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Sorry Yogi but I have to say I would not know if you had been here or not.  I'm just not functioning with the forum or BB at the moment!!!  Glad your son has managed to re-stock his fish tank.  No.2 son used to keep tropical fish when he was at home.  Now all we have is an empty tank - which really should be put up for sale.

Sorry about my "sour" BB mood at the moment.  I'm hoping for miracles when the returning HMs go back in.  However I fear I will be disappointed and it will turn out to be like all the other promises of "the best is yet to come" and turn out to be a "damp squib"!! 
Night night Joyron, I do hope that you start to feel the joy of it all again, I feel you are just not enjoying it as much.  Sam has brought the fun back to it for me, he makes me laugh, did you catch his funny little dance that he did for Josie?   Night night El Loro, Skylark if you pop in and as for that naughty Yogi, well night night hun sweet dreams
Afternoon everyone.    I saw that thread on DS Squiggle.  The saying "You don't know what you've got till it's gone" comes to mind. (think that's how it goes).  I'm still glad Ben is out of there.  I wouldn't want him being further punished by that horrible bunch!!  He seems to be enjoying his freedom.  It was great to see him in the clip in the horse task with Ife.

Now that the finish date for this terrible series has been confirmed as 24th August at least we have an end date for the current misery.  Let's just hope and pray the final two weeks are worth watching!! 
Oh dear.  We are back on page 2 again!!!  Wouldn't normally be here but hubby is late home tonight!!  I even felt the need to post a new thread this evening.  It was such a whitewash on BBLB.  I cannot believe that the people on the DS forum are actually congratulating themselves for the "recognition" they have received!!!

Won't be back again until tomorrow.  Sleep tight. 
Good morning - I'm a bit late this morning doing some housework.

I knew that there was supposed to be some shhoting stars last night, but I didn't attempt to look out for them. However as I was drawing my bedrrom curtains last night I saw what seemed to be a very bright star. I went outside for a few moments but realised that it wasn't a shooting star, but it was too bright to be a star. It was over in the East so there was no way in which it could have been Venus which would have set by then anyway. So I guessed it must have been Jupiter, and thanks to an online star chart I have just confirmed it.
El Loro
Morning everyone.  Hope you are all well.  Went out and did my shopping really early this morning as the forecast said it would rain.  Worked out just right as it started to pour down just as I bought the last bags of shopping indoors. 

I assume it will be Jo going tonight.  Then it appears they will be focusing on getting Corin and Sam out.  Not sure if there will be nominations on Monday or whether they will go straight for vote to save.  I think there is probably time for one more round of nominations.  If they stop too soon it could warn the HMs that the series could be ending sooner than they thought.

Will try and keep the thread bumped when I can. 
Following on from my post above, I've just read over on the DS site that the HMs are going to be told about the early end of the series tonight.  They are also going to get the chance to say who they think should win the series and the one with the most votes will get a free pass to the final.  Looks like one of the odious ones will get through without us having the chance to vote them out. 
Following on from my post above, I've just read over on the DS site that the HMs are going to be told about the early end of the series tonight. They are also going to get the chance to say who they think should win the series and the one with the most votes will get a free pass to the final. Looks like one of the odious ones will get through without us having the chance to vote them out.
Do you know if they have to vote in front of each other, or will it be in the DR?
What happens if two HMs get the same amount of votes, will they both get a free pass?
Do you know if they have to vote in front of each other, or will it be in the DR? What happens if two HMs get the same amount of votes, will they both get a free pass?
Cannot answer those questions Yogi.  I only know what I read on DS.  No doubt it will all become clear in due course.  I hope if it's face to face that they have to at least write the person's name down before the results are revealed, otherwise it can never be a fair vote.

Skylark, sorry to hear about your granddaughter being poorly.  I hope the doctors can sort out the problem quickly. 
Hi all, thanks for your kind wishes for the wee one. She is home pooing for Scotland! They havent found the problem, if any, she has a good diet so dont understand why she has these problems. Anyway will  see how she goes . Its aways worrying when they are so small. Will give a plug for the Sick KIds Hospital in Edinburgh, they are fantastic.  xxxxxxx
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