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Good morning everyone


Remaining cloudy and cold here, but dry and the cloud isn't quite as grey as the lasy couple of days, and it's just possible that I may get to see a tiny bit of sunshine.


I'm a bit late on here this morning. First thing I had a look at a thread on the Social Strata help forum, did some experimenting and posted my results there and think I found the cause of the problem that someone on a different Hoop,la site had experienced.


Then I came over here and found that a new user has created a whole lot of spamming threads early this morning. So I had to get rid of them. If you had gone on to the front page of this site first thing you would have seen them, but you can't now.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

It's been a wee while since we've had a newbie spammer, El.

We get them about once a month but this one was a bit different as generally there's only a couple of spam threads created. This time there were 11 which is the most here we've ever had as far as I know.

They seem to be created in the early mornings here which means that most people don't get to see them as I'm likely to be one of the first people on and check first thing.

These computerised spammers seems to come mainly from the States or more likely as today's from China. The posts tend to be very long, rambling and often very poorly written & just weird.

This extract from one of them shows what I mean:


The ankle next, and then each calf, slowly, slowly up to the thigh and almost to every hip. The purpose of condition monitoring is usually to provide valuable information on the health in the insulation with the equipment. With such a cutting-edge digital photo studio, food photography becomes easy.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I wonder what's the purpose of them?



The spamming posts include links to other websites. They may be OK websites selling various things but they are more likely to be sites selling counterfeit goods.

For some strange reason I haven't tried clicking on any of the links and I'm not going to.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I wonder what's the purpose of them?



The spamming posts include links to other websites. They may be OK websites selling various things but they are more likely to be sites selling counterfeit goods.

For some strange reason I haven't tried clicking on any of the links and I'm not going to.

 Very wise.

I'm at work squiggle, had a very busy morning and a snowy lunch break! If everything goes to plan, Bramble and myself will have a very lazy & snugly day at home tomorrow I didn't see your post this morning, we must have been on here at the same time! My owls are from photobucket, but I'm running out of good choices now so I'll have to search google too. Squiggle, your owl was gorgeous Very peculiar about the spammer, what a pain to have to delete them all El
~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon all.


Summer, I think you will find there are a lot more owls on Google than on photobucket

Squiggle, your owl is great. I have to avoid staring at it in case I go cross-eyed (that's for the eyes, not the tongue)


Summer, I was able to remove all of the spammer's threads collectively rather than one by one so it didn't take an excessive amount of time.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

You could be right about the owl eyes EL, mind you if I had butterflies flying around my head I would probably go cross eyed too

Me, I just have bats flying around me in the belfry


Off to read my book. In case I fall asleep don't manage to post later, I will say goodnight now.

Big hugs for the night owls.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

You could be right about the owl eyes EL, mind you if I had butterflies flying around my head I would probably go cross eyed too

Me, I just have bats flying around me in the belfry


Off to read my book. In case I fall asleep don't manage to post later, I will say goodnight now.

Big hugs for the night owls.

Enjoy your book and sleep well if you do nod off Yogi   


Good morning everyone. There has been a dusting of snow overnight. I wonder when this wintery weather is going to end.

I love that night owl, Summer. Did you copy the pic on your iPad? I can never get pics to work when I copy them on my ipad. 

I hope you manage to get a lie in, on your day off.

My baby is coming for a visit this afternoon.

Good morning We've had a covering of snow too, but I've got my own covering of duvet and it's staying that way for at least another hour! Bramble has joined me for a lay in and is at my feet snoring Yogi- if you press your ipad's on/off button and the circular menu button, at the same time, it will take a snap shot of the screen! It's the same for the iPhone, and it's great because you don't need to download anything it goes into your photos, where you can select edit, and then crop. I then save the image, and finally upload to photobucket... I'll show you an unedited snapshot in my next post!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Although it remains cloudy here, there is some weak blue sky trying to show that the sun still exists. The cold continues though I think not as bad as it has been. Either that or I've got used to it.


Summer, I like your owl


This morning I'm due to go to visit my client who lives down the road who had postponed seeing me as her daughter was at home recovering from glandular fever. Her daughter had come down with it a couple of months ago so hopefully is better by now.

El Loro

Summer, your batteries need recharging

It's interesting seeing your iPhone screen picture. Another thing I noticed is that the number of pages for this thread is shown as 267 on iPhone, but on computers there's 666 pages. Me, being the accountant that I am, worked out that it means that, as on computers we get 40 postings per page, you must get 100 postings per page on iPhone screens. That must make for very long pages to go through.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hope the young lady is recovered El, and that it's a nice, smooth job for you

Thank you


Originally Posted by Yogi19:


Testing, testing!

Wonders what Yogi is testing

Oh, I understand now

 It has disappeared.

Link copied to your clipboard.