are wasting their time.


If it's the type of advertiser who rings to check where they want the diaries or whatever to be delivered I just ask them for the order number that I supposedly gave them when I ordered the diaries. That stoped them in their tracks.


The best one was the time that I told the man who was ringing me that I knew that this was a scam. He then admitted to me that in the office he was known as Ron the Con.

El Loro
evening all I've had a busy day! But I'm home, bathed and drinking wine now SIL came over with 3 of her dogs for a walk after work and it was a lovely sunny evening. Bramble was oh so so happy to have some friends to walk with, but is now in a big sulk because they're gone. Well, sort of; she kept whinging after they'd gone so she got told to hush it, and then she went in to a sulk... We'll see them all on Monday so she'll be happy again then Has everyone had a good day?
~Sparkling Summer~

Evening Summer.  @ Bramble's sulk. Keira sometimes does that when Harvey goes home, and she does this sort of  "hmmmmm" noise to indicate she ain't a happy bunny.

I went out with hubby and middle son to look for ideas for decorating my hall and stairs. I don't want another neutral this time but can't decide between red (for the carpet not the walls) or dark green. I'll probably end up with blue!

I showed my son the fish police pic - he liked it.

Off for a bath and a read, catch up tomorrow.


PS  I hope everyone remembers to put their clocks forward.



Good morning and Happy Easter to everyone.

I love that hymn, El.

Lovely Easter pics, Summer and Squiggle.

Mr Yogi was eating a bit of his Easter Egg and Keira was sitting as close to him as she could possibly get (we never ever give her chocolate, unless it's special doggy chocolate). Mr Yogi was tormenting her by blowing in her face, and her tongue was licking the chocolate air. He did give her a couple of doggy treats afterwards, to make up for it.


Not surprisingly that was the opening hymn in church this morning - the 3 verse version rather than the 10 verse one.

As part of the refreshments afterwards we had slices of a rather nice chocolate cake which had hundreds & thousands sprinkled on top.

The curate is off on a well deserved 2 week break as from tomorrow. She seems to have fully recovered from the bugs she had for the last few weeks.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning and Happy Easter to everyone.

I love that hymn, El.

Lovely Easter pics, Summer and Squiggle.

Mr Yogi was eating a bit of his Easter Egg and Keira was sitting as close to him as she could possibly get (we never ever give her chocolate, unless it's special doggy chocolate). Mr Yogi was tormenting her by blowing in her face, and her tongue was licking the chocolate air. He did give her a couple of doggy treats afterwards, to make up for it.

Happy Easter Yogi and all in the Buddies

Norty Mr Yogi teasing Keira  but well done for giving her some doggy after 



Help yourselves 

Lol at mr yogi & Keira sometimes I blow in bramble's face so she can smell what food I've eaten, mr summer thinks it torments her but I think it satisfies her curiosity. Pleased to hear that your curate is well again el, and that today's service went well. I've caught up on lots of housework, it's great to have the energy again, I've felt very tired lately. I'm just waiting for mr summer to get changed and we'll walk bramble. It's sunny outside
~Sparkling Summer~

Happy Easter, Moonie. 

Is that an egg tree.

I'm glad your service went well, El. I hope the two week break will help restore your curate  to full health.

Enjoy your walk, Summer. The weather here is brighter and milder than of late, so I have been in the greenhouse and have "potted on" some tomato and pepper plants. I've had to put them back into my hall for the moment but hope they can soon go into the greenhouse.

Mr Yogi has been watching The Lion King and singing along to the songs.  Our sons loved that film when they were small, but I think Mr Yogi loved it more!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Happy Easter, Moonie. 

Is that an egg tree.

I'm glad your service went well, El. I hope the two week break will help restore your curate  to full health.

Enjoy your walk, Summer. The weather here is brighter and milder than of late, so I have been in the greenhouse and have "potted on" some tomato and pepper plants. I've had to put them back into my hall for the moment but hope they can soon go into the greenhouse.

Mr Yogi has been watching The Lion King and singing along to the songs.  Our sons loved that film when they were small, but I think Mr Yogi loved it more!

Yep, it is a egg tree 

I see Mr Yogi is still a child at heart then? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Happy Easter, Moonie. 

Is that an egg tree.

I'm glad your service went well, El. I hope the two week break will help restore your curate  to full health.

Enjoy your walk, Summer. The weather here is brighter and milder than of late, so I have been in the greenhouse and have "potted on" some tomato and pepper plants. I've had to put them back into my hall for the moment but hope they can soon go into the greenhouse.

Mr Yogi has been watching The Lion King and singing along to the songs.  Our sons loved that film when they were small, but I think Mr Yogi loved it more!

Yep, it is a egg tree 

I see Mr Yogi is still a child at heart then? 

 Well, that's one way of putting it, Moonie. He's as mad as a hatter, but lovely with it - and life is never boring with him around.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Happy Easter, Moonie. 

Is that an egg tree.

I'm glad your service went well, El. I hope the two week break will help restore your curate  to full health.

Enjoy your walk, Summer. The weather here is brighter and milder than of late, so I have been in the greenhouse and have "potted on" some tomato and pepper plants. I've had to put them back into my hall for the moment but hope they can soon go into the greenhouse.

Mr Yogi has been watching The Lion King and singing along to the songs.  Our sons loved that film when they were small, but I think Mr Yogi loved it more!

Yep, it is a egg tree 

I see Mr Yogi is still a child at heart then? 

 Well, that's one way of putting it, Moonie. He's as mad as a hatter, but lovely with it - and life is never boring with him around.

Thats very sweet Yogi

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Does he play pranks on you yogi?

He and youngest son used to have an ongoing prank. When one of them was in the shower, the other one would sneak in and chuck freezing cold water over them. Fortunately, I was not involved in that bit of madness.


He and I had a childish tapping match today, to see who could get the last hit. I won!


When the boys were small he would teach them silly songs, silly walks and general madness.

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